
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 68

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 68
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"Of course, this is the area where the alliance headquarters is located."

Alvin smiled when he heard this, as the first region of the first generation.

The dojo trainers in the Kanto region are indeed the highest quality, Sakagi in Tokiwa City, Orange in Light Red City, Xiaber in Red Lotus Town, and Nazi in Golden City!

Needless to say, these four dojos are the strongest, and Sakaki, the leader of the rocket team, needless to say, a proper champion-level powerhouse, Ah Ju, as the later Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu, does not need to mention his strength.

Xia Bo is a veteran Heavenly King-level powerhouse, Nazi is also not to be underestimated, her super power is a genius, with her own powerful super power, the combat power is equally terrifying.

And the others, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, Ellie, Jia Ma Zhishi and others, are also very good trainers.

Of course, words from anime...

These dojo trainers are indeed very bad, but in the special chapter, these people are very good dojo trainers.

But what exactly is the Kanto like here, who knows.

Putting Natsu's affairs aside, Alvin and Gadria leave the airport to find a hotel to rest.

If it was already late today, although Alvin really wanted to go to True New Town, he would not be in such a hurry to rush to the night.

And at this moment, on the top floor of the headquarters of the Shiruf company.

In the luxurious president's office, on a leather sofa soft chair, a middle-aged man in a suit is looking at the computer in front of the desk.

Or rather, looking at the girl on the video call and listening to her report.

"So that's the case, have you already arrived in Golden City?" The middle-aged man hooked the corners of his mouth and gently swayed the red wine in his right hand, his voice was low and magnetic.

"Yes, it should be right, that girl's superpowers are even greater than mine, and I can't think of anyone else besides them."

A calm and indifferent voice came from the mouth of the black-haired girl, obviously with a very delicate face, but it was expressionless, like a doll.

"Oh? Nazi, I really didn't expect to hear this kind of body from your mouth, and the decent suit sets off the noble temperament of a middle-aged person.

"As the strongest superpower in the Kanto region, will you also admit that you are inferior to others?"

The middle-aged man walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, gently took a sip of red wine, and looked at the prosperous golden market under the night.

"That's the way it is." Nazi replied indifferently.

"Then what kind of attitude do you think we should take towards them?"

The middle-aged man was noncommittal when he heard this, and the magnetic voice came into Nazi's ears on the other end of the video.

"I don't like violence." Nazi still replied in an emotionless voice.

Yes, she doesn't like violence, but she won't give up resorting to violence if middle-aged people really need her.

"Why do you think that? Let's watch quietly, he should be funny. "

The middle-aged man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his deep eyes flickered, this area was already too calm.

New factors are needed to break this situation, and the person who arrives is very suitable!

At the end of the video, the middle-aged man is still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window slowly tasting red, and his mature and stable temperament is like a gentleman and aristocrat who has experienced the world.

"The light of the congregation, huh... It seems that it is a very good situation to focus on the four nasty Kanto Four Heavenly Kings. "

The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something interesting, and forbidden chuckled to himself.

"Meow?" Hearing the owner's self-talk, squatting in the corner to take a nap, the boss slowly raised his head and looked at his master, puzzled.


"Brother, shall we visit Dr. Yukinari Ohki tomorrow?"

In the luxurious hotel room, Gadria, who had just taken a shower and wore a yukata, wiped her thick blonde hair and walked to the living room to ask Alvin.

Although he knew that Alvin's purpose was to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings Championship, the Quartz Conference was still a long time away from officially starting.

Brother must have other things he wants to do, right?

After all, his brother's ambition has never been just the position of the Four Heavenly Kings Champion.

"That's right, this old-timer, but a former champion."

Alvin, who was leaning on the sofa, nodded, put his arm around Gadria's soft body and smiled.

Oki Yukisei is also a very legendary name in this world.

Former Oki Yukinari is a trainer, and also a very powerful champion trainer!

He held the position of four-tenking champion in the Kanto region, but Ohki Yukinari voluntarily left to become a researcher.

Today, Yukinari Ohki is also one of the world's leading research professors, and his reputation is even greater than he once was.

Although he came from the Oki family, Oki Yukinari did not stay in the family, but lived in seclusion in a small town to continue his research career.

He is a very great person who has given everything to the whole world.

"Land of champions?" Gadria blinked her beautiful eyes, and there was a touch of contemplation on her delicate and beautiful face.

She also learned about some of the Kanto region, where Oki Yukinari lives, Shinshin Town, also known as the Land of Champions.

Because in Zhenxin Town, in addition to Ohki Xuecheng, the early four-heavenly king champion, there has also been a four-heavenly king champion!

However, the champion later disappeared, and after that, it was Yulongdu who served as the champion.

"That's right, and the person I'm expecting is also there." Alvin raised a smile and said slowly.

However, at this time, Chief Reim's low and thick telepathy suddenly sounded in the ears of the two.

"Alvin, I sensed it, and the white dragon is also coming!"

Alvin was stunned when he heard this, and then frowned slightly.

The white dragon is undoubtedly Lehiram, but how is it possible?

"Are you sure it's the White Dragon?"

Alvin couldn't help but ask, Lehiram and Czechorom are both first-class gods in the United Regions, and they should not leave the United Regions.

Although there is no explicit rule, the first-level gods of each (good money) region tacitly accept that their territory is their own region.

The first-level gods are proud, and perhaps many first-level gods are disappointed in humans and do not continue to shelter humans.

For example, the Phoenix King is the best example.

But it is also impossible to watch your territory being arbitrarily commuted by other first-level gods.

Of course, following first-level gods who have recognized humans is a special case, and of course they will follow their human partners to other regions.

The first-level gods of the Guandu region are the sea god Lokia and the Phoenix King, and Lokia is a gentle god.

But the big turkey character of the Phoenix King is definitely not good!

"It is absolutely impossible for me to admit their mistake about their breath."

Chief Reim's thick telepathy was tinged with dissatisfaction, apparently annoying to Alvin's words that actually questioned it.


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 68

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