
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 81

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 81
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"But the owner of the Taoist Hall over here is really powerful, Mr. Sakaki, the owner of the Tokiwa Dojo Hall, although he has worked very hard, he is not his opponent."

Then Toko wrinkled her little face in distress, although she has obtained three badges so far, in fact...

Because when I first came to Kanto, I learned that Red Lotus Town was a fire system hall, but after going to challenge, Touko was really abused by Xia Bo.

But it is also a blessing in disguise, Xia Bo seems to have a good impression of her, and taught her for a while, which benefited her a lot, and the fried pigs have evolved.

Recently, she came to Tokiwa City again to challenge the Tokiwa Dokan, although she ended up receiving a badge.

But she didn't actually defeat Sakaki, and it was only because Sakaki recognized her strength that he gave her the Dojo badge.

"Dojo trainers are generally elite trainers recognized by the alliance, and it is normal to have strong strength, but there is no need to be embarrassed by this "three eight zero", if the challenge is not possible, you can challenge it after training. "

Alvin comforted softly when he heard this, although there were some Taoist halls that were inherited from his father's generation.

As a result, the strength of the current dojo trainer is insufficient, but for the most part, the strength of the dojo trainer is very strong.

However, the responsibility of the dojo trainer is to test whether the trainer is qualified, and it is not necessary for the trainer to defeat the dojo trainer.

If this is the case, in fact, most of the trainers in the world may really not be able to participate in the competition for the rest of their lives...

After all, every region basically has very strong dojo trainers.

Sakagi in the Kanto region, Koyanagi in the Johto region, Adam in the Yogen region, electromagnetic in the Sinnoh region, etc.

Even if these dojo trainers didn't go all out, it was extremely difficult to defeat them!

"I understand, anyway, I have already decided, when the strength rises, I will challenge them!"

Touko pursed her lips and revealed a bright smile, after all, she had only been out traveling for less than half a year.

Now that her strength is still growing rapidly, she is not worried that she will not have the opportunity to continue to challenge them in the future!

"We will also participate in the quartz conference, so we must go all out when the time comes." When Gadria heard this, the corners of her lips hooked and she smiled lightly.

She liked Touko, a lively, energetic and delicate girl from the beginning.

"Hey? That's great, brother Alvin, or let's have a fight now. "

When Toko heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she fought against Alvin and Gadria, the two longed idols, but her goal.

Although he worships the two, it is precisely because of the worship that Toko continues to grow with the motivation of the two!

"Fight? Of course, but leave the all-out battle for later. "

Alvin was stunned when he heard this, and then chuckled and did not refuse, he also wanted to know what Toko's strength was now.

However, because he still has to rush, Alvin does not want to fight all the players now.

"It's not a full battle, and my elves have not completed their training, so they are not suitable."

Toruko shook her head, although she would love to have a 6v6 fight with Alvin.

However, now she is still very self-aware, and her elves have not fully grown up.

After the three of them finished lunch, after packing up their things, they were ready for a battle.

"Then I'm not welcome, thorough, Zi is ready to fight!"

Alvin and Touko were facing each other, looking at the young girl and throwing the Pokeball in his hand.

A blue-purple purple scorpion flashed in front of Alvin with white light, brandishing two pincers and staring at Toko tightly.

It has been a while since he got the Purple Scorpio, and the Purple Scorpio training is close to completion.

Just take advantage of this battle to see the training results of the Purple Scorpion.

"Purple Scorpion, then if I am on my side, electric shock beast, please you!"

Toko observed the purple scorpion and understood that this elf should have been recently subdued by Alvin.

After pondering slightly, Touzi did not send his most powerful Yanwu King, but threw out an electric shock beast.

A black-striped electric shock beast with a black background on a yellow background and a fierce face stood in front of Toko with its arms raised.

"You didn't use King Yanwu, it seems that you are very confident." Seeing that it was not the imaginary King of Yanwu, Erwin raised his eyebrows.

Is this not wanting to take advantage of yourself?

It is clear that the attributes of King Yanwu are more favorable.

What a proud girl.

"Hey~ King Yanwu has been working very hard these days, if he fights with Brother Alvin, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch it."

Toko shook his head, he had been tracking Bibi Bird in the past few days, and King Yanwu's physical strength was already very strong.

Fighting Alvin is her long-cherished wish, she doesn't want to take a dissatisfied elf to fight Alvin0...

"And this electric shock beast took me a lot of effort to take it! If you underestimate it, you will suffer a loss, Brother Alvin. "

Then Touko waved with a bright smile, this electric shock beast is the most satisfied elf she has received since coming to Kanto, and its strength is very strong!

"So it is, it is indeed very well cultivated, then I will not be careless, purple scorpion, flying needle!"

Alvin was noncommittal, looked the electric shock beast up and down, and then took the lead in attacking without hesitation.

The purple scorpion's two pincers were unfurled, and countless white light of the projectile needle shot towards the electric shock beast.

The dense flying needle locked all the evasion space of the shock beast, leaving it with nowhere to escape.

"Shock beast, 100,000 volts to resist down, then approach the past, use the lightning fist."

Touko waved his hand heavily, his delicate little face was full of concentration, and as soon as he entered the battle, Touko would concentrate on it.

Even if the opponent is the longing Alvin, she can't admit defeat!

When the electric shock beast heard this, he raised his hands without hesitation, and a dazzling 100,000 volts instantly faced the projectile needle.


The projectile needle burst in mid-air with 100,000 volts.

And the electric shock beast also took this opportunity to quickly run towards the purple scorpion, and the thunder flashed on the fist of his right hand.

"Rock closed!"

Seeing this, Alvin did not panic, and he was not prepared to let the electric shock beast approach so simply.

The pincer tail behind the purple scorpion pierced the ground like lightning, and a huge rock wall rose from the purple scorpion, blocking the electric shock beast.

The electric shock beast lightning fist directly smashed the stone wall.

"Cross poison!"

Alvin's voice fell almost at the same time.

The purple scorpion crossed its pincers, and the purple cross energy light blade shot out instantly, just hitting the electric shock beast that had just broken through the stone wall!

The electric shock beast showed a painful expression on its face, although the poisonous cross poison did not restrain it.

But the damage is real.

"Shock beast, are you all right?" Seeing this, Touko shouted worriedly.

Sure enough, Brother Alvin's strength is really strong!


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom duck)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 81

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