
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1402

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1402

"I can be regarded as knowing another side of the Lord of the Phoenix Clan..."

With a rare joke, Yu Ziyu also laughed.

"Count, why not?"

With a gentle snort, Ni Xiang took off the veil, revealing the face of the Spirit Starry Sky that was discolored.

"It's still comfortable without a veil..."

In the laughter like a silver bell, this silhouette has stepped on the nine-colored divine phoenix, turned into a nine-colored brilliance, and shot straight towards the depths of the starry sky.

However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to find that the corner of her mouth has set off a touch of playfulness at some point.

"Even the Demon Emperor, when he saw me, he lost his mind for a moment.."

A touch of pride rose in his heart, and this Feng Clan Ni Xiang was actually rare because of his face, and a touch of joy rose.


It's just that when the Demon Emperor and Ni Xiang wandered out of the starry sky together, what no one knew was that the real great terror had ushered in.

"Boom, boom, boom...

One roar after another, in the deepest part of the void, it was visible to the naked eye, and a giant was already carrying a furnace on his shoulder and stepping forward.

The terrifying furnace turned the deep purple sky of the void into a dark red...

And the dark red sky radiated the purest scorching, and in it there was a will to be violence that was difficult to match, that savage and tyrannical domineering, as if it was going to be forcibly imposed on an enemy in front of him, destroying everything.


unimaginably terrible.

However, at this time, if you look closely, the giant shoulder is not carrying a real furnace, but a star like a furnace.

Spraying endless light and heat.

"My name is Rahil...

It seems to be a declaration, and it is a narrative...

The void is shaken by it.

And in the next moment...

"Hmph, hmph, hmph..."

A laugh reverberated violently, low to high, accompanied by savage, insolent, domineering, and even unbelievable laughter.

Lap after lap, ripple burst.

And then... In the incredulous gaze of the voidless creature behind him, this Optimus Giant actually raised the star on his shoulder and smashed towards the void fiercely.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the roar of the star actually smashed the barrier of the void, turned into a monstrous fireball, shattered layers of space, and flew towards the starry sky.


And at this moment,


Deep in the starry sky, a loud noise resounded on one side.

In the eyes of countless strong people who dare not believe it. The space of one asteroid belt was actually shattered, revealing a bright light.

The unimaginable heat is even more revealed.

And through the crack that became more and more broken, all the strong people found that it was a huge fireball that glowed and burned with flames...

"What's that?"

"Oh my God."

"Its temperature is not less than hundreds of thousands of degrees..."

"I feel like the starry sky is about to turn into a sea of fire..."

One exclamation after another, countless strong people were unbelievable.

This is the Central Great Star Domain.

The strong are like clouds, and the fourth order is as many as dogs.

However, now, looking at the suddenly shattered starry sky, one strong person after another was stunned.

What exactly is this?

Just don't wait for more reaction from them.


There was another earth-shattering roar, and the indescribable huge fireball finally shattered the space and gushed out.

"Boom, boom..."

A terrifying roar, resounding in the starry sky,

The starry sky has finally been seen... At the end of the starry sky, a fireball beyond comprehension descended into the world.

Along with this, countless small fireballs fell from the sky.

It is small because these fireballs are too small compared to the largest fireball.

But if you look closely, these fireballs are tens of thousands of meters, or even hundreds of thousands of meters in size.

"Tweet. Chirp. Chirp. Tweet..."

Cutting through space, terrible temperatures, distorting everything, turning the end of the starry sky into a sea of fire.

Millions of pieces,

It's like a rain of fire...

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

In a short moment, these fireballs fell from the end of the starry sky, and countless mushroom-filled fire-burning clouds soared into the sky.

Among them, the most powerful and violent flame heat wave, actually made a planet "boom" and vibrate, the flames soaring into the sky rushed straight into the sky, and the sky and earth changed color.

Even if you are several asteroid belts away, you can still clearly feel the waves of fire...

And that, one planet after another: The crater ripples spread by the earth are expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The real apocalypse...

This is a natural disaster that can destroy the world.

And this, not to mention half of the fourth-order powerhouses, even some sixth-order giants have drastic changes in their faces.

And it is worth mentioning that this place is not far from the Babel Star.

Looking at it from afar, Tongtianxing, a planet that is extremely large, actually has countless streamers, rising into the sky.

Its powerful gas machine is one after another.

"This is?"

"I don't know, but we have to stop it..."

One call after another, one strong person after another also shot out one after another, trying to block this meteor shower that pushed everything.

It's just that these guys, they don't know yet, the real big horror is also getting closer little by little.

"Tread, tread, tread...

Step by step, it actually smashed the space.

The World Tree is already leading the Void Army, and it is coming.


A real invasion.

And the meteor fire shower that swept through everything is just the beginning.


In the increasingly arrogant and indescribable laughter, through the layers of space, the World Tree looked at the countless insignificant figures like insects, and also showed ridicule.

"Today's starry sky is really weak..."

In the undisguised voice, he formed his arms into claws, tearing the spatial crack he was grasping fiercely.


Ben wasn't enough space for him to step over... Finally, a huge crack really opened...

And he,

The Lord of the Void, the strongest under the seat, Rahil, will truly fight for the Void and vow to slaughter the entire starry sky..._

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1402

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