
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 94

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 94
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Team Rocket, the largest evil organization in the underground world of the Kando region, rules the entire Kanto region, and most of the darkness of the Chengdu region!

Perhaps in the eyes of all the residents of the Guandu area, Team Rocket is a cancer in this world!

Because they are brazenly breaking the rules set by the Elven Alliance!

Recklessly capturing the elves who robbed ordinary trainers, and conducting cruel biological experiments behind their backs.

The list of crimes committed is innumerable.

"If it's my personal opinion, I don't think the Rockets are evil."

Alvin groaned slightly, glanced at Sakaki, shook his head and replied.

"Oh? I would like to hear about it. Sakaki was stunned when he heard this, and then turned his head to look at Alvin with interest, signaling him to continue.

Originally, he just asked a question on a sudden whim, but Alvin's answer successfully aroused his curiosity.

"I personally admire victory! What is victory? Victory is justice! "

"A child's world is divided between light and darkness, evil and right, wrong and right, I never look at this superficially, the truth of this world is both reality, and reality is both strength and weakness."

"Team Rocket is evil, a stinky rat that everyone shouts at, and can only hide in the shadows to live, this is of course 380, because Team Rocket is a weakling compared to the Elf League."

"But if Team Rocket overthrew the Elven League, thousands of years later, posterity will only tell that Team Rocket defeated the evil Elf Alliance and shaped the new rules of this world, right?"

Alvin's pure blue eyes flickered slightly, and he chuckled and talked about the justice he advocated.

In Alvin's view, the world does not distinguish between good and evil, where can there be so much right and wrong, because in the values of the world.

It is always the rules set by the strong.

Victory is justice!

This is Alvin's thought, and it is also the truth he has always revered.

"Snap ~ pop ~ snap..."

Sakaki heard this for a long time before coming back to his senses, and couldn't help but hook the corners of his mouth and applaud Alvin slowly.

"A good victory is justice, Mr. Alvin's words are breathtaking."

Sakaki said with a smile, it was his sincere smile, because Alvin's words were really too realistic.

The reality is simply brutal.

But it is undeniable that Sakaki agrees with Alvin's words, indeed, Team Rocket is evil today, because the Elf League is like a mountain pressing on Team Rocket's head.

The Rockets were left to hide in the dark and unable to soak up the sun.

"But this kind of thinking, Mr. Alvin can be careful, some people in the alliance, but only think that this is an evil way."

Then Sakaki looked at Alvin with deep meaning and said slowly, Alvin's thoughts were too realistic and extreme.

Naturally, there will be many people who disagree or even reject!

Those within the Elven League who prided themselves on being righteous and good. Alvin will never be sympathetic.

At this moment, Sakaki appreciates Alvin very much, and even thinks that Alvin and himself will unexpectedly get along.

However, Sakaki also knows very well that if he can say the extreme words that victory is justice, this kind of person may not be less ambitious.

"Mr. Rausakagi cares and understands," the corners of Alvin's mouth slowly raised, of course he understood this kind of thing.

That's why Alvin will disguise himself, and only then will he be supported by a lot of people!

"It's me..."

Sakaki's mood slowly recovered, hanging the familiar confident indifferent smile, just about to say something, suddenly his brows furrowed

Alvin and Gadria also noticed something and looked towards a small forest not far away.

The air slowly cooled down, obviously the originally warm air, I don't know when it began to get cold!

The temperature begins to drop rapidly before you know it!

"Huh... It seems that some untimely person has come, interesting Mr. Alvin, and we will see you next time. "

Sakaki put his hands in his trouser pockets, turned around and bowed his head slightly and smiled at Alvin.

After speaking, Sakaki turned around without hesitation and prepared to leave, and the person who was about to appear was really not the guy who made him happy (agaa) to him.

"Since you're here, why leave so quickly, Sakaki~Pavilion Master?"

Suddenly, a cold and mature female voice sounded, and at the same time, the cold air in the air rose wildly!

An ice-blue zigzag beam shot towards Sakaki at great speed!

Almost instantly, a stone wall rose behind Sakaki, blocking the freezing light.

The stone wall was instantly frozen and shattered in an instant!

"Sakaki has something important to do, so he will stay soon."

Sakaki behind the stone wall stopped slightly, smiled lightly without looking back, and calmly disappeared from everyone's sight with his steps again.

It was not the time to clash with them, and Sakaki knew this.

Beside him, a mighty rumbling rock followed closely behind him.


Seeing this, the cold and charming female voice snorted coldly, this guy, if not for insufficient evidence, the stupid old guys are helping him speak again.

How could he be allowed to be so rampant?

Alvin and Gadria watched all this quietly without speaking, such a cold air, there can be no second person in the entire Kanto region!

Kona of Ice!

At this moment, in the grove, a white ice channel slowly extended from it, and a white sea lion glided along the ice channel.

On the back of the white sea lion, there is also a mature woman wearing a black hip-wrapped skirt.

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Kona?"

Alvin looked the purple-haired woman up and down, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

A very beautiful woman, about twenty-something years old, with a delicate figure, fair skin, long thick purple hair, and a pair of glasses on her delicate face, which adds a touch of knowledge.

This was supposed to be a big beauty that made people's hearts move at a glance, but in reality.

The feeling on this woman is too cold, and her delicate face also carries a thick malice, which makes people tremble!

Indifference and malice, this can only be felt from this woman!

"It's really a long time, the twin heavenly kings from the United Region, I am Kona, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, and I am honored to meet you."

Konah slowly got down from the white sea lion, obviously very beautiful but with a dark face with a smile, slightly bowed his head to Alvin and Gadria.

"It's not just you, right? With such a heavy yin qi, I didn't expect the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto to value us so much, and it was we who felt honored. "

The corner of Alvin's mouth hooked a sneer, and he glanced at the grove, holding a poké ball in his hand.

With such a heavy ghostly qi, there is no doubt that the ghost Po Kikuko is also here!

Sakaki this guy, no wonder he slipped away so quickly.


(Ask for flower tickets, ask for custom, the picture is the base map that appeared in the special Rikona!) It's purple hair)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 94

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