
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1395

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1395

Also a divine tree, Yu Ziyu is no stranger to the breath of the divine tree.

Moreover, more importantly, this divine tree, which seemed to be different from ordinary divine trees, actually made Yu Ziyu feel a faint oppression.

"The Sacred Tree of Buddhism - The Sacred Tree of Bodhi..."

Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also remembered this Buddhist sacred tree.

This sacred tree can be described as famous.

It is said that sitting under this sacred tree, you can soar in wisdom and see through everything in the world.

It is also rumored that the reason why the one of the Buddha gate stepped into that unspeakable realm was also because with the power of the Bodhi Holy Tree, this was nirvana, turned into a true Buddha, and existed forever with the world.

In this way, it is also possible to imagine how terrifying this Buddhist sacred tree is.

And now, this Lord of Buddhism was actually brought to the place where his Bodhi Holy Tree took root?

Some were stunned, but more missing indescribable surprises:

"This Buddha Gate treats me really well."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu and the Lord of the Buddha Gate also came to an island in the sea of suffering.

And in the middle of this island, there is a huge lake.

And in the center of that lake...

Slowly raising his eyes, what appeared in Yu Ziyu's eyes was actually a holy tree that covered the sky.

It is holy, not God.

Just because its breath is pervasive, heaven and earth return to peace.

Golden leaves, golden tree body...

Even standing quietly makes people quiet.

And at this moment, as if sensing something, the branches of the distant holy tree suddenly swayed.


There was actually a Buddha light rising, surging towards Yu Ziyu and even the half-Buddha.

And in the next moment,

The wind is quiet, the clouds are quiet.

Heaven and earth are quiet.

Only Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering, and there was a bright light rising in a pair of divine eyes.

That is the light of wisdom.

Just because, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's mind was actually clear.

In the past, many things that could not be seen through, were seen through in an instant.

In the past, some unfamiliar abilities were also integrated in an instant.

Scary, and horrifying.

Slowly raising his eyes, staring at the holy tree in the distance that was naughty like a child and the branches were constantly surging, Yu Ziyu also flashed a rare shock.

"This is the power of Bodhi, which makes people clear their minds and helps people to practice..."

A rare explanation, the Lord of the Buddha Gate is also shocked.

Just because this is the first time that the Bodhi Holy Tree has taken the initiative to baptize people.

Like others, even if he arrives, the Bodhi Holy Tree will not take care of half a point.

"This demon emperor really has a relationship with my Buddha."

His heart repeatedly sighed, and this master of the Buddha Gate also spoke:

"This time, I brought Lord Demon Emperor because my Buddha Holy Tree, when it was cultivated, there were some problems, and some stunted development..."

"If you can, please also ask the Demon Emperor Lord to help one or two."

"In exchange..."


One after another, the lord of this Buddha gate also waved,

Then, in the midst of Yu Ziyu's pupils, ten golden leaves had already appeared in front of him.

Bodhi holy leaves, and not ordinary Bodhi holy leaves.

It looks like it should be the Bodhi Holy Tree, a few precious leaves.

Every holy leaf is enough to make people enlightened.

Although this is useful for Yu Ziyu.

It can be given to subordinates, especially the Nine Tails, Ling'er and others, I am afraid that they will...

While thinking about it, Yu Ziyu's gaze towards this Bodhi Holy Leaf was also a little more hot.

"It's worthy of being a Buddhist gate, this is really a big deal."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also understood the Buddha's overtures.

However, this does not affect.

He loves.

Hehe smiled, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"It's not difficult..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu was also surging with spiritual power.

"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's body was shocked.

And then the pupils of this Buddha master are shrunk,


The vitality that almost turned into substance was violently sprayed, and it turned into a green pillar of light, surging towards the Bodhi Holy Tree in the distance.


unimaginable life.

Like substance.


In the low roar, it turned into a green dragon phantom...

Vitality dragon, you can imagine what a terrible vitality this is.

And now, this kind of vitality is actually pouring into the Bodhi Holy Tree endlessly.

"Sure enough, it was a wise choice for me to bring Lord Demon Emperor here."

With a sigh, even this Lord of the Buddha Gate couldn't hold back the joy on his face:

It's just that what the Lord of the Buddha Gate doesn't know is that this is really casual for Yu Ziyu now.

After all, his current strength is too terrifying, and the vitality contained in him can be described as endless.

So... Spilling a little machine does not affect him.

However, it is such a little vitality, for the Bodhi Holy Tree, which is now only a sixth-order holy tree... But it was...

"Boom, boom..."

With the naked eye, it can be seen that the branches and even the leaves of the entire Bodhi tree are constantly beginning to relax.

a little

A little... Diastolic...

Moreover, its body becomes larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like it's growing.

Of course, this is not important yet.

The important thing is that when this Bodhi Holy Tree continues to grow, a mysterious and mysterious breath also pervades heaven and earth...

"The Bodhi Holy Tree is worthy of being the Divine Tree of Heaven and Earth..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but shake.

This kind of enlightening mind, but also the ability to make people realize, is really terrifying.

Fortunately, he has an evolutionary point and can realize the path on his own.

Yes, others are different.

Even if it is shocking, it is good to be able to realize the Dao once.

And what does an enlightenment mean?

Thick and thin, thousands of dynasties hard work, spray thin in one day...

If you are lucky, you can even break the shackles and step into a new realm.

And this is enlightenment.

And now, the Buddha Gate sits on such sacred trees... Imagine what a horror it will be in the future.

It is no wonder that one era after another of Buddhism, the strong emerge one after another...


And now... The branches and leaves moved, constantly extended, and a brilliant Bodhi holy light also continued to rise.

Only, just a short time later.


In the corner of the Buddha Gate Lord's eyes, this Bodhi Holy Tree actually swept a golden torrent towards Yu Ziyu.

And that, the golden torrent, is an innumerable Bodhi holy leaf...

At a glance, there are more than a hundred pieces...


After a period of silence, the Lord of the Buddha Gate couldn't help but show a look of pain on his face.

If this is a different person, I am afraid that I will have the mind to scold my mother.

A loser, really a loser.

It was because of such a corrupt holy relic that he did not have enough Buddhism...

And at this time, watching quietly, Yu Ziyu's face also showed hesitation.


Before Yu Ziyu finished speaking, the Lord of the Buddha Gate had already put his hands together and said an Amitabha Buddha, and then he spoke:

"This is a gift from Bodhi, and I ask the Demon Emperor not to refuse .."

However, at the moment when the words of this Lord of Buddha Gate fell, his face twitched violently.

Just because the Demon Emperor didn't know when, he accepted more than a hundred Bodhi holy leaves, and even more than ten holy leaves he took out.


What is that?

Can I eat it? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1395

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