
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1387

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1387

And it's normal to think about it... The Void Clan has severely damaged these two forces, and even captured the World Tree of the Protoss Race...

Such a loss ... Change to an ordinary force, I am afraid that the heart of the fish is dead and the net is broken, and I have it.

It is also the Buddha Gate, the God Race is strong, and this eases up.

However, détente is a détente, but the loss is not small.

Reportedly... Today's gods have eight hundred gods sleeping... Among them, the Lord of the Chaos God System fell into a deep sleep...


Smashing his mouth, Yu Ziyu's gaze couldn't help but look at the rest of the forces, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Kunpeng Clan...

Now, the God Race and the Buddha Sect are so determined that I am afraid that some other forces will be embarrassed.

After all, the Protoss Race, the Buddha Sect suffered huge losses, and this was the determination to be terrible.

But what about other forces?

If the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, dispatch such troops, I am afraid that some...

It's just that at this moment, it seems to have noticed Yu Ziyu's gaze, and the colorful divine phoenix Ni Xiang actually smiled back:


Under a smile, the country fell over, which actually made the entire palace more bright...

"Buddha Gate, God Race, with such determination, I am also shocked, but if my clan wants to dispatch such troops, it is necessary to consult the elders."

Speaking of this, Ni Cang took the initiative again:

"Moreover, the World Tree of the Protoss... Now he has fallen into the void... According to rumors, I am afraid that it is also an incredible combat power, and the Protoss dominates shoulder to shoulder..."

"So... Want to calm the void... I'm afraid it is..."

Speaking one after another, Ni Xiang's words also had a touch of worry.


Nodded, the Dragon Clan's Dream Dragon was also recognized.

Today's Void is more than just a Void Master.

Rather, the two real masters.

One of them. It is even more with the world's combat power, and the Protoss is severely damaged...

With a slight frown, the Dragon Clan's Dream Dragon also suggested:

"This matter needs to be considered in the long run... Don't rush..."


Listening quietly, many forces also nodded one after another.

It's none of your business, hang high.

This is normal.

Moreover, more importantly, the Buddha Gate and the Protoss are all dispatching such forces, if they are dispatched... I am afraid that the strength of the troops cannot be less.

And this, for all their races, is enough to break the bones.


There was a silence, and the whole palace also fell silent...

"Sure enough, it is difficult for ten thousand races to huddle..."

There was a chuckle in his heart, but Yu Ziyu also understood.

It would be strange if the ten thousand races could huddle together...

Let them join forces, and it is possible.

But let them really huddle and turn into one force, which is absolutely impossible.

Interests, disputes, are not allowed.

And this is also what Yu Ziyu hopes...


With a sudden chuckle, Yu Ziyu attracted everyone's attention.

Looking for prestige, he actually saw the Demon Emperor slowly stand up and said softly:

"This matter still needs to be considered in the long run, and there is no rush for a while..."

"Today, fight and rest, in a few days, let's discuss again."


When the words fell, Yu Ziyu was also surging with spiritual power.


Only listening to a roar, time and space were reversed, and Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared silently into the palace, leaving one strong man after another to look at each other...


Left the palace... Yu Yu was also the station that rushed to the demon court.

The same is a large hall.

However, now, the people of the demon court are gathered.

"Bye, Demon Emperor...

"Bye, Demon Emperor...

In the chorus of calling, several figures were already creeping.

Looking up, there are Yu Ziyu's acquaintances, golden ants, white tigers and so on.

However, compared to the past, today's golden ants are really extraordinary.

Dressed in golden scale armor, his posture is powerful and extraordinary.

Like a golden-armored god of war, just standing there, he has the power of not being angry.

Eyes froze... Yu Zi noticed that the golden ant actually had an extra magical power.

[Divine power - the ultimate of power: step on the way of force, to force people... Being able to condense the strength of the body into one point in an instant, and blast out a terrifying punch far beyond the limit... Its terrifying power, even if it is hard to dominate, is not inferior to half a point...】

With a quiet gaze, Yu Ziyu finally understood why this guy was able to fight with the peerless Tianjiao of the Kunpeng clan?

"Not bad, really and good, Little Five, you've grown again .."

Softly approving, Yu Ziyu also did not hide the praise between words.

"Hey, hey..."

Grinning, the golden ant is rarely proud.

This was a terrifying divine power that he realized when he was alive and dead, and he was able to burst into an extremely brilliant blow.

If this one magical power cannot enter the eyes of the owner, then:

However, at this moment, the white tiger on the side seemed to have thought of something, and also took the initiative to speak:

"The host... Didn't you discuss alliances with those guys? "

"Discuss? It's just a ghostly baby. Moreover, this is a big thing and will take some time..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu is looking forward to it:

"I believe that many people will come looking for me in the past few days."

"Looking for you?"

Suddenly stunned, the white tiger was also a little stunned.

"Yes, come to me."

Nodded, Yu Ziyu also affirmed:

"Today, I am very important, and every word and deed is enough to affect the entire starry sky... So in the open and in the dark, there will be people to inquire. "

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the white tiger, golden ant and others, and ordered:

"You keep your mouth shut for me, don't reveal my intention to join the alliance."

"Yes, master."

In the response of the unison, Di Ji Ling'er who was not far away twitched out of the corner of his eye.

If you really don't want to reveal it, you won't say it in front of everyone.

Especially here, there is also the white tiger, a guy who can't control his mouth.

A few jugs of wine were down, and whatever he said was like pouring beans.

And in this regard, not only Ling'er, but even the golden ant also guessed, and looked at the white tiger with a strange face.

At this time, it seemed to have noticed everyone's strange gazes, and the white tiger also waved his hand again and again, and said with a hint of panic:

"Don't worry, rest assured, I won't talk nonsense: Absolutely..."

Saying that, the white tiger even promised:

"If I say that I leaked my mouth, I will definitely be guilty... 100 years of retreat..."


With a sound of amusement, Yu Ziyu also said with a smile.

"That was..."

Patting his chest, the white tiger was also affirmative.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1387

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