
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1370

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1370

"That's the World Tree of the Protoss..."

Suddenly, a murmur sounded in the underworld.

Looking for prestige, in the deepest part of the void, a purple dragon entrenched in the eternity actually lowered its eyes and looked down at the world.

His gaze seemed to cross space, and it seemed to cross time.

But he stared dead at the giant tree that held up the ninefold divine realm, the World Tree.

This is the greatest treasure of the Protoss, just like the tree of life of the Elves: It is a life form born of the seventh order.

When it matures, it will completely transform into a seventh-order...

However, such existence is very rare.

Even if the entire Protoss is only one world tree...

There seem to be a few seedlings, but those seedlings are all in the treasure house of the Protoss, just in case.

And now... Yu Zi's gaze was staring at this giant tree that supported the entire God Realm.

It, big... I am afraid that Yu Ziyu's body of the purple dragon in the sky is not reluctant.

And specific descriptions.

It is several circles larger than the entire solar system, and the so-called stars are just the fruit of this giant tree.

And this is also the reason why he supported the Nine Great God Realms.

It's just that I don't know if it's the reason for ripening... This ancient divine tree is actually unsane.

However, too.

As the foundation of the divine realm, how can it allow it to have divine intelligence?

If he has sanity, one is not happy, shaking the branches, I am afraid that it will not be a heavy death and injury.

Therefore, this ancient tree has no sanity.

Only the body, standing in the eternity, holds up the divine domain...


"This divine tree is of great use to me..."

Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu was also undisguised greed.

His essence is transformed into a realm by itself, and this is the seven turns of the flesh.

And the World Tree... It's also the same thing, but he is a branch, forging one small world after another.

And Yu Ziyu, if he gets the world tree, he will understand it a little... I'm afraid I can go further.

You know, since he turned seven times in the flesh, the flesh has not improved for a long time...

And now, such a supreme treasure is in front of his eyes.


In the undisguised laughter, Yu Ziyu also understood that he did not come in vain.


"Let's just take it...

With a whisper, Yu Ziyu did not intend to use any conspiracy.

His strength is the guarantee of everything.

Originally, he just wanted to come to the Protoss to test one or two.

But now, after seeing the treasures that made his heart move, he was not tempted...



Suddenly, in the dragon groan, Yu Ziyu's momentum also continued to rise.

"Boom, boom, boom...

As if there is no end...

And at this moment...


There was another loud noise, and the six wings that covered the sky also spread out behind him.

Six wings across the sky, real dragons overlook the world...

Now Yu Ziyu actually directly opened the 'Infinite Dragon God Posture.'


In the midst of the heaven-shaking dragon groan, staring at the void, Yu Ziyu slammed into it.


Just listening to a loud noise, the void was like a mirror shattering...

And Yu Ziyu was swinging his body, along this broken void, surging in:


And at this moment, the God Domain where the Protoss was located.


With an earth-shattering roar, the entire Divine Domain trembled.

Looking for prestige, in the horrified gazes of countless Protosses, the sky above their heads and even the starry sky were like mirrors shattered. Endless nothingness is revealed.

And in this void, you can see a deep purple intention rushing forward.

"This is?"

In exclamation, the God King, who was sitting high on the throne, stood up abruptly and looked at the broken sky in shock.

Vaguely, he saw an indescribable behemoth, crossing one space after another, rushing in.

"It's the Void Lord...

In the midst of the shocked voice, this God King's face also changed greatly.

How can it be?

Void Master, how could he suddenly come here?

Moreover, is it still so menacing and strong?

Are you kidding?

However, for a moment, looking at the sky that keeps collapsing... Looking at the increasingly brilliant purple meaning... The God King's eyes were also condensed.

"Fighting... Fighting..."

Raising the scepter in his hand, the raging thunder cut through the entire God Domain, but it woke up countless God Race powerhouses.

Look up,


One streamer after another, breaking the void... It turned out to be ten thousand streamers, filling the sky.

The Lord of the Nine Divine Lines... Count the gods... One middle god after another, all at this time...

However, at this time, raising his eyes and looking at the sky, what imprinted into the eyes of countless Protoss was that the top of the head... Above the canopy of the World Tree, a vast and infinite purple vortex emerged...

And right in the depths of that whirlpool...

Like an ancient flood beast, descending across time and space:

An indescribable power also poured in.

"Groan... groan..."

Bursts of dragon groans sounded in the depths of the whirlpool, but they were rolling waves, shaking the entire God Domain.

"Poof, poof..."


One after another Protoss powerhouses didn't even react, and they were already injured by this terrifying sound wave.

What's more, like a shooting star, it smashed directly into the earth.

Under the domination, they are all ants.

It's not about talking.

And Yu Ziyu's Tongtian Purple Dragon is not an ordinary master.

Now, open the 'Infinite Dragon God'... His strength also climbed to the extreme, reaching the Second and Third Heavenly Masters...

Coercion alone is not something ordinary people can bear...


I have to admit that the starry sky and the barriers of the world are indeed terrifying.

Moreover, I don't know if the momentum of his arrival is too terrifying... Affecting one star field... It was actually the Heavenly Dao that attracted the starry sky.

"Click, click...

Like a white angry dragon falling down, silver-white lightning cut through the sky and tore the starry sky apart.

And this, impressively, is Tianwei...

The heavenly power is vast, and it is even more terrifying.

Even Yu Ziyu, who turned into a purple dragon in the sky, felt a sense of suppression.

"Starry Sky, repelling me..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu's pupils shrank.

Before, he hadn't noticed.

But now, after a complete transformation, he originally planned to descend to the Divine Race with the true body of the Heavenly Purple Dragon, but he actually felt the rejection of the starry sky......_

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1370

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