
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 85

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 85
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The Tokiwa Forest, a gift from nature to mankind, is the greatest treasure of Tokiwa City!

It can be said that Tokiwa Forest has a completely different meaning for Tokiwa City.

It is equivalent to the meaning of the bell tower to Yuanzhu City.

And at this moment, Team Rocket actually appeared in the Tokiwa Forest, apparently Team Rocket was searching for ~ things that were very important to them.

What else could it be?

The pink flying elf, what Team Rocket is looking for, there is no objection, it must be the Kanto legend - the phantom elf dream!

"You guy, since you know us, tell everything you know, otherwise don't blame us for being unkind!"

The leader of the three rocket team members released a Rada and said viciously to Alvin.

"Oh? If you mean dreams, then sorry, we haven't seen them. "

Alvin looked at the three with interest, and at some point, a poké ball appeared in Alvin's hand.

"And I'm embarrassed that I'm very interested in your Rockets."

Alvin threw the Poké Ball, and a huge purple scorpion sprite appeared in front of him.

The Dragon King Scorpion's hideous face stared at the three members of the rocket team, bowed his head slightly, and was ready to attack!

"Damn it! Take him down first. Seeing this, the faces of the members of the rocket team changed, and they didn't know that they had hit hard stubble.

Several white lights flashed, and elves such as Big Mouth Fu, Stinky Flower, and Wrist Force appeared in front of the three people.

"Chicken and tile dog." The corner of Alvin's mouth hooked a disdainful smile, the bottom member is the bottom member.

There was no thought of him facing it.

"Dragon King Scorpion, Flying Needle."

The Dragon King Scorpion roared, and the pliers hook claws on both cheeks and tail pincers flashed white at the same time.

In an instant, countless projectile needles flew out, completely enveloping the terrified members of Team Rocket and their elves.


A violent explosion sounded!

When the smoke from the attack cleared, the three rocket team members struggled to lie on the ground, and their elves were completely incapacitated.

The reason why the members of Team Rocket are still alive is entirely because the Dragon King Scorpion's projectile needle deliberately avoided them.

But even so, they were affected by the attack at close range, and their injuries were not light.

Alvin looked at Gadria, and Gadria instantly realized and released a Miss Goth.

"Miss Goethe, use hypnosis."

Alvin led Miss Goth to the three seriously injured members of Team Rocket, and Gadria commanded Miss Goethe.


During the battle, the elf's hypnotism is to hypnotize the opposing party's elves using their psychic dark abilities.

If it is used on humans, the effect changes according to the user's thoughts.

Miss Goth turned her two small hands, and an invisible ripple spread towards the members of the rocket team at the head.

Soon, the member's originally somewhat distorted face calmed down strangely, and his eyes became godless and empty.

"What is your purpose in this Tokiwa Forest?" Seeing this, Alvin was surprised and asked the member.

The reason why Alvin hypnotized him was to get the information he wanted.

"The order from above is to capture Dream, and according to the information obtained, Dream has recently appeared in Tokiwa Forest."

The member of Team Rocket replied without emotion.

"Who is the cadre leading this operation?" Alvin then asked.

Capturing dreams, which doesn't surprise Alvin, the Rockets have always been obsessed with dreams.

Because according to legend, dreams are the origin of all elves! Dreams have all the genes of elves.

And whether this is true or not, it makes the Rockets greedy for dreams.

Fantastic genes, they would love to get!

The dream cells extracted from the fossils before made them firmly believe that the value of dreams is simply impossible to measure!

"It's Lord Apollo."

"Apollo?" Alvin groaned slightly when he heard this, Apollo he remembered to be the top of Team Rocket, one of the four generals!

As for the strength, Alvin is really not sure, but it should not be weak.

After getting the information he wanted, Alvin released all the elves of the three, and then asked the dragon king scorpion to use the projectile needle on the three again.

With a bang, under the dense flying needles, the bones of the three people were gone.

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Alvin will not be kind enough to let the tiger return to the mountain, and not all members of Team Rocket are as kind as the Musashi Kojiro trio.

Most of the members of the Rockets are bad characters.

Sending them to see the Pluto dragon early can also avoid subjecting the people to their persecution.

"Who!" At this time, Gadria seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned her head in one direction, and the blue light of the superpower flashed in her clear eyes.

And that is, Gadria's voice fell, and a rustle sounded in a grass not far away.

Obviously, he saw that the situation was not good and wanted to run.

"Want to run? Miss Goethe, mental disturbance! "

Gadria's eyes narrowed slightly, her brother just killed someone, but she can't let people leak out!

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Alvin looked in that direction quietly, and he believed that Gadria could handle it.

Miss Goethe raised her hands, her eyes flashed with a deep blue light, as one of the elves in Gadria's team, Miss Goethe's strength can be described as very terrifying.

The powerful mental disturbance came in an instant, controlling the figure hidden in the grass.

As Miss Goth waved her arm, one person and one elf were controlled by mental interference and floated to the two of Alvin and landed.

"Ouch~It hurts~" A crisp grumbling voice came from the mouth of the girl who was dropped from the air.

"It's excessive! People obviously heard the sound and came to see, why attack people! "

The girl rubbed her little butt that was hurt, and looked at the two with a very aggrieved little face and whispered and complained.

Like a passerby who seems to be innocently implicated without even understanding what happened.

Gadria frowned slightly and turned her head to Alvin, as if asking what to do.

Alvin, on the other hand, looked at the girl with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth.

And at this time, the girl who was originally aggrieved suddenly grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at Alvin and the two.

"Little turtle! The water gun attacks that elf! "


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom zero)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 85

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