
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1394

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1394

Softly speaking, Yu Ziyu also chose to leave.

Everything that should be accounted for, has been explained.

The rest is up to Ling'er and the golden ants themselves.

And Yu Ziyu herself...

Naturally, I went to the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the Buddhist gate.

Not long ago, the Lord of the Buddha Gate had come to invite...

In exchange, Yu Ziyu will also make a move for the Buddha Gate.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious about the background of Buddhism:

Like this treasure land, I am afraid that few outsiders enter it.

And he:

It should be the first person in this era...

Come to think of it... Yuzi also raised his footsteps.


One step at a time, Yu Ziyu took the initiative to find the master of the Buddhist gate.

As for the alliance of Babel Star, there is no hurry?

Some people will be more anxious than him...

After all, the current Void family can not stop.

Just Yu Ziyu arranged... There are hundreds of millions of void armies, divided into dozens of roads, invading various forces in a big way.

Right now... They're the ones in real trouble...


And not long after,

"Lord Demon Emperor, please..."

With a smile on his face, an old man with a kind face also said softly.


In response, it was Yu Ziyu who took the initiative to follow the Lord of the Buddha Gate and rushed towards the Buddha Realm.

The Buddha realm does not exist in the starry sky.

It is more like the shadow world, which is a realm of its own and exists in the gap between space.

For this, Yu Ziyu is very clear.

After all, before him, he walked as a Heavenly Purple Dragon, and he snatched a lot of resources.

Until now, the sixth-order spiritual objects of the Buddha Gate, sandalwood, were all ignited in the Void Hall...


"My Buddha values the equality of all beings... All things are equal..."

It is rare to say that this half-Buddha actually explained Buddhism to Yu Ziyu.

However, I have to say that Buddhism is indeed very interesting.

Just listening to it, it can make people feel peaceful, less killing intent, and more idyllic.

"Buddhism is indeed broad and profound."

With a soft praise, Yu Ziyu, who had followed the half-Buddha and came to the depths of the Buddha realm, also raised his eyes and looked at a large hall not far away.

On the door plaque, there is a brilliant golden word - Tibetan scripture pavilion.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the entire hall is full of Buddha light.

There is an indescribable Zen shrouded.

If you are a person who is not determined, I am afraid that if you first arrive here, you will be transformed.

"Hmph... interesting..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also followed the half-Buddha into the Tibetan scripture pavilion...

And not long after that, there were countless scrolls printed into Yu Ziyu's eyes...

"My Buddha has 30,000 Buddhist scriptures, and his magical skills are even more innumerable... You see.. The light of the Buddha is the most intense, and it is the divine foot in my Buddha... Can fly freely to the world of ten directions. It is also a terrifying divine power second only to the Great God Power..."

"It is rumored that if all of my Buddha's most famous six divine powers are successfully cultivated, their power is not even inferior to the real great divine powers..."

"It's just a pity that until now, the most famous six divine powers in my Buddha Sect have not been cultivated by a few people, even if I have only cultivated a Heavenly Eye Channel..."

One after another, the voice of the half-Buddha was full of regret.

If he really cultivated the Six Divine Powers, why would he pretend to be in the hands of the Demon Emperor.

However, fortunately, this demon emperor does have the heart of Buddha.

Along the way, I asked him a lot of Buddhist teachings.

It's just that at this time, what this half-Buddha doesn't know is that Yu Ziyu's mind is too mixed now.

Multi-tasking, but also has four major bodies, but also to plan ten thousand races, and even the starry sky, Yu Ziyu's mind is not ordinary complicated.

And this is not conducive to cultivation.

So hesitate again and again, Yu Ziyu also came to the Buddhist gate for a while.

Buddhism attaches the greatest importance to cultivating the mind.

If he can have an encounter here, he can also really precipitate.

So... After saying hello to this half Buddha, Yu Ziyu also walked towards a scroll of Buddhist scriptures not far away.

However, what stunned this half-Buddha was that Yu Ziyu did not go to the location of the divine power.

Instead, he walked towards the Hinayana sutras...


After a period of silence, this half-Buddha couldn't help but be stunned in place.

Until a long time... Seeing that Ziyu was still flipping through the Hinayana sutras one by one, and even some Mahayana sutras, he said 'Amitabha Buddha'.

"I am a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain..."

Sighing in his heart, the half-Buddha also noticed that this demon emperor deliberately deviated from the location of the divine power...

The world is hungry, and the Buddha is able to make a decision.

How many people can be like the Demon Emperor, in the treasure mountain, find his Buddhist scriptures and delve into Buddhism?

"Demon Emperor, if you really have a relationship with my Buddha..."

Sighing again, this half-Buddha's gaze towards Yu Ziyu was also much friendlier.

It's just that at this time, if he knew, it was Yu Ziyu who slapped his proud disciple to death, would he directly spurt out a mouthful of old blood:

Not only killing disciples, but also stepping into the treasure house of others with peace of mind, cultivating their zen minds:

Such things that require skin, so Yu Ziyu can do it...

Change someone, other than that, embarrassment must be somewhat embarrassing ...


Spring and autumn have passed, and in the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

And in this year, Yu Ziyu seemed to have changed, less fierce and more peaceful.

"The cultivation of the mind of Buddhism does have a desirable path."

Softly approving, Yu Ziyu also said goodbye to the half-Buddha.

He had been in the Buddhist Gate Scripture Pavilion long enough.

If you don't leave, your face is not good-looking.

However, at this moment, seeing Yu Ziyu, who already had the intention of going, this Lord of the Buddhist Gate also invited:

"I don't know if the Demon Emperor can accompany me to a place."


In response, Yu Ziyu, who walked out of the Buddhist Gate Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, also followed the Lord of the Buddha Gate and strolled through the Buddha Realm...

At a stone's throw is the end of the world.

In just a few breaths, Yu Ziyu and the Lord of the Buddha Gate had already arrived at the edge of a boundless sea.

"This is the bitter sea of Buddhism, only those who have a fate..."

When the words fell, the Buddha's light flourished, and an illusory path actually extended under the feet of this half-Buddha.

And follow this Lord of Buddhism, all the way to the sea... Until the end, Yu Ziyu was shocked.

Just because, at this time, a vague feeling suddenly haunted my heart.

"This is the breath of the divine tree."

With a murmur in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also stunned. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1394

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