
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 99

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 99
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"Here it comes! Pikachu, avoid it, use 100,000 volts! "

Chi's red eyes were sharp and focused, and he ordered Pikachu loudly, he had known about the dragon king scorpion in the Sinnoh region.

It is an elf with terrifying power, so if the petite Pikachu wants to defeat it, he must not go head-to-head with it.

Pikachu stared at the flying needle deadly, his limbs moved instantly, and his flexible body was full of explosiveness.

In an instant, he ran to the other side of the field and avoided the covering attack of the projectile needle.

At the same time, a strong electric light shot towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

"The level is not low, but this attack is useless! Dragon King Scorpion, rock closed to block down, catch it! "

Alvin raised his eyebrows, this Pikachu's level is not low, it seems that it was already strong when Chi was subdued.

That's right, Chi's Pikachu, although not as good as the little mentally retarded skin god can sometimes go against the sky, but it is definitely a major force of Chi.

Even later, after Chi was ambushed and attacked by the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, this Pikachu followed Xiaohuang and made great contributions to Xiaohuang's growth, I don't know how many times he took her out of danger.

And not 380 is not the same as the unstable play of Pi, the performance of this Pikachu can simply be described as perfect!

A stone wall suddenly appeared in front of the Dragon King Scorpion, and although it was smashed by 100,000 volts, it also successfully blocked 100,000 volts.

At the same time, the moment the stone wall shattered, a lightning-like pincer tail instantly passed through the gap where the stone wall rubble fell, shooting towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Get out of the way! "

Seeing this, his red eyes shrank and shouted to Pikachu.

Pikachu turned around and ran without hesitation when he heard this!

And at this moment, the tail of the Dragon King Scorpion suddenly pierced into the position where Pikachu was before!

"Sure enough, it should have waited." Seeing this, Alvin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his head.

The distance is still not close enough, otherwise Pikachu would not have had time to avoid it.

But the opportunity just now was indeed good, Pikachu's vision was blocked by gravel, and it can only be said that Chi and Pikachu reacted too quickly.

"Pikachu, shadow doppelganger, then use 100,000 volts!"

Akami didn't think much about this, and launched another offensive.

You must take the initiative to attack, Pikachu's physical strength is not equal to the physical strength of the dragon king scorpion, and it can't be consumed! (agaa)

And the level of this dragon king scorpion is obviously much higher than Pikachu.

Pikachu's body was blurred for a while, one point two two four, in an instant, eight Pikachu appeared.

Pikachu kept moving to exchange positions, rushing towards the Dragon King Scorpion at high speed.

"Dragon King Scorpion, wait for it to get closer."

Alvin squinted and kept observing Pikachu, soothing the dragon king scorpion.

The Dragon King Scorpion is huge and has strong physical strength, and it is a defensive counterattack elf, so there is no need to panic at all.

Just wait for your opponent to show their flaws!

At this moment, all eight Pikachus approached the Dragon King Scorpion, jumping up and flashing electric light on their bodies at the same time.

"Grab it!"

Alvin suddenly fixed his gaze on a Kachu directly in front of the Dragon King Scorpion, and said sharply.

His combat experience is extremely rich, and he can't see it without launching a special move.

But Pikachu's real body and fake body, as long as they attack, there will inevitably be differences!

The Dragon King Scorpion roared lowly, and the pincer tail behind it was fierce!

"Iron Tail!"

Seeing this, Chi's eyes froze and said decisively.

Pikachu shot out 100,000 volts instantly, but the target was not the body of the dragon king scorpion, but its pincer tail.

The powerful electric current instantly hit the tail of the Dragon King Scorpion, making it unable to shoot.

At the same time, Pikachu, who was in mid-air, suddenly flipped his body and threw the iron tail on top of the dragon king scorpion with the help of inertia.

With Pikachu Iron Tail in the middle of the Dragon King Scorpion, a circle of qi waves spread!

This blow is very heavy!

The Dragon King Scorpion suffered a heavy blow on the head, and couldn't help but close its eyes in pain and roar.

"This attack can't defeat my Dragon King Scorpion!"

"Dragon King Scorpion!"

But when Alvin saw this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, not afraid that if you don't attack, I'm afraid that you won't attack!

Only by actively attacking will flaws be revealed!

With Alvin's call, the Dragon King Scorpion suddenly opened its eyes, and the pincer tail behind it stabbed out again.

Grabbed Pikachu who has not yet dispersed the old power and the new force!

"Pika! Pickup! "

Pikachu was restrained by the dragon king scorpion and slowly lifted, constantly struggling, but obviously to no avail!

"Pikachu, use thunder!"

Chiji's brows furrowed, after the shadow doppelganger was seen through, he expected such a situation, but there was no way at all.

It's just that I really didn't expect that this dragon king scorpion could withstand Pikachu's continuous blows one after another, and it could actually counterattack so quickly.

But sitting still is not Chi's style!

"Don't even think about it! Dragon King Scorpion, Cross Poison! "

The corner of Alvin's mouth hooked a sneer, shouted to the dragon king scorpion, was caught and wanted to attack?

The Dragon King Scorpion roared and swung its tail suddenly, and Pikachu, who had just lit up with thunder light on his body, exclaimed because of the sudden flicking, and the thunder light on his body also dispersed at the same time.


As the Dragon King Scorpion pincer tail drove Pikachu to hit the ground heavily, the terrifying force shook the entire field!

Pikachu showed a painful expression, this blow was no less than an earthquake for it!

"Hiss~ This dragon king scorpion is so terrifying!"

The cherry blossoms watching felt the ground shake a little, and couldn't help but gasp.

Although he didn't use any skills, being hit on the ground with such a huge force, Pikachu was no less than taking a heavy blow!

Moreover, the attack is clearly not over!

Sakura's worried eyes fell on the Dragon King Scorpion, because the giant pincers on its cheeks had slowly closed at this moment, and it flashed a strange purple glow.

Cross poison!

The crossed energy poison blade hit Pikachu hard again, who was still pinched and could not be avoided, and Pikachu let out a cry of pain again.

Two pounds in a row, too heavy for it!

And seeing that Pikachu still did not lose his ability to fight, the dragon king scorpion raised Pikachu high again.

"Do you still want to come? Oh my! "

Calamus couldn't help but cover his mouth in horror and wrinkled his little face deeply, this familiar look, obviously the dragon king scorpion will hit hard again!


A familiar ground tremor sounded, and the Dragon King Scorpion once again drove Pikachu down hard.

And this attack finally made Pikachu unable to hold on and lose his ability to fight.

At this time, the dragon king scorpion let go of Pikachu, and Pikachu fell limply to the ground, covered in scales.

Alvin, go to the city first!


(Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for custom!) )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 99

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