
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 95

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 95
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Kona no Ice, Kikuko Onii!

The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto actually dispatched two to find themselves.

Alvin looked at Kona with a slight frown, and he didn't know why he came here and wanted to pull himself into the group?

But no matter what, you still have to be careful, this Kona, just from the outside up, it doesn't look like a simple ~ character.

The special Konah is extremely cruel and indifferent, and for her, killing people is as simple as drinking tea and eating, - it will not affect her at all.

It also has something to do with what happened to her.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, in fact, except for Kikuko, whose purpose is unknown, only Kona and Imperial Dragon Wataru are the most distorted.

As for Shiba, he was largely controlled by Kikuko and Kona threats.

"Huh... I just heard that the United Twin Heavenly King left his job and came to Kanto, so I thought about visiting him. "

"But it seems that little brother Alvin doesn't seem to be very friendly to us, don't be so guarded, we don't have any malice towards you~"

Konah seemed to sense Alvin's resistance to them, the corners of his mouth raised a malicious arc, and his footsteps in black high heels slowly walked towards Alvin.

The curves of the body wrapped in the black skirt sway, full of mature charm and very moving.

At this moment, a colored light hit the ground in front of Konah, forcing her to stop.

The smile on Konah's face slowly disappeared and he looked up at Gadria.

"If you continue to get close to your brother, the next attack will not be a warning."

Gadria smiled with elegant politeness and said indifferently to Kona, while beside her, a Miss Goth watched Konah closely.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto are very remarkable?

Gadria scoffed at the calm attitude that Ko had maintained since he came out on the field, this woman seemed to take herself too seriously.

"Oh? It seems that the rumors that you are a couple are true. "

When Konah heard this, the corners of his mouth once again hooked a curve, and he looked Gadria up and down carefully, and finally said slowly.

"But don't worry, sister, I'm not interested in your brother for the time being, of course, just temporarily?"

Kona slightly lifted his delicate face, and his mature and graceful temperament was fully displayed, which was completely different from the beautiful and dreamy beauty of Gadria.

In Konah's view, Gadria today is like a little girl who is about to be robbed of a lollipop.


"At the Quartz Conference, I will challenge you, I hope that your strength by then will be as powerful as your current words."

Gadria's beautiful face condensed slightly, staring at Konah and said.

This woman is too unscrupulous!

"Little girl, don't compare me to those heavenly kings of the United People, I will let you understand that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and understand what a heavenly king is!"

Connor laughed when he heard this, and there was a hint of pride and confidence in his words, so obvious.

As the strongest Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Ke has absolute faith in his strength!

"Enough, say your purpose, I don't think you came here to play tricks, right?"

Alvin glanced at Konah, who confronted Gadria and said lightly.

This Kona seems to be too proud.

"Huh... It's really a short little man, but it's also very good, Alvin, interested in joining us? "

Konah looked at Alvin with interest, and then said straight to the point.

She didn't mean to beat around the bush, Alvin was a smart person, and instead of grinding and chirping, it was better to open the skylight and say bright words.

Use this to express your sincerity.

"Join you?" Alvin's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this, and he really came to invite him.

However, Alvin is not interested in the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, and the ideas of these people are too crazy.

"That's right, Alvin, if you can get the approval of a first-level god, then you should understand how dark this world really is."

"This world is shared by elves and humans, not just humans!"

"But now what? Human beings continue to develop industry, develop nature, and the elves and elves whose homes are killed by industrial pollution are constantly being invaded by humans. "

Connor narrated slowly, her face was very gloomy, and her heavy voice expressed her heavy emotions at the moment.

This world, under the surface magnificence, there is really too much darkness.

"Hunter organizations hunt elves wantonly, evil organizations constantly experiment on elves, and aristocratic families take pleasure in mistreating elves."

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Konah closed her eyes slightly and gently stroked the head of her white sea lion, her white sea lion, when she was a baby sea lion.

It is because the urban industry pollutes the water source and the dirty living environment directly leads to the dying of the little sea lion.

Konah will never forget the pitiful and sad eyes of the little sea lion when he first saw it.

If Kikuko hadn't saved this little sea lion, it would have died a long time ago!

Clearly...... Obviously everything was fine!

It's just that because of the overexploitation of human beings, the homes of elves are polluted, making them homeless, and making them even dying!


Alvin was slightly silent when he heard this, and looked up at Konah.

He understood that what Connor said was right, under the light of this world, what was hidden was the bloody truth!

........... 0

But this is the truth, the dirtiness and desires of human nature, which cannot be erased.

"We've been working hard for the world of elves! Even if this goal is so difficult, we need more strength! "

"Alvin, join us! Contribute to the happy home of elves! "

Konah stretched out his hand to Alvin and sincerely invited him to build a perfect world!

A world where all elves can be happy, there will be no world where you will suddenly lose your home one day!

"Get rid of those who are sinful?"

Alvin was noncommittal, did not answer Kona, but asked again.

"Of course! How do those who are blinded by ambition and desire deserve to live? League of Hunters, Team Rocket, and those greedy entrepreneurs, they all deserve to die! "

Connor replied of course, her gloomy and cold tone was palpitating, and the hateful look in her eyes also showed that she was not joking!

Alvin looked at Konah and frowned slightly, it seemed that Konah's sickness was deeper than he thought.

It is no wonder that in the special chapter, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto carry out a plan to purge mankind, their twisted hearts are completely different from N, who is working hard for an ideal world.


(Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for custom zero)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 95

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