
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 70

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 70
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"How is it still like a child." Alvin felt the warm fragrance nephrite in his arms and stroked Gadria's beautiful blonde hair helplessly.

After all, no one can question Gadria's charm, and Alvin can't guarantee that he will not do anything to rest with Gadria now.

"My brother hasn't slept with me in his arms for a long time." Gadria raised her little head and rubbed it on Alvin's face, narrowing her eyes and whispering comfortably.

Yes, since he grew up, Alvin has begun to deliberately keep his distance from Gadria.

"You're still young." When Erwin heard the words, he had to say so.

Of course, he understood that Gadria didn't mind, but this kind of thing, he preferred to come naturally, rather than just for his own enjoyment.

He liked Gadria very much, that's why he was.

"What's small, brother, don't think I don't know! Obviously brother has gone to that kind of place with lingonberry! "

Gadria was immediately dissatisfied when she heard this, and pouted and pointed ~ at Alvin.

Always using this excuse, it is clear that she - she is already eighteen years old!

“...... You know..." When Alvin heard this, he suddenly looked away a little embarrassed.

This is because of the weakness of the heart.

That's right, in fact, when Alvin was an adult last year, the unorthodox bilberry said that he wanted to take Alvin to experience the happiness of men...

Alvin, who knew it in his heart, really did not refuse because he was curious.

It was taken by lingonberries.

And then......

Ahem, I can only say that Alvin feels really good after experiencing it.

And the place where the lingonberry took him was still very upscale, and the girl was still very beautiful, but Alvin did not really lose his body...

He thought he was still pure, and he didn't feel sorry for Gadria, the girl just helped him...

Ahem, anyway, except for that, the rest of Alvin enjoyed it.

Alvin was hiding this from Gadria, after all, his little fiancée, although she was obedient to him.

But this kind of thing, of course, will definitely be a little resentful.

After all, Gadria doesn't she smell good? Still going outside?

"Hmph~ Brother is true, but for the sake of my brother later reforming his evil, I forgive my brother."

Gadria hummed, although she was a little blocked when she knew it at first, but later Alvin did make her very happy.

Alvin hadn't been since.

What else can you do if you love him, you can only forgive him.

"Not in the future, with Gadria around like this, who still goes to that kind of place, he will get tired of it once."

Alvin couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, this nizi is sometimes really cute.

Alvin gently stroked Gadria's thick blonde hair and said softly, speaking of which, Gadria's blonde hair is really a major feature of Gadria.

Very beautiful and gorgeous, the luster is also non-bright, and it is usually brought up by Gadria with super powers, so that it does not land.

"I like my brother the most." Hearing the sound, Gadria's beautiful blue eyes were bent into a crescent shape, leaning on Alvin's arms and saying happily.

Seeing this, Alvin smiled, feeling the girl's love, he was naturally very comfortable in his heart.


Early the next morning, Alvin opened his eyes early, felt the weight in his arms, and couldn't help but glance down.

I saw Gadria with her eyes tightly closed, lying in his arms and sleeping quietly, sleeping flawlessly and quietly, which made people move.

Seeing this, Alvin smiled heartily, glanced at the window covered by the curtains, and the sunlight shining in through the gap could see that the sun was now shining.

"Get up lazy pig, it's dawn." Alvin pinched Gadria's delicate little nose and called softly.

"Hmm~" Gadria wrinkled her small face slightly, her confused half-sleeping eyes, and when she saw Alvin who was close at hand, a humble smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Brother~Good morning~" Gadria muttered in confusion, leaning her face towards Alvin.

Well, at the moment her mind is not very clear.

"You haven't washed yet, smelly girl."

Alvin's face turned dark, and he pushed away the delicate little face that came over without hesitation, and wanted to kiss me without brushing his teeth?


After Alvin's constant coaxing and deception, Gadria finally got up from her brother's warm arms.

Without regard for the image, he yawned and floated towards the bathroom to get washed, yes, it was.

With superpowers, it is easy for her to control herself from floating.

After the two washed, they left the hotel and set off in the direction of Zhenxin Town on Gadria's giant golden monster.

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Because they bought a map, the two were not afraid to go the wrong way.

"Oni-chan is really excessive! Ming Jiadelia said very fragrantly. "

On the way, Gadria gracefully brushed her hair that was disturbed by the breeze, and complained to Alvin.

After fully waking up, the thought of the morning made Gadria angry, what a wow!

I actually dislike my fragrant sister, my brother is really excessive!

"...," Alvin was silent when he heard this, this kind of thing, it was better not to talk.

Maybe girls are particularly concerned about this problem.

Gadria's giant golden monster is not slow to fly, but Golden City is still some distance from Zhenxin Town.

Even if they picked the nearest route, when Alvin and Gadria arrived in Tokiwa City, it was already late afternoon.

........... 0

"Tokiwa City is already very close to Shinshin Town, let's rest here first."

Disembarking from the giant golden monster, Alvin said to Gadria that man is iron rice and steel.

Although both are among the trainers who stand on top of humans, their physical fitness still needs food to supplement nutrition.

Especially Gadria, although her superpowers are extremely powerful, but she is lazy by nature, and her physical fitness is not much different from ordinary people.

If it weren't for Alvin's urging to exercise occasionally, Gadria's physique would be inferior even to ordinary girls.

After Gadria recovers the giant golden monster, the two slowly walk into Tokiwa City, a prosperous city very close to the land of champions, although it is the first city in the game.

But the owner of Tokiwa Dokan is Sakaki!

He is also the strongest dojo trainer in Kanto!

However, not long after the two entered the city, they found that there seemed to be a riot not far away.

At the same time, Alvin's gaze suddenly fixed on a middle-aged figure.

A decent and luxurious suit, mature and stable temperament, not handsome face with a faint confident smile, temperament is extremely attractive.

Such a middle-aged man, as long as his eyes are not blind, he can see from his appearance that this middle-aged man is extremely extraordinary.

Of course extraordinary, because the name of this middle-aged man is: Sakaki!


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 70

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