
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 82

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 82
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"Touko, if you rely on brute force alone, you can't defeat my purple scorpion."

Alvin looked at Touko with a smile, the purple scorpion was specially cultivated by him in the direction of defensive counterattacks.

Maybe it's not particularly aggressive, but if you just rush forward, don't think about taking his purple scorpion easily.

"Purple Scorpion, one more flying needle." With those words, Alvin once again commanded the Purple Scorpion attack.

The purple scorpion raised its double pincers, the white light of the flying needle flashed, and in the blink of an eye, several flying needles shot towards the electric shock beast.

At this time, the electric shock beast was not far away from the purple scorpion, and the attack of the flying needle soon reached the electric shock beast.

"Shock beast, use to hold."

Seeing this, Toko did not hesitate and shouted at the electric shock beast.

A green protective shield was shrouded in front of the electric shock beast, which perfectly blocked the projectile needle.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Immediately afterwards, Toko's voice came again.

The electric shock beast flashed with thunder light, ready to strike.

"It's useless, this attack, the rock is closed."

Alvin shook his head, he specially let the purple scorpion learn rock sealing, because this trick is extremely versatile.

Moreover, under special training, the speed of the purple scorpion releasing the rock seal is extremely fast. 06

But in the next moment, Alvin's brows furrowed slightly.

Because the 100,000 volts of the electric shock beast was not released against the purple scorpion!

A fierce 100,000 volts shot straight towards the stream, and the powerful power instantly burst the surface of the stream.

Countless splashes formed a light rain and fell on the grass where the two were fighting.

The electric shock beast and the purple scorpion were splashed by the splash, and the purple scorpion even flicked the water stains on its body in discomfort.

"Does water conduct?" Alvin instantly understood Touko's thoughts, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It's a very thoughtful battle.

"Good, so it's easy to hit! Shock beast, use thunder! "

A smile rose on Touko's face and shouted loudly at the electric shock beast.

The electric shock beast lit up with a more dazzling thunder light than before, obviously this strike thunder is probably very powerful.

"Purple Scorpion, jump up and avoid, cross poison!"

Seeing this, Alvin directly commanded.

If you continue to stay on the ground, when the water conducts electricity, how can the purple scorpion be affected by lightning.

The purple scorpion saw the moment the electric shock beast released the thunder, jumped high and avoided this powerful thunder.

At the same time, the cross poison shot at the electric shock beast.

"It's now, electric shock beast, close to the past, lightning fist!"

Touko's eyes lit up, and he let the electric shock beast use thunder, just to force the purple scorpion to show its flaws.

The electric shock beast moved its steps and ran towards the position where the purple scorpion was about to fall, while avoiding the cross poison of the purple scorpion.

Since he could not borrow power in mid-air, the electric shock punch undoubtedly hit the purple scorpion.

The purple scorpion was violently knocked out and fell to the ground, obviously this blow, the damage is not small.

"Nice job, thoko." Witnessing the fleeting opportunity to be seized by Touko, Alvin couldn't help but praise Touko.

This girl, the combat talent is really very good.

"Ha~ the battle has just begun, brother Alvin, no."

Touko smiled coyly when she heard this, and then said with a fighting spirit, pulling back the blow, which made her fighting mood more enthusiastic.

"Indeed, the battle has just begun~" Irwin raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard this, looking at the purple scorpion that slowly got up, his blue eyes flashed slightly, and said meaningfully

Should...... That's enough!

And at this moment, the purple scorpion, because he had just been attacked, stared at the electric shock beast with two eyes.

I don't know when, a brilliant and rich white light slowly enveloped its body.

And in the white light, the purple scorpion's figure continues to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!


"Evolved!" Toko frowned slightly, looking at the purple scorpion in the white light, which actually evolved at this time.

It's really not a good thing.

The combat power of the Dragon King Scorpion is not at the same level as the Purple Scorpion!

The white light of evolution quickly dissipated, and a brand new giant elf appeared in the sight of the three.

The whole body is covered with dark and light purple hard armor, the hideous face, the original pincers evolved to be more terrifying, the tail of the pincers is slender and powerful, gently swinging.

Compared with the silent purple scorpion before, the evolved dragon king scorpion is obviously much more aggressive.

And its personality is obviously also very different, extremely provocatively wielding pincers, hooks, claws, and claws at the electric shock beast.

Perhaps because after evolution, the attribute changed from poisonous insects to poisonous and vicious.

"The purple scorpion has been trained a few days ago, and the level is enough, but it needs a little external factor to stimulate its evolution."

"Brother is also true~"

Seeing this, Gadria, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, couldn't help but shake her head, of course she understood that she had always been inseparable from Alvin.

The evolution of the Dragon King Scorpion, I am afraid that it was expected by Alvin, and it can be regarded as using the battle with Toko to promote evolution.

"Dragon King Scorpion, grab it!"

Seeing that the evolution of the Dragon King Scorpion had been completed, Alvin directly let the Dragon King Scorpion take the initiative to approach the electric shock beast.

Due to its short stature and small pincers, the purple scorpion is really limited in close combat effectiveness.

But the Dragon King Scorpion is completely different!

The Dragon King Scorpion roared and rushed towards the electric shock beast.

"Here it comes! Shock beast, 100,000 volts to stop it! Toko's heart tightened, and he shouted to the electric shock beast.

"Interrupt it!"

As soon as Toko's words fell, Alvin's voice sounded almost at the same time.

The electric shock beast raised its arms high, and the thunder light had just lit up 380, but a lightning-like tail pincer hit and locked its throat, and the thunder light suddenly dispersed!

The electric shock beast held the tail tongs with both hands in pain, constantly struggling to break free, but the tail tongs did not move!

"This..." Touko's eyes widened, and it was the tail of the Dragon King Scorpion that locked the electric shock beast!

Just now, the electric shock beast wanted to use 100,000 volts, but the tail of the dragon king scorpion suddenly became longer, and accurately and quickly locked the throat of the electric shock beast with the tail tongs at the top of the tail!

The Dragon King Scorpion can actually be used like this?

"Cross poison!"

Alvin's voice continued.

"1ong~" The Dragon King Scorpion roared, its tail raised high, and then drove the electric shock beast to smash heavily on the ground.

From the painful eyes of the electric shock beast, I am afraid that this fall is extremely heavy!

At the same time, the double pincers next to the Dragon King Scorpion's cheeks closed, and the cross-type energy poisonous blade hit the electric shock beast that was still restrained!

After this set of serial attacks, the electric shock beast finally could not support it and lost its ability to fight.

"Lost~" Toko came back to his senses and shook his head helplessly, the attack of the dragon king scorpion was too fast and violent.

Don't give the shock beast a chance to fight back at all.


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom booking~ Since I saw Shinji's Dragon King Scorpion, I like this elf very much~)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 82

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