
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 98

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 98
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The three Hua Lan sisters agreed to Alvin's challenge, but because their own elves had all been defeated by the challenger in the past two days, they could not fight.

So they temporarily hired a trainer to temporarily act as the curator.

In fact, this practice is not a violation of the rules of the alliance, as long as the master of the dojo and the trainer of the challenge do not object.

And Alvin and Gadria naturally will not feel uncomfortable, as long as they can get the badge and the channel is regular.

The two entered the Taoist Hall with the three Hua Lan sisters, and in the room where the Taoist Hall fought, Alvin and Gadria met the trainer who temporarily took the position of the head of the hall.

After seeing it clearly, both of them were quite surprised.

"Would you actually accept this kind of trouble?" Alvin looked at the boy opposite with slight surprise.

A clean and refreshing dress, handsome face, clear and pure red eyes, majestic red!

"It wasn't a hassle because I wanted to play against more trainers, so when they asked me, I accepted."

Chi smiled slightly, slightly pressed down the brim of his hat, and his red eyes looked at Alvin and Gadria hotly.

Yes, he just loves fighting!

So when Sakura asked him to temporarily take over the position of pavilion owner for the next two days, he simply agreed!

Because he felt that he could fight with more trainers!

He loves to fight, he enjoys fighting, he loves to fight!

Elf battles can make his blood boil and can make him stronger!

"It's really your style." Alvin was stunned when he heard this, and then lowered his head slightly and chuckled.

It's really an answer that suits the naked temperament.

"It turns out that you know each other, that's the best, Chi Zhen is a very strong trainer, and because of him, we are much easier."

Sakura said unexpectedly when she saw this, since yesterday Chi accepted their request.

Many of the trainers who came to challenge were repelled by Chi!

And they also clearly realized how terrifying this trainer, who according to him had just set off on a trip, really was!

Because they can clearly feel that with every battle, this teenager seems to be improving!

Even if they were not proficient in elven training and combat, they could understand that this trainer named Chi was called.

As if it was born for elf fighting!

His purity is like an elf that can be conveyed to him, so that his elf is getting stronger all the time with him!

"Hualan Taoist Hall is a water-based hall, but because my elves are not all water-based, they will be converted into grass for the battlefield, no problem, Alvin

Chi took out a poké ball and looked at Alvin from a distance, his eyes covered by the brim of his hat, making it impossible to see his expression.

As we all know, Hualan Taoist Hall is a water system road. Chi is not a trainer specializing in water systems.

His elves are not all adapted to the pool site of the Hualan Daoist Hall.

So the venue naturally has to be converted.

"Of course, you are a dojo trainer, but you are in charge." Alvin took out the Pokeball and teased Chi.

"Sister Sakura, I'm bothering you." The corners of his red mouth smiled, and he turned to Sakura and said.

"No problem, then now play a dojo battle with a blue badge as a bet, and the battle mode is 2v2! The challenger is Irwin of the Shinnoh region and the town of God! "

"Ji, who is the temporary hall master, is the first to release the elves, then, the battle begins!"

Sakura held a flag and loudly announced the rules of the battle, and at the same time, the site that was originally a pool also pressed a certain switch with Calamus.

Slowly descending and sinking, and rising up is a field of grass, which can not be regarded as a standard grass field, rockery pool lawn, above everything.

"Ever since I was a child, I saw elf battles on TV, and I deeply understood what my dream was!"

"I will give everything for this dream! It is my belief to do everything in my power to defeat any opponent! Fighting is my destiny! "

"Alvin, I know you're strong! But...... I won't lose to anyone! "

"It's up to you! Pikachu! "

Holding the Poké Ball naked, one hand pressed on the brim of his hat again, and the red eyes in the shadow of the brim stared at Alvin seriously and intently.

Then, the red heavy threw out the Poké Ball.

"Pika~Qiu~" A spirited Pikachu flexibly flipped in the air, easily fell to the grass, and looked at Alvin with trembling intent.

This is the Pikachu he received in Tokiwa Forest, and he values it extremely as a reliable partner!

He knew that Alvin was strong, and he also learned from the green mouth that Alvin and Gadria were both the Four Heavenly Kings before.

But so what?

Chi has absolute confidence in himself, he has invincible faith!

No matter what kind of opponent, he will not be timid!

"Quartz Conference to fight against all your members, is what I expected, but this feeling is not bad!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, prepare for battle!"

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised slightly, looking at the familiar Pikachu and the familiar teenager, his heart suddenly jumped a little faster.

Sure enough, fighting against Chi is also a long-cherished wish of his.

Although it is not the all-team battle he longs for, the current Chi is not his peak.

But not bad either.

As Alvin threw out the Poké Ball with his backhand, a huge dragon king scorpion appeared in front of Alvin, brandishing two huge pincers and staring viciously at Pikachu.

"My brother's emotions... Red...... Is it really special? Gadria, who was standing not far from Alvin's side, looked at Alvin.

She could keenly feel that Alvin's mood was rising.

This is in the city of edge, Alvin and her battle with Hirona (good money) did not appear!

Gadria whispered softly, and couldn't help but cast her gaze at the boy opposite Alvin who was simply dressed and had clear and pure eyes.

She really wanted to know what was special about this teenager who was so valued by her brother.

"Then, I'm here, don't let me down!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, say hello to our opponent, Flying Pin!"

Alvin looked at Chi and said with a smile, and then took the lead in attacking without hesitation.

The Dragon King Scorpion roared, and the two pincers and the tail of the pincers flashed white at the same time, and in the next moment, the overwhelming projectile needles attacked Pikachu at the same time.

Fight! Begin!


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) I'm not afraid to say in shame, this chapter comes down with tears, Chi is really my childhood ah~regiment)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 98

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