
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 86

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 86
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The girl's attack was so caught off guard that she seemed to have calculated that Gadria would look at Alvin.

So she held the sand early and took advantage of this moment to fight back.

And under her order, the Jeni turtle beside her also puffed out her cheeks for the first time, and a water gun shot at Miss Goethe.

And after all this was done, the girl instantly stood up, took back the Jeni turtle legs and ran.

It is impossible to hit!

The girl has self-awareness, these two people are strong and terrifying, she definitely cannot be an opponent.

Thank goodness you can run away!

"Huh?" Gadria's eyes widened, and her superpower overflowed, perfectly blocking the incoming sand.

Then he looked at the girl who ran some distance in an instant.

An invisible superpower followed Gadria's gaze towards the girl, instantly controlling the girl.

Seeing this, Ai "Three Eight Zero" Erwen saw that the smile at the corner of his mouth deepened, and slowly walked to the girl who was controlled to float up and couldn't move.

"Hey?" Seeing Alvin walking over, the girl who was controlled showed an embarrassed but polite smile on her face and said hello.

What is this called!

The girl wanted to cry without tears in her heart, originally she was really attracted by the sound of the explosion here.

However, cautious by nature, she kept her distance, hiding in the grass and quietly observing everything.

Then she witnessed the good-looking teenager in front of her order the Dragon King Scorpion to humanely destroy the three rocket team members...

Then because of surprise, the Jeni turtle beside her made a sound, and was instantly discovered by the very beautiful girl.


The girl cried in her heart, she knew that she would not come to the play!

"Let's explain, innocent passerby, why did you suddenly run?"

Alvin looked at the girl with a smile, his pure blue eyes flickered slightly, and asked with a smile.

It's a familiar look.

Wearing a white hat, sleeveless blue top, a short red skirt, delicate and cute face, beautiful figure.


Turquoise corresponding to red and turquoise!

"Hehe~ nervous~ you attack me without saying a word, who knows why you want to arrest me."

Xiao Lan's clear and flexible big eyes turned, and he instantly made an embarrassed expression, and then complained with some grievances.

"Oh? Rest assured, we're not Team Rocket, and no matter what you just saw, we won't do anything to you. "

Alvin looked at Xiao Lan funny, the cunning little girl, the ability to adapt to emergencies is indeed strong.

And the acting is really in place.

However, Eyre Wen is not prepared to treat Xiao Xian, although Xiao Lan is naughty and cunning, but as one of the protagonists, her three views do not need words at all.

And because she was used by Gu Liu since she was a child, she understands the darkness of the world more deeply than Red and Green.

And hearing Alvin's words, Gadria was also very timely to Xiaolan.

Although she didn't know what Alvin wanted to do, Gadria maintained absolute trust in Alvin.

And this time, Gadria slowly put down Xiaolan to avoid Xiaolan's little butt from intimate contact with the ground again.

"Hmm~ such a gentle young lady, she is actually a superpower." Xiao Lan landed safely and looked at Gadria curiously.

Such a beautiful young lady actually has such a strong superpower.

Captured by Gu Liu and raised as one of the 'Kamen Child', Xiaolan is not without superpowers.

Because Ikki, who was in the same organization as her before, is a superpower, but it seems that Ikki's superpower is far less terrifying than this young lady.

He actually controlled her so easily.

"Thanks for the compliment." Gadria smiled gracefully and responded to Xiaolan's praise.

"You have the Jeni turtle, you should be a rookie trainer, how did you enter the depths of the Tokiwa Forest, it's not safe here."

Alvin took back the Dragon King Scorpion and asked Xiao Lan, as for where Xiao Lan's Jeni turtle came from...

Alvin already knew it.

"Yes, because it is the first time to travel, I have no experience, and I got lost and walked here before I knew it, in fact, Xiaolan I am also very distressed."

Xiao Lan scratched her head shyly and smiled shyly, casually talking without a trace of embarrassment.

She is not a rookie trainer, Xiao Lan, who escaped from Gu Liu, has experience far from being comparable to outsiders.

Because in a sense, she is still evading the pursuit of her subordinates sent by Guliu.

As for her Jeni turtle, she stole it from the Oki Research Institute...

"So that's the case, your name is Xiaolan, right? However, the level of wild elves here is not low, it is still too difficult for rookie trainers, you better leave quickly0..."

When Alvin heard this, he glanced up and down at Xiao Lan's not dirty clothes and energetic state, how could it not look like distress?

Then Alvin shook his head and walked towards Gadria, although the encounter with Xiaolan surprised him.

However, he didn't have much time to communicate with Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan's vigilance is too strong, her mouth is full of calves, she can't tell the truth from the false, and it's not so easy to talk to her.

"Hey? No, are you leaving? Xiaolan blinked, and looked at Alvin and Gadria who turned around and prepared to leave with some confusion.

It seems that I really don't prepare to do anything to myself.

So did you really think too much at first?

"What's wrong? The two of us are going to Nibi City, and if you are too, you can leave with us. "

When Alvin heard this, he looked back at Xiao Lan and asked funny.

"Well, then I'll show you the way! Xiaolan, I am from Nibi City, and I am very familiar with how to get to Nibi City! "

Xiao Lan was stunned when she heard this, then rolled her eyes, and hurriedly and confidently patted her well-developed chest to assure Alvin and the two.

Although I don't know how Nibi City goes 0.0, but this is not in the way!

These two people are so strong, it must be no problem!

"Oh? Are you sure? When Alvin heard this, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, and he watched Xiaolan's performance with interest.

Alvin was very sure and definitely remembered that Xiaolan's words just now were like this: I got lost and walked here before I knew it...

Well, I just got lost, and now I pat my chest and swear that I will lead the way...

"Hehe~ Of course! Xiaolan, I grew up in Nibi Shi! Xiao Lan showed a bright smile and said with a straight face in a crisp voice.

"That's really going to trouble you, Miss Lan who grew up with Nibi Shi?"


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom duck)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 86

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