
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 88

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 88
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"The strength of Team Rocket is not something that the two of you can compete with!"

Apollo threatened in a deep voice, although he said so, but Apollo's hand behind his back quietly pressed a communication button.

No matter how angry he is in his heart, as a high-ranking member of the Rockets, Apollo is not just relying on strength and ruthlessness.

He knew very well that he alone could not be the opponent of the two Heavenly Kings of Alvin.

It doesn't hurt to call for help early!

What's more, looking at Alvin like this, he obviously wanted to drive them to extinction!

This cruel method is much more serious than being caught by Junsha!

"Oh? I don't know if I can compete with Team Rocket, but what I do know is that none of you want to leave this Tokiwa Forest today. "

The contemptuous smile at the corner of Alvin's mouth is so dazzling, and the villain who is not forced is like this, and he will only say some big things to show his incompetence.

It is also thanks to Apollo that he still has some ability in the special chapter, and uses the stone plate to control Arceus and create the three gods, which is a good boos.

I didn't expect that in this world, there is only this virtue.


Seeing that Apollo looked gloomy, but did not speak, Alvin called gently to Gadria.

Gadria nodded and released the giant golden monster, which spread with the colorful enchantment of Gadria and the giant golden monster's superpower.

"Damn it! Alvin, do things and leave a line to see each other in the future, do you really want to die with our Rockets! "

Seeing this, Apollo's face changed completely, and he roared to Alvin in a hoarse voice.

Such a superpower enchantment, of course he knows!

Because Nazi among the three cadres of Team Rocket will also use this!

This kind of superpower enchantment can only be used to block space and has no lethality.

But opening this enchantment means that without defeating the user, no one in the enchantment can get out from within the superpower enchantment!

This bastard really wants to kill himself and others!

"What stupid thing to say? This enchantment, even the communication signal will be blocked, you think I don't know that you just notified Team Rocket? "

"But it's okay, by the time they arrive, you will already be a corpse, and they will only know that the dragon elves did it!"

The corners of Alvin's mouth curved higher, and the words with a strong irony entered Apollo's ears, and at the same time, a black spirit ball appeared in his hand at an unknown time.

"You guy, you want to blame Imperial Dragon Du!" Apollo's expression changed, and he finally understood what Alvin meant.

Dragon elves, Kanto who uses dragon elves, can also kill him Apollo, who else can there be besides Dragon Do?

"Of course, old man, come out and get moving!" Alvin threw out the black Pokeball heavily.


A terrifying roar shook the heavens and the earth, and a huge evil dragon floated in front of Alvin, staring at Apollo with a fierce and vicious face.

This dragon has a body similar to that of a dinosaur, a blue-black back and three pairs of black wings, and the most special one.

There is already a head in the middle, but the neck also spreads out two smaller heads!

Three Dragons!

It is the quasi-god of the United Region, the three evil dragons who were drawn by the tyranny elves!

"This guy, but my initial elf, but since he became famous, no one knows about it anymore, use this elf to see you off, you will blind Apollo."

Alvin looked at the three evil dragons floating in front of him, the corners of his mouth slowly raised and closed his eyes and smiled.

As a true famous family of Shenmyo, Alvin and Gadria's initial elves are actually quasi-gods like Hirona's Round Land Shark!

Gadria is an iron dumbbell, and has now evolved into a giant golden monster, and in the absence of Latios, the giant golden monster is her true strongest elf!

And Gadria has also mastered the super evolution of the giant golden monster!

Alvin is the single-headed dragon of the United People's Region!

By now, a single-headed dragon has long evolved into three evil dragons, but there are very few who really know that Alvin still has the main force of the strongest dragon line!

Because even in the Heavenly King Challenge that year, Alvin only used four main forces to defeat that Heavenly King!

"Black Ruga!"

Apollo looked at the three evil dragons that were just floating quietly with an ugly face, and threw out a poké ball again.

Although it was impossible to understand the strength of these three evil dragons from the outside, it was precisely because of this that a heavy pressure rose in Apollo's heart.

It's like a handheld elf facing Sakaki!

"Three Evil Dragons, Dragon Fluctuations!"

Seeing this, Alvin lowered his head and evoked a disdainful smile, Apollo's strength can indeed be regarded as good.

Both the forked bat and this black ruga already have the level of a heavenly king.

However, it also depends on who the opponent is!


The three evil dragons roared, three pairs of black wings waved, and in the blink of an eye, they flew into the air, and the dragon head in the middle turned slightly.

The cyan terrifying dragon light formed in an instant, tearing the air and shooting towards Apollo at high speed.

Attack the trainer directly!

Apollo gritted his teeth when he saw this, he knew very well that Alvin was forcing him to defend.

Holding skills does immunize against all attacks, but the success rate decreases with usage!

So it is impossible to use it all the time.

Moreover, holding on is too important for a battle, and it should be used in an emergency.

"Black Ruga, shoot the flames! Forked bats, air chop! "

Apollo skimmed the various plans in a flash, and gave orders to the two elves.

The black hellhound spewed out fiery flames towards the dragon's fluctuations, while the forked bat, waving its wings, several sharp air blades slashed at the three evil dragons at great speed.

The flame and the dragon light touched, but in just a moment, there was no incomprehensibility, there was no equal match, and the dragon's fluctuations directly pressed the jet flame and pushed it across at great speed!

"Forked bat, divine bird slam!"

Seeing this, Apollo's pupils shrank, and he ordered the forked bat to block it without hesitation.

The strength of these three evil dragons has definitely reached the championship level!

Apo (good money) Luo looked at the three evil dragons with a haze in his eyes, casually struck the fluctuations of the dragon, and actually had such power.

There is no doubt that this is simply that the hard power of the three evil dragons has reached the point of crushing Hei Ruga!

"Dragon Star Group!" Seeing this, Alvin's face was as usual, and he gave instructions lightly.

The air blade shot by the forked bat hit the three evil dragons, but the three evil dragons seemed to be completely unaffected, raising their heads in the middle, and a ball of light formed by dragon energy rose into the sky.

Dragon Star! The strongest skill of the dragon system!


The terrifying dragon energy exploded, and countless dragon meteors fell from mid-air.

Every dragon meteor that falls brings a popping sound.

Even if the three evil dragons deliberately weakened their strength, the forest within a radius of more than ten meters was completely destroyed by the dragon meteor!


(Ask for flower tickets, ask for custom booking)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 88

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