
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1389

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1389

"Let's go..."

There was a sudden chuckle, but it was the fallen angel Avril Avril, who showed the six wings behind her back, turned into a purple streamer, and walked towards the corner of the void.

"Found the stele... It's just dashing..."

In response, the third king, who was carrying 'jealousy', actually pounced.


In the low roar, a purple leopard with purple wings on its back also emerged.

The third king, who carries 'jealousy', prefers the beast form to the human form...

So, once you rush or fight... He is all in animal form.

All right... He must recognize that the beast form can allow him to exert his strongest combat power.

If he fights in human form again, he is afraid that he will be ugly again.

And this, for such a proud existence as him, must not be tolerated...


One after another, the void was broken, and countless purple rays shot out, actually penetrating the entire void.

And that, it is the Void Court guard headed by Original Sin...

The elite among the void creatures is also the fourth order of transcendence.

And now... As many as a hundred Void Court guards, all plundering the void, followed closely by Original Sin.

In comparison, members with serial numbers of ten, eleven, etc... Single-digit original sin is truly terrible.

Because they are not only powerful.

They each commanded the Void Court Guard that belonged to them.

And that, like the terrifying combat power of a virtual air regiment...



With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu looked at the leaving Void Army, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

Presumably, this time the Void Invasion... His stele will be collected...

After he gathered the stone stele, he cultivated the Great God Tong One Qi and Three Qing: It's almost time to break the door of heaven...

And then... Heaven is also under the feet...

Heaven and earth, no one can stop it.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Ziyu, who was sitting high on the Void Throne, also gradually ignited a blazing heat...


However, at this moment, as if sensing something, Yu Ziyu was shocked.

"This is?"

Suddenly surprised, Yu Ziyu also felt a touch of change.

Unspeakable, unclear, but unprecedentedly vast...


With a dragon groan, Yu Ziyu's pupils also shrank violently.

Only because he had already sensed the source of this movement:

"The green dragon is transforming...

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu's consciousness was however.

And at the next moment, the perspective was reversed, and what was printed into Yu Ziyu's eyes was a cyan dragon body, winding in the starry sky...


In the increasingly high-pitched dragon groan, this cyan dragon body actually glowed with cyan light.

Dazzling and dazzling... People dare not look directly.

Even more terrifying, like heavenly power, an indescribable power is also pervasive between heaven and earth...

And at this time, if... To the galactic star field...

It was actually possible to find that the sky above the entire star field turned into a vast vortex.

And in the depths of that nebula-like whirlpool, a cyan dragon body loomed...

"What's that?"

"Oh my God..."

"Like a dragon, how is that possible? How could there be such a terrifying true dragon..."

One exclamation after another, countless people were shocked.

And all this, just because this cyan dragon is too terrifying.

Swirling in a spinning nebula... Between the swings of the dragon's body, the figure streaks by.

Can't see the specifics.

Everything is hidden in the nebula.

The only thing that can be seen is the real body in that corner:

"This is the Wishing Dragon... is one of the three gods of the Demon Court, and the wishing divine dragon that volunteers have dissolved..."

Suddenly exclaimed, a strong man who had already recognized the identity of this true dragon was also the first time to remind.


"Fake, huh?"

More and more stunned, countless strong people were unbelievable.

Obviously, the sudden appearance of the wishing dragon scared them.

However, it is also true that raising nine wishing dragon balls and summoning the divine dragon has become a famous game in the galaxy star region.

Even the Angel Clan and the Titan Clan have countless strong people involved.

And now... This wishing dragon with a great name suddenly appeared in the nebula.

What is even more frightening is that his momentum is constantly climbing.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, in the enhancement ...

And this... Should be...


Suddenly, the third generation of Divine Dragon Envoy, Lan from the Angel Clan, had already spoken softly.

"Indeed, the Divine Dragon is advancing."

In response, the Divine Dragon Protector Snake Ji, a girl with long hair and a turquoise snake tail, also appeared beside Arashi.

However, at this time, if you look closely at Snake Ji, you will definitely be able to find that her gaze looking at the cyan dragon in the depths of the nebula is full of surprise...

As the protector of the green dragon... Her existence is both for the Green Dragon Guardian.

And now, the green dragon advanced... She was also a surprise from the heart...


Surprises come surprises, though.

As a guardian, her duty must not be forgotten.

Thinking of this, Snake Ji is also a generation of Qinglong, and explained to countless strong people:

"Guys, rest assured, this is the Green Dragon in the advanced... After he completes the level, his strength will also be stronger... And at that time, it should not be difficult to step into domination in one fell swoop through wishes..."

The soft narration sounded in the ears of countless strong people, but it made one strong person after another, their eyes couldn't stop flickering.

The horror of the divine dragon, they have long been realized.

And now, Shenlong advanced... The power will be even more terrifying.

Even makes people step into dominance...


Swallowing saliva, countless people couldn't help but show a touch of heat.

And at this time... They didn't pay attention... In each of them, an invisible wisp of power rose up, surging towards the green dragon in the starry sky.

The power of human will, very ethereal power, is the source of the power of the green dragon.

It can greatly accelerate his transformation...

And now... Yuzi already feels the body of the green dragon... Like a sublimation, even the power is constantly skyrocketing..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1389

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