
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1399

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1399


The sudden roar echoed in time and space.

With the naked eye, it can be seen that an illusory humanoid figure actually stepped out of the tree body of Yu Ziyu's body.

Long purple hair fluttering in the wind.

Elf-like ears, pointed and long.

He is noble and extraordinary.

It also has a very evil temperament.

And this is Yu Ziyu's third body, the body of the Void Spirit.

But now!!

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also manipulated by his mind.


Another step, this illusory figure actually lifted his footsteps, walking towards the young body refined by Yu Ziyu.

And in the next moment, the two figures kept overlapping.

"Boom, boom, boom...

Only listening to the roar after roar, the breath of this young man's body actually climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With just a few breaths, he actually broke through the shackles, and his breath reached the sixth order.

And this is not yet terrifying.

What is really terrifying is that this young man's body is also constantly growing until he turns into a young man.

The figure, slender, with brilliant silver hair, looks like a waterfall.

With the tap of a fingertip, the cracks that are broken like mirrors continue to spread.

"It's done..."

With a chuckle, the silver-haired elf's face also showed a look of surprise.

He really became.

The body of the elf has undergone a qualitative transformation.

Now, his elven body not only has reached the sixth order, but also has extremely terrifying potential.

The supreme body is not a joke.

In one breath, Yu Ziyu could feel his strength growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

But think about it too.

The realm is there, and the rest is the accumulation of spiritual power...


And here, it is worth mentioning that reshaping the body of the elves is not for fighting.

The battle, now with the body, and the body of the purple dragon in the sky, the two combat powers far beyond the ordinary dominance level are enough.

In more sense, it is still for their own cultivation.

Yes, own cultivation.

Only because now Yu Ziyu has already obtained the sixth stone tablet.

A stone tablet that records the sixth secret method of the Great God One Qi Transformation Three Qingtong.

"Three in one..."

In a whisper, Yu Ziyu's gaze came to the stone tablet that appeared at an unknown time.


Not a piece,

Instead, there are five stone tablets, all standing quietly in this piece of time and space.

It was originally six stone steles, but the stone stele that recorded the third secret method, the body sculpting, had long been broken, and its inheritance was imprinted in the depths of the bloodline of the Blazing Angel lineage.

If it weren't for Yu Ziyu's atmospheric luck and being able to turn into the fifth blazing angel wing, he might not be able to master this secret method...

And now... Yuzi's gaze fell on the fifth stone tablet.

This is a stone tablet that records the sixth secret method of the Great God Channel, One Qi and Three Qing, the Three Bodies in One.

What is the three-in-one?

The three-in-one body can also be called the 'oneness and three-body'.

It refers to one body, three bodies...

And Yu Ziyu is now also cultivating to the realm of the Great God Channel, One Qi, Three Qing, and Six Three-Body One.

This realm pays attention to 'one to transform three, three bodies into one..'

And without considering the combat power, this heavy secret method is for cultivation.

Yes, cultivation.

It was able to superimpose the cultivation speed of the three bodies and then attribute them to the body.

As for, specifically, it is Yu Ziyu's green dragon, purple dragon, and even the body of the elf: Their respective cultivations will eventually converge in the same way.

In other words, Yu Ziyu's previous thought of three times the cultivation speed was ten times the cultivation speed, and it was not a dream.

It's a fact.

No, it was even more terrifying than Yu Ziyu imagined.

The more amazing the talent of Yu Ziyu's three bodies, the more terrifying Yu Ziyu's cultivation will be.

It's not as simple as one plus one.

It's a superposition of each other.

Therefore, even if he paid some very huge price, Yu Ziyu was the foundation for reshaping the elf body and turning it into a supreme body.

Such a terrifying elf body, cultivation talent, is even more amazing...

And in this way, when Yu Ziyu cultivates the sixth secret method of the Great God Channel, the Three Qi Transformation Three-Body One, he can pursue an almost extreme cultivation speed.

You know, Yu Ziyu's ontology cultivation speed is terrifying.

In one breath, the spiritual power swallowed is tens of thousands.

And when Yu Ziyu has cultivated the sixth secret method of the Great God Channel, one qi and three Qing, and attributed the cultivation of the remaining three bodies to his own body, what will he do?

What was originally millions of years of cultivation was actually completed in just ten thousand years of cultivation.

And Yu Ziyu will take this opportunity to grow at an extremely terrifying speed.

And it is worth mentioning here that when it comes to the realm of domination, cultivation will be slow.

One cultivation is thousands of years.

A retreat is tens of thousands of years.

Domination, no years, is not just talk.

And although Yu Ziyu's talent is terrifying, his cultivation in the realm of domination is also difficult.

However, there is no way around this.

The spiritual power of the Dominion Realm was too vast, like an ocean, unfathomable.

Whether it's conversion, or accumulation... It's not ordinary vastness.

In this way, the speed of cultivation will be full.

But now, it's different.

After Yu Ziyu had cultivated the sixth secret method of the Great God Channel, the Three Qi Transformation Three Qing - Three Body Oneness, he could cultivate with the other three bodies.

At most, the cultivation of the remaining three bodies was just stranded.

In exchange, the cultivation speed of Yu Ziyu's body will have a qualitative transformation.

Even, according to Yu Ziyu's understanding, if the Great God Powers One Qi Transformation Three Qing Sixth Secret Method-Three Body One Cultivation to Dacheng, not only the cultivation speed, can be shared, even the so-called talent and even ability can be shared to a certain extent.

The unity of the three bodies, cultivation to the fullest, is to accept the three bodies into one.

Incorporate the body of the green dragon, the body of the purple dragon, and even the body of the elf into your own body, and the accumulation of quantity is transformed into a qualitative transformation.

Regardless of each other, there is an explosive improvement.

Scary, and terrifying.

And this is the real horror of the Great God Channel, one qi and three Qing.

You think you're facing one person, but it's actually four.

You think that the four people you are facing, but these four people can actually share their cultivation speed and even talent.

The superposition is not as simple as 1+1+1+1...

Therefore, the general outline of the Great God Power is right, this is not a great God power for fighting, but an auxiliary Great God Power for cultivation.

Its real role is still 'three bodies in one, one body three bodies.'" Stealing the great creation in the underworld, atmospheric luck... Achieve yourself'. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1399

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