
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1390

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1390

Along with it, a feeling of omnipotence poured into Yu Ziyu's heart.

Yes, the feeling of omnipotence.

In a trance, he was able to create planets with one hand.

It was as if he was able to transcend time and space...

What's more, recall the dead...

One incredible ability after another, all at his fingertips.


And this is omnipotent... Omnipotence in the true sense of the word.

Even a terrifying existence as powerful as eternity is an incomparable power.

However... It's such an incredible power... But it doesn't belong to him..

This is the power of the Heavenly Dao, the power of the vast Heavenly Dao of the starry sky...

And Yu Ziyu's current green dragon body is just stealing a little bit of authority.

And that is, such a little bit of authority also makes him feel in control of everything.

"It's a pity..."

A sigh... Yuzi is also a pity.

This feeling of omnipotence is only experienced occasionally.

Really let him do... He couldn't do anything.

Because, just when he is constantly sublimating.

"Boom, boom..."

Like the sound of a chain sliding down, it suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

Looking for prestige, one silver chain after another has popped out from the vast vortex of the starry sky, and little by little they have bound the body of the cyan dragon...

Heavenly Dao Shackles...

It's a bondage and a default.

It binds the power of the green dragon, making it impossible for him to interfere with the balance of all things.

But it is also a real acquiescence to his existence.

And for... This is the chain that binds the body, and Yu Ziyu will not resist.

If he dares to resist, I am afraid that a heavenly punishment will come in the next second.

You can't win 'em all...

The green dragon that stole the power of the Heavenly Dao, although terrifying, also had a shackle from the Heavenly Dao, binding it.

And now, to break this bondage, the only way to break this kind of shackles is to collect nine dragon balls, and then briefly unlock the seal of the green dragon with the power of humanity...

And in exchange ... Qing will grant any wish to the wisher...

And this is the meaning of the existence of the green dragon now...

As for Yu Ziyu, Yu Ziyu wanted this body to fight or use it for him... That's impossible...

However, this is also something that Yu Ziyu expected.

"What I want is the body of the green dragon to grow continuously..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu was also willing to be bound by the Heavenly Dao.


In the long dragon chant, the Dao chain penetrated his body...


All power is a seal.

What's more, Yu Ziyu felt a suction force suddenly coming from the chain.

And this is actually the Heavenly Dao Chain, wanting to take Yu Ziyu away from the starry sky.

An existence like the Dragon of Heavenly Dao should not appear in the starry sky.

After all, it affects the existence of balance and should leave.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth grinned, and also with the body of a green dragon, he spoke:

"I, omnipotent, and cannot..."

"Look for the Dragon Balls that I scattered in the starry sky... In return, I will grant all your wishes..."

The faint voice, the moment it fell, Yu Ziyu's entire green dragon body was actually solidified, and then burst out with an extremely brilliant cyan light.


Just listen to a loud noise, like the sky collapse.

In the almost fiery gaze of countless powerhouses, the entire body of the green dragon was actually split into nine, shooting towards the starry sky in all directions.

And this time, more exaggerated than before.

Because, the nine streamers actually broke through the galactic star domain and shot towards other star domains.

And its range, if you are not mistaken, should cover the entire Western Star Domain...


The stronger the power, the more terrifying the difficulty of collecting.

Only in this way will the human power involved become more and more vast.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to summon the divine dragon alone.

After all, the current Green Dragon Body possesses too terrifying power.

If it is truly unsealed, I am afraid that it will briefly turn into an omnipotent existence like a creator...

And this is Yu Ziyu's third body, the power of the body of the green dragon...

It's just that, unfortunately, this kind of power is not used by Yu Ziyu...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also had some regrets.

However, regret is regret, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied.

Now he has the body and the body of the Heavenly Purple Dragon, and the combat power of the two dominant levels is enough.

And the body of the green dragon... is more important.

One is to steal the power of the Heavenly Dao to prepare for Yu Ziyu's future breakthrough.

The second one is to cooperate with Yu Ziyu's cultivation of the Great God Power to transform three Qi into three Qing.

And waiting for him to cultivate a real great god power to transform three Qi into three clearings, he should be able to use this terrifying great god power to draw out the combat power of the green dragon's body by projection.

And at that time, the Divine Green Dragon, the Heavenly Purple Dragon, and the Void Elf Body... Three bodies in the sky...

It also has the ultimate sublimation of the ontology.

He is afraid that he is truly invincible in the world.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the great god is to steal the great creation and great opportunity.

And with the body of the green dragon, this Heavenly Dao medium... Yu Ziyu is afraid that on the road to stealing the great creation and the great opportunity, it will be more smooth than expected...


Grinning at the corners of his mouth, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it...

"It's not even more than that..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu thought more profoundly:

Today's green dragon, although bound by the Heavenly Dao...

But in the future, there is no possibility that he will replace it.

And waiting for him to take his place, the so-called seal, is a joke.

So... The power like a creation will also fall under Yu Ziyu's control.

Of course... This is just Yu Yu thinking about it.

If there really was such a day, he was afraid that he would be more than an eighth-order eternal...

At least, Yu Ziyu had not heard that in the era, there were people with the power of a creator.

Even the angelic family, the so-called "omnipotent" God, just created the entire angelic family, and the way he said it...


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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1390

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