
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 161

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 161
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"Does Brother Alvin know that there is a lightning bird here?"

After being surprised, Serina couldn't help but curiously asked Alvin. It seemed that Alvin was coming for the lightning bird from the beginning.

As for whether the lightning bird is scary, Serina is not worried at all.

Alvin Doesn’t my brother also have a Latias?

"Yes, I learned about its habitat from Team Rocket. Alvin did not deny it and replied with a smile.

At this moment, Lightning Bird finally discovered the three Alvins who came with bad intentions, and stared at the three of them with extremely sharp eyes.


With a high-pitched cry, the Lightning Bird flapped its wings slightly and flew up. The arc flashed continuously, as if it was ready to attack at any time.

The Lightning Bird is an elf with a very impulsive and violent personality, and has a strong sense of territoriality. If someone Trespassing into its territory.

The lightning bird will be furious!

"are you angry? It seems that his temper is really bad and he needs to be educated."

Alvin raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at the lightning bird with interest. The size of 06 is not particularly large.

It seems to be only about 1.5 meters tall. Logically speaking, an adult lightning bird should be at least 1.6 meters..

In other words, this lightning bird has not yet fully grown up. According to Alvin's observation, its strength should only be about that of the king.

No wonder it is even captured by Ma Zhishi in the comics.

Although the lightning bird with the strength of the king is not suitable for ordinary training It is beyond the reach of experts.

But for real masters, it is really not outstanding.


As if he understood Alvin's words, and also noticed that Alvin was looking down on him, the lightning bird suddenly screamed angrily.

A violent thunder column fell towards the three of Alvin without any warning.!

A transparent wall of light suddenly appeared above the three of them. It was Cattleya’s Miss Goth.

"What a grumpy little guy. If you want to fight, I'll wait for you outside."

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised in an even higher arc. After finishing his words, Miss Goethe teleported the three of them to the outside of the power station.


The Lightning Bird screamed angrily again, and without any hesitation, it flapped its wings and flew towards the door of the power station.

It was going to smash this extremely arrogant human into rubbish!

"come yet? Three evil dragons, come and teach this fried bird how to respect its future master."

Hearing the sharp cry from the power station, Alvin smiled and threw the black elf ball.

A low dragon roar sounded, and three evil dragons floated quietly in the air, waiting for their opponents.

"Three evil dragons, dragon waves!"

Seeing that the Lightning Bird was about to fly out, Alvin raised a nasty curve at the corner of his mouth and commanded the three evil dragons. The three evil dragons did not hesitate, and the green dragon light in their mouths condensed, and in the next moment, it shot towards the power generator that had just flown out. The lightning bird!


The eyes of the lightning bird suddenly shrank, and the arc flashed on its body subconsciously, and the violent one hundred thousand volts rushed forward.


But it was too hasty, the dragon's wave undoubtedly overwhelmed the one hundred thousand volts, and the heavy bombardment On the lightning bird.

The lightning bird flapped its wings with great difficulty to make someone fall. The arc on the golden feathers flashed faster. The furious eyes stared at the three evil dragons in mid-air.

"oh? As expected of the Lightning Bird, can it still fly after being attacked by three evil dragons head-on?"

Erwin raised his eyebrows and smiled teasingly. After all, the divine beast is a divine beast. Its physical strength and physique are indeed much better than those of ordinary elves.


Hearing Alvin's teasing, the Lightning Bird seemed even more angry. A terrifying thunder light shot up from it and shot directly into the air.

In the blink of an eye, thunderclouds piled up, and terrifying golden arcs continued to appear in the thunderclouds. flash past

"Mine control?"Alvin looked at the thunder clouds with interest. The Lightning Bird is an elf that is very good at controlling thunder.

Because of this, it can change the weather, which also makes the Lightning Bird often called the God of Thunder!

As the Lightning Bird rises again, With a cry, the thundercloud in mid-air suddenly exploded, and a huge thunder column fell fiercely from the thundercloud.


"Dragon Star Group!"Alvin said calmly with a faint smile on his lips.

The three evil dragons let out a dragon roar, and in their mouths, a dragon star cluster formed by condensing dragon energy rose directly towards the thunder pillar. The thunder pillar fell on the dragon star. On top of the group, it seemed that it did not affect the Dragon Star Group at all. The Dragon Star Group rose straight into the sky carrying the Thunder Pillar.

"Chirp? ?!"

The Lightning Bird tilted its head and looked at all this with a confused face. Even in a furious state, it understood at this moment that this elf that it had never seen before seemed to be far stronger than it.

Should I run away?

But the next moment , but the Lightning Bird has no time to think about the life philosophy of"do you want to lose face by running away?"

Because as the dragon stars burst in the sky, the overwhelming dragon meteors have already fallen towards it


The feathers all over the Lightning Bird seemed to stand on end, and it turned around and ran away without looking back. The terrifying Dragon Meteor came at it from the air with flaming dragon energy. It had to be hit twice. ?

Fuck you!

"Want to run? Three evil dragons!"

Seeing this, Alvin couldn't help but laugh.

It should be said that they are indeed three stupid birds.

This idea of running away if they can't be hit is really something.

The three evil dragons let out a dragon roar, waved their wings, and in a blink of an eye they were behind the Lightning Bird, blocking the way.

Blocking its retreat, the Lightning Bird angrily released a blast of 100,000 volts at the three evil dragons, but the three evil dragons resisted without even blinking an eyelid or losing a single hair.

It He didn't take the Lightning Bird's attack seriously 380.

Before the Lightning Bird could yell in anger, the Dragon Meteor was already close at hand.

"Chirp? ?"

With the frightened"chirping" sound of the Lightning Bird spread across the sky, the dragon meteor hit the Lightning Bird heavily. The Lightning Bird screamed in pain, and its body was hit hard to the ground, but before it could get up, it fell to the ground again. It was a dragon meteor that struck down

"So pitiful……"Seeing the lightning bird being bombarded by dragon meteors, Serena's eyelids twitched and she couldn't help but mourn for the lightning bird.

Well~ But after all, he is a legendary elf, so he shouldn’t be so reluctant to fight, right?

The Dragon Star Group ended quickly, and Alvin slowly walked to the Lightning Bird.

At this moment, Lightning Bird no longer looked like it was just leisurely and comfortable in the power station.

The golden feathers were messy and even scorched black, and the proud head was weakly leaning on the ground, and his eyes were a little dull.

"It's still too weak. I can't even withstand the dragon star cluster. But it doesn't matter. Come with me.~"

"I'll make you stronger."

Elvin took out an elf ball with a lightning symbol and smiled at the Lightning Bird. The Lightning Bird turned its head feebly and looked at the human with a pensive look in its eyes.

Become stronger?

Become stronger!


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 161

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