
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 92

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 92
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"Then, let me see your rock will, Ladias, the mist ball!"

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised slightly, looked at Xiao Gang and said slowly, and then ordered without hesitation.

In the Dojo Challenge, challengers have the privilege of attacking first.

"Wha~" Ladiass flew up at great speed, and a ball of energy wrapped around white winged smoke quickly condensed in front of his mouth.

With Ladias's shake of his head, the mist ball instantly hit the big rock snake.

"Here it comes! Big rock snake, dig a hole to avoid it! "

Xiao Gang's expression was grim, and he shouted to the big rock snake in a deep voice.

Xiao Gang's big rock snake was obviously cultivated very well, and as Xiao Gang's voice fell, the big rock snake hurriedly lowered its head and drilled to the ground.

The big rock snake is a very huge elf, even if it is an ordinary big rock snake, it is eight meters long!

And such a huge size naturally brought great strength and physical strength to the big rock snake.

But at this moment, its huge body has become a drag on it!

The speed of action of the big rock snake is not fast, after all, it is a rock and ground system elf. 06

The speed of the mist ball was very fast, and before the body of the big rock snake had completely entered the ground, it had already hit the second half of the body of the big rock snake!


The energy of the mist ball exploded, and thick smoke and dust filled the air, making it impossible to see the specific situation.

"Big Rock Snake, use Rockfall!"

And at this moment, Xiao Gang's voice came over.

"Ladias, avoid it, freeze the light!"

Alvin did not panic when he heard this, after all, there was no frontal hit, and Xiao Gang's level of this big rock snake was not low.

It's normal to have no move for a second.

The sky above Ladias's head began to fluctuate strangely, and huge rocks fell from the sky.

However, Ladiass had already prepared, flapped his wings, and perfectly avoided the rock avalanche, and at the same time, the ice blue zigzagging light instantly hit the large rock snake that exposed a head.

The freezing light hit, and the entire head of the big rock snake and the nearby ground were frozen, raising a trace of cold air.

Hit by the freezing ray, the big rock snake also completely lost its ability to fight.

"Well done, Ladias." Seeing this, Alvin smiled and praised Ladias.

"Woo~" Ladiass flew around happily when he heard this, and was praised by Alvin, and his heart was obviously very happy.

"It's so strong~"

Xiao Gang looked at Ladiass and couldn't help but sigh, and defeated his big rock snake in two moves.

The strength of this Ladias, too strong.

"Speaking of which, in the past two days, I have always met trainers with monster talent like you."

Xiao Gang withdrew the big rock snake, took out a poké ball again and said with a smile.

"Yesterday, there were also three picks, all of whom are very talented, and they are all from Zhenxin Town."

Xiao Gang looked at Alvin and recalled, impressed by the three teenagers.

Because they both claim to be from Zhenxin Town, and two of them are twin brothers.

Although they are both newcomers, the strength of two of them really cannot be described as newcomers.

The talent is simply terrible.

"Oh? It seems that Sakaki went out after I left. Al raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and thought to himself.

Needless to say, what Xiao Gang mentioned should be the three people of Chi and Green Xiao Mao.

Sakaki of Tokiwa Dokan is probably not there, so the three of them directly come to Nibi City to challenge Kogang.

"But if you want to get my badge, you still have to defeat me!"

"On, Rumblestone!"

Xiao Gang threw the Pokeball, and a healthy rumbling stone stood in front of Xiao Gang.

"Rumble stone, use the rock blade!"

Xiao Gang saw that Alvin had not changed the elf, and directly shouted to the rumbling stone.

The level and strength of this Ladiass are too high, although the odds of victory are not great, but you still have to give it your all!

When Rumble Stone heard this, his short hands were closed, and a circle of rock blades formed, shooting towards Ladiass like lightning.

"Freeze light!" Alvin's voice came.

Ladias's figure shuttles through the rock blades, once again showing his superior flying skills, while approaching the rumbling stone.

Sen Han's frozen energy formed an energy sphere, and a zigzagging ice-blue beam hit the rumbling stone head-on perfectly.

The terrifying cold directly froze the entire Rumble Stone, and after a while, the ice shattered, and Rumble Stone's eyes also became circle eyes.

"Rumble Stone loses the ability to fight, and the victor is Elvin from the Sinnoh region."

Seeing this, Jiro directly announced the result of the battle, and at the same time glanced at Alvin with strange eyes.

This is a battle, this is simply crushing!

"It's too strong~ I have nothing to say, congratulations, this is a gray badge."

Taking back the rumbling stone, Xiao Gang walked to Alvin with a smile, smiled and took out a badge and said to Alvin.

Although it was a fiasco, Alvin defeated him with hard power, and Xiao Gang did not feel any shame.

"You're the strongest trainer I've ever seen, look forward to your performance in the league tournament, I'll keep an eye on you."

Xiao Gang handed the gray badge to Alvin and smiled sincerely.

Since his parents traveled and he had no choice but to shoulder the Nibi Dojo, he has seen too many trainers in the past two years.

But Alvin's strength is the strongest he has ever seen!

"Thank you very much, do you still have an elf that you can fight against?" My sister's words also need a challenge. "

Alvin smiled kindly at Xiao Gang, took the gray badge and glanced at Gadria and smiled at Xiao Gang.

After all, Gadria is also going to participate in the league competition.

"Sorry, I almost forgot, of course you can, as a dojo hall owner, spare elves are a must."

380 Xiaogang was stunned when he heard this, and then patted his forehead and looked at Gadria embarrassedly and smiled.

Surprised by Alvin's strength, he really forgot that this time it was two challengers.

"Then let's start right away, I'm going to trouble you, Jiro."

Then Xiao Gang returned to the opposite side and said to Jiro.

The fight begins again, and five minutes later, Gadria's Chillulian reveals his unusually powerful superpowers.

Perfectly defeated Xiao Gang's two elves, and won the badge beautifully and neatly.

"What a powerful brother and sister~ This league competition is really a good show."

Looking at the backs of the Alvin brothers and sisters, Xiao Gang couldn't help but sigh that the strength displayed by this pair of brothers and sisters in these two Daoist battles simply impressed him.

Jiro next to him glanced at Xiao Gang, and said something simple that made Xiao Gang change his face.

"Brother, it's clear that you are too dish."

"What do children say? It's the two of them who are too strong! "

"Brother, if you keep cooking like this, more people will come to kick the restaurant."

"Jiro, what we want to focus on is the will of the rock! Victory or defeat does not matter at all, today you don't have to eat dinner, feel free to understand the will that your brother taught you. "



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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 92

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