
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1400

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1400

"Now, I am only left with the last stone tablet..."

The sudden condensation sound, Yu Ziyu, whose consciousness returned to his body again, his eyes couldn't stop flickering.

Yes, only the last stone tablet is missing.

Now, the Great God Tong One Qi Transformation Three Qing and Seven Layers Realm, he has already cultivated the sixth, only the stone tablet that records the Great God Tong One Qi Transformation Three Qing Seventh Secret Method has not yet been found.

It should be soon, though.

That piece was in the extremely dark place of the starry sky, give Yu Ziyu some time, he could find it.

Only, before that ...

His eyes raised slightly, looking at a silver-haired figure not far away, and Yu Ziyu also turned conscious.



Just listening to the sound of breaking the sky, Yu Ziyu's elven body suddenly turned into a silver streamer, shooting towards the tree of life not far away.

The Tree of Life, a sacred relic of the elven family.

For the elves, there is a great wonder.

Just like now, even if the body has repeatedly transformed into a supreme body, Yu Ziyu's body can be nourished by the tree of life.

And now...


The Lord of Swallowing, Yu Ziyu's elven body, was already coiled in the canopy of the Tree of Life, and began to cultivate alone...


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

"I hope to be able to set foot on the seventh order sooner..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's body also turned into a human form and took steps again.


Only listening to a roar, time and space staggered, Yu Ziyu's figure also really left this piece of time and space and returned to Batianxing...


Yu Ziyu, who returned to Tongtian Star again, couldn't help but be dazzled.

Only because, in just a few years, the Tongtian Star has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Pavilions stand high in the sky, fairy palaces fly in the sky,

One after another, the Yaochi phoenix platform seems to have gone through the baptism of time.

And this is today's Babel Star.

It's like a true wonderland, it's really brilliant.

However, this is also conceivable.

After all, today's Tongtian Star has become the center of ten thousand races.

Countless strong people gather here.

There are one big force after another, stationed here.

In Yu Ziyu's words, 'This is a starry sky that shrinks countless times'...

It's really a thousand races.

In this way, prosperity is also conceivable...

Moreover, not only prosperity, but also the culture of all ethnic groups blooms in the sky.

A hundred flowers bloom in the true sense of the word, competing for beauty.

Just like the sphere of influence of the demon court, there are a few fewer fairy palaces, but there are more skyscrapers with a modern atmosphere.

And when it comes to architecture... The city designed by the Terrans of Blue Star is unique in beauty.

So much so, attracting the attention of countless forces...

And now... The Demon Court is in the stars of Tongtian and established nine cities.

Each city is different, but it shows the heritage of the demon court to the fullest.

And this: It is also Ling'er's repeated care.

And for this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart.

Ling'er, in this regard, there is really nothing to say, even if he is not there, he can take care of the demon court in an orderly manner...

Now, though... It's good not to care about these times...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky:

"Now it's time to get the last stele..."

However, before that, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, setting off a slightly imperceptible arc, and Yu Ziyu also turned his consciousness and pulled onto the body of the Tongtian Purple Dragon.

Then as the 'Body of the Purple Dragon of Babel', the Lord of the Void commanded:

"Let's start a big invasion..."

"Yes, master."

In response, it was the Void Origin Spirit Zi'er, who slowly walked towards the outside of the palace.

Now, as the 'Holy Daughter of the Void Clan, she will issue the orders of the Void Lord'.

And then, the void will truly ravage the starry sky...

In other words, Yu Ziyu is ready for the final finish.

A real all-out invasion to force the Ten Thousand Races...


"Let's launch a general attack...

With a command, the icy voice used the void as a medium, constantly spreading...

And at the same time,


The high-pitched dragon groan suddenly sounded in the depths of the void.

Looking for prestige, I don't know when, a purple dragon with no end in sight was already winding through the void.

"Boom, boom..."

The terrifying figure, just meandering, all shook the void, making the entire void roar continuously.

However, what was even more terrifying was that the six purple wings that covered the sky were also slowly spreading behind this purple dragon.


The increasingly high-pitched dragon groan, shaking the heavens and the earth, actually spread thousands of miles away.

So much so that countless void creatures centered on the Tongtian Purple Dragon were boiling for it.

And this, or the vast majority of the void, marched into the void under the leadership of the Void Original Sin.

Otherwise, the boiling of countless void creatures alone would shake the entire void.


And at the same time.

"Void Lord..."

With a call, in the distance, a giant purple tree that covered the sky also slowly rose up.

This is the world tree.

However, in the past few years, he has finally fallen into the void and turned into the Void World Tree.

And now...


The right leg of countless tree roots intertwined suddenly lifted, and suddenly smashed the entire void, making the void tremble.

"Tread, tread, tread...

Step by step, the World Tree was already rushing towards the Heavenly Purple Dragon that Yu Ziyu had transformed.

It is a follower of the Lord of the Void.

And now, hands on stars, feet on the void... This terrifying powerhouse is also an unrivaled gesture, ready to truly enter the starry sky.

World Tree... The true seventh-order life form, in terms of the physical body alone, is even more terrifying than the original Heavenly Master.

And when this kind of monster, out of the void...


Just thinking about it, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth couldn't help but grin, and a touch of expectation rose......_

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1400

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