
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1401

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1401


Suddenly, in the midst of the dragon groan, Yu Ziyu also tried his best to extend his posture, constantly spreading towards the depths of the void.

Now, he is going to lead the Void Army and truly invade.

And this time, the place of invasion is the center of ten thousand races - Babel Star.

This is both the provocation of the void to the starry sky.

It is also a plot that Yu Ziyu has been planning for a long time...

You must know that the Tongtian Star, now there are countless strong people, and countless treasures gather.

If you're lucky...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of expectation.

Of course, before the big invasion, he needs to transfer the body away from Babel.

Otherwise, the war between the body and the Tongtian Purple Dragon would not have the effect Yu Ziyu wanted.

And he, the desired effect?

Since it is the essence, the demon emperor, saving all races from fire and water.

"Then I will go directly to find the last stone tablet."

As soon as his mind turned, Yu Ziyu's consciousness was also split in two.

And now...

Tong Tianxing, Yu Ziyu also said goodbye to everyone as the 'Demon Emperor'.

"Demon Emperor, where is this going?"

Suddenly asked, but it was Ni Xiang of the Feng Clan, who took the initiative to speak.

"Recently, I felt that the extremely dark place of the Starry Sky Corner may have my chance, so I want to go for a while."

In response, Yu Ziyu also looked not far away, this silhouette wearing a Xia robe and a veil.

The enchanting figure, even if you don't look at the face, it is unforgettable.

This is the first beauty in the starry sky.

The beauty that comes out from the outside is truly natural'.

"I don't know, can I accompany the Demon Emperor with me..."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, this first beauty under the starry sky actually blinked playfully, and said with some expectation.


Slightly startled, Yu Ziyu did not refuse at the first time.

This is the lord of the Phoenix clan, it is better to go with him.

It shouldn't affect anything.

Anyway, a single stone tablet, this guy should not be able to judge anything.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also smiled:

"This can naturally be...

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also stretched out his hand and said:



A smile curled at the corner of his mouth, and Ni Xiang was also lightly on tiptoe.

And in the next moment,


A soft sound, there was actually a flashing nine-colored phoenix, emerging under her feet.

Nine-colored divine phoenix - this is the emperor soldier of the Feng clan.

It has combat power that is no less than that of the dominant level.

Of course, compared to the real one, there is still a gap.

At least, today's Ni Xiang is far from enough to support the complete recovery of this imperial soldier.

But well... Used to catch up, it must not be bad.


With a louder and louder whistle, the colorful phoenix spread its wings, but it brought up a rainbow light and left at the end of the starry sky.

Seeing this, Yu Ziyu was also a little on tiptoe.


Suddenly, in the midst of the dragon's groan, a real dragon also stretched under his feet.

This is a true dragon transformed from one of his roots.

Although the strength is not strong, it sells well.

Nice to use 'as a temporary mount'...

Moreover, now, a dragon and a phoenix, complement each other, but also have a flavor:


It's just that what Yu Ziyu and even Ni Cang don't know is... Just as they left together, one force after another could not help but shake.

"The Lord of the Phoenix Clan, is he so close to the Demon Emperor?"

"Moreover, the two of them are even going together to find opportunities.."


One after another, countless strong people showed a look of disbelief.

These two should not become a Taoist couple, right?

If these two form a Daoist couple, the Feng Clan and the Demon Court join forces, and under the starry sky, who can resist?

And, isn't it impossible?

The Phoenix Clan is the most noble race under the starry sky, and it is not surprising if it really walks out of a demon queen.

Moreover, Ni Xiang is also recognized as the 'first beauty' under the starry sky.

Thinking about this, one strong person after another, but also the eyelids can't stop beating.

That's not a good thing for them.

And at this time, what no one knew was that even the high-level of the Feng Clan, one strong person after another, was panicked.

"My goodness, why is Ni Xiang so disobedient?"

"What is good about the demon emperor, I read it all day long."

"Alas: There is no way, the demon emperor is the first person in the starry sky today, and although Ni Xiang is powerful, his mind is not yet mature, and it is understandable that he is blinded for a while. "

"You still speak for Ni Xiang, do you know that your nizi moved the 'Spring Heart...'"

The rare discussion made the entire Feng Clan helpless.

They, the patriarch, are good at everything.

It's just some pride.

And when this pride meets an existence that is enough to crush all her pride head-on, and is even more exclusive to the starry sky, then...

Something troublesome...

All, their Feng Clan was also not at ease with Ni Xiang taking the initiative to approach the Demon Emperor.


At this time, Yu Ziyu and Ni Xiang didn't know that other forces would have so many thoughts...

If he knew, Yu Ziyu would probably be unable to help laughing.

Although, Ni Cang is indeed the first beauty under the starry sky.

But he was already obsessed with cultivation, how could he have time to care about his children's private affairs.

Moreover, this Ni Xiang seemed to take the initiative to approach him, but the cunning in her eyes betrayed her.

If Yu Ziyu didn't guess wrong, this lord of the Phoenix Clan should just want to come out and play.

After all, along the way, she couldn't stop complaining to Yu Ziyu.

"Although I am the head of the Feng Clan, the entire Feng Clan is controlled by the major elders..."

"And they take care of me all day long, and they don't let me do it, and they don't let me do it. Hmph..."

In the midst of growing dissatisfaction, this lord of the Phoenix clan is also like a little girl gambling.

However, hearing this, Yu Ziyu also understood why the major elders of the Feng Clan did not give power to this nizi.

This is not only the elders of the Feng Clan, even in the demon court, Yu Ziyu will not be able to give power to Nizi.

As the head of a clan, how can you be capricious.

It's just that, fortunately, Ni Xiang seems to know this, even if her strength is unbelievable, she has always listened to the words of the elders of the Feng Clan.

Now, instead of saying that she controls the Feng Clan, she has already taken the initiative to give power to the various elders, letting them control the Feng Clan, and she herself is happy to be a handshaker.

However, compared to Yu Ziyu's freedom, the various Feng Clan elders also repeatedly restrained her, which made her a little uncomfortable.

And this is the case, with the name of Yu Ziyu, the demon emperor, came out to scatter his mind...

After all, it is the Feng clan, the family has a big business, and there are many rules.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1401

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