
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 78

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 78
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"Che~ still likes to talk to himself so much." Hearing this, Qinglu pouted and muttered, seemingly very dissatisfied with Chi's big words.

"But speaking of which, are you alone? What about your brother Ash? Seeing this, Ohki Xuecheng chuckled twice, wisely changed the topic, looked at the gate curiously, and asked Chi.

Today, there are four rookie trainers who want to receive the elves, namely Qinglu and Xiaomao, Chi and Ash, two pairs of brothers.

However, the time to receive the elves has passed, and Ash has not seen the shadow yet.

"Wise... He seemed to be too excited yesterday night, slept a little late, and may have to come over a little later. "

Hearing Yanchi's smile froze, and then touched his nose with some embarrassment and said, what can he do.

In the morning, he was already trying very hard to wake up Ash, but Ash slept like a pig, and he couldn't wake him up, what could he do...

Ohki Xuecheng's eyelids jumped speechless when he heard this, this hairy child, such an important day as receiving the initial elf can also go wrong.

"Poof... Is it really a shame that you haven't overslept? "

Hearing this, even Qinglu couldn't help but laugh out loud, and did not hesitate to take the opportunity to mock Chi.

"Just take care of yourself." Chi Wenyan replied without hesitation, this guy is still so annoying.

Although they are childhood sweethearts, the two with different philosophies are more like wronged families.

Of course, Green and Red will never admit this.

"What do you say? You smelly fellow, you want to be beaten..."

"Okay, okay, if you want to quarrel, let's wait later, let's pick the initial elves first."

Hearing this, Qinglu exploded instantly, and the calmness in his daily life seemed to exist in front of Chi, and he just wanted to open his mouth to 'communicate' with Chi well.

Ohki Xuecheng covered his forehead with a headache expression and interrupted Qinglu's words, these two guys, people can't stand them being so tormented when they are old.

The two of them usually do this, nothing to do with themselves, Xiao Mao, who hangs high and is quiet as a beautiful man, asks.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the relationship between these two people seems to be very good.

"Huh? Yes, Brother Green and Brother Chi have been like this since childhood, but don't see that they often quarrel and beat each other, the two of them have a good relationship, although it is very naïve. "

Xiao Mao was stunned when he heard this, and then shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, he knew his brother best.

It seems that the mouth is uncomfortable every day without spraying red, but in fact, he cares about the death of Chi.

Chi Ge is the same, these two people belong to the type where the more arguing the relationship, the better.

Alvin glanced at Xiao Mao funny when he heard this, in fact, his relationship with Xiao Zhi should not be much better than that of Red Green, right?

"Dr. Ohki, Ash's elf?" Led by Oki Yukusei to the instrument for the Spirit Ball, Chi hesitated and asked Oki Yukusei.

Although he hates iron but not steel, he is still very worried.

"Huh? That, don't worry, he's ready, you guys pick it first. "

Ohki Xuecheng was stunned when he heard this, and then understood what Chi meant, and smiled comfortingly.

Which elf to Ash, he has already, anyway, it was left by their father to their two brothers.

It's the same for Chi or Ash.

Chi Wenyan sighed with relief, it was good to have elves, he knew his brother very well, to Ash.

No matter what kind of elf, he won't care.

Because Ash likes elves from the bottom of his heart, he will never be picky.

"Okay, then it's this, you all understand the rules, the grass system of the magic frog seed, the fire system of the little fire dragon, the water system of Jani turtle, one person to choose one, and five Spirit Balls to you first."

Then Ohki Xuecheng pointed to the three Pokeballs on the instrument and said slowly to the three, and at the same time took out three bags containing the Pokeballs and handed them to the three.

Alvin and Gadria stood on the sidelines and watched the three receive the initial elves.

This is still very new to them.

Because the Elvin brothers and sisters were not the initial elves they received from the local doctor, but the family had prepared them for them long ago.

"I'll choose the Jeni turtle." Seeing that Chi and Qinglu were glaring at each other without choosing first, Xiao Mao was the first to choose the Jeni turtle that he liked.

"Then I'll choose the Magic Frog seeds." Akami did not continue to be angry with Midori, and picked up the Spirit Ball of the Myo Frog Seed first.

"Little fire dragon." Midori secretly sighed with relief, his heart was originally a little fire dragon.

And just to restrain the wonderful frog seeds selected by Chi, it is the best.

"Thank you Dr. Ohki." After receiving the initial elf, Akagi thanked Dr. Ohki first, and then immediately released the magic frog seed to briefly contact the feelings.

"Huh... Let's work hard, I look forward to your results at the Quartz Conference. "

Ohki Xuecheng was pleased to see this, what he liked the most was to see the vigorous juniors.

"Of course, Alvin Gadria, see you at the Quartz Conference."

Qinglu pouted, then looked at the Alvin brothers and sisters on the side, beckoned and turned and left handsomely.

He doesn't want to delay, he wants to start his own journey and cultivate his elves right away!

He must prove to Alvin at the Quartz Conference that he will never lose to him!

Alvin looked at the green back and couldn't help but shake his head with a low smile, and then looked at Chi.

"Hello, I'm Alvin, and I will also participate in this quartz conference." Alvin stretched out his hand towards Chi and smiled.

'Battle Man' Crimson, the strongest leader of the Four Heavenly Kings he has decided!

But this is also a matter of the future, and it is not so easy to make Chi his Four Heavenly Kings.

And the first condition is to completely defeat Chi!

"Hello, I'm Crimson, but this Quartz Conference, I will win!"

Chi Wenyan held Alvin's hand and smiled at Alvin friendly, but the words he said were unusually confident.

It is not as proud as the green green, but belongs to the calm unique to Chi.

Calm purity, pure confidence!

"I won't lose to anyone!" A smile curled at the corner of Alvin's mouth, and he stared at the crimson pupils.

"Neither will I!"

The smile on Chi Wenyan's face seemed to be deeper, and he also looked at Alvin without flinching.

He loves to fight, he longs for opponents and fierce opponents, but he doesn't want to lose to anyone!


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 78

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