
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1407

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1407

Sword Sect... Also famous family lineage.

It is the true heritage of the Terrans.

As for that, how scary is that?

Just one point, it can be seen that that the Terran race is recognized as the strongest race in all ages.

Even if they were sealed by the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, their strength would not change from the past.

And now... Sword Zongzhi, Chen An, this human race supreme, finally walked out.

Looking coldly at the World Tree.

He didn't want to make a move.

After all, the Sword Sect was used to keeping a low profile.

But... Righteousness is not allowed

Now, the evil demon invasion, the catastrophe is coming, if they are low-key, I am afraid that they will be pointed out...

So... Awakening the sword shocking inheritance, this master of the sword sect also came with a hundred thousand sword lights.

Only, at this moment, gazing at the heaven-shading monster that straddles the two asteroid belts far away... The master of this human race sword sect also had a cold eye.

Pinching the sword in your hand, pointing straight to the starry sky...

"I have a sword that can cut the heavens and crack the earth... Break the void.... You can also take your first level..."

Softly speaking, 100,000 sword qi are all crisscrossing the starry sky.

However, in the next moment,

As if sensing something, far away, through the stars, among the millions of troops watching, there were countless strong people who were slightly shocked.

Only because, at this time, the long swords in their hands were trembling.

Even, even the seventh-order artifact in the hands of the daughter of thorns, the Blood Killing Sword, trembled violently.

"This is?"

Suddenly, the daughter of thorns also realized something, and the corners of her mouth turned sharply.

"It is worthy of the legendary Sword Sect..."

When the words fell, the daughter of thorns also waved her hand casually and threw out the blood killing sword in her hand.


A streak of blood swept through the sky and shot towards the starry sky.

And right at this moment.


Countless sword light shootouts actually turned into a torrent of sword light, flying towards the master of that sword sect.

"Gee... The Sword Sect is still as strong as ever. "

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the Lord of Reincarnation also praised from the heart.

This 'sword coming' summoned a million divine swords, which was enough to establish their status as the overlord of the Sword Sect and Sword Cultivation.

And now... The flying sword that covered the sky turned into a torrent and actually flew towards the World Tree.

"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, the body as strong as the World Tree was constantly trembling.

One sword light after another was actually constantly tearing the body of the World Tree.


The unimaginable pain wrapped the world tree in an instant.


Suppressing the roar of extreme pain, the World Tree was already submerged in countless sword lights.

"Sword Sect..."

"It's terrible."

"It is worthy of being the first attack of the Terrans..."

"These means... Let me see the appearance of a million sword immortals across the world again.."

One sigh after another, which dream dragon, the Lord of the Buddha Gate was also a little shocked.

Once upon a time, it was a million sword immortals of the Terran race, sweeping the sky, covering the sky, even the dragon race could not raise its head.

And that, is the Terran Sword Immortal, the most terrifying attack inheritance of the Terran.

And now, looking at the endless sword light, they seemed to see the return of the 'Terran Sword Immortal':

It's just that just when all the powerhouses are happy with the strength of the Terran Sword Sect:


A gentle cold snort suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

This cold snort was not big, but it shook the starry sky and made countless people's hearts tremble.

And in the next moment, in the purple vortex behind the world tree,

A slender figure carrying six wings was also gradually pulled out.

"Sword Immortal... Hmph..."

As if sneering, the slender figure actually poked out a palm.


It seemed to cross the space, and that palm actually fell violently on the World Tree.


Just listening to a terrifying roar, countless sword lights trembled violently.

Then, there was a cry of sorrow.

The Divine Sword roared sadly, but it finally couldn't withstand Yu Ziyu's palm from the Purple Dragon.

And so...

Accompanying nature is...


A mouthful of blood spurted out, dyeing his clothes red, and the master of this human sword sect, his breath fell violently...

"Virtual... Empty... Host... Zai..."

In the midst of the incredible voice, the face of the leader of the Human Sword Sect also changed drastically.

"Your inheritance is indeed terrible, but your strength is too low..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also walked out in one step...

At this time, countless strong people really noticed this figure.

slender figure,

Carrying six purple wings,

Can't see the face clearly,

But he is elegant like a gentleman.

There is no trace of emptiness.

If it weren't for him, standing so quietly... On top of thousands of void creatures, countless void creatures are crawling for it...

Even the World Tree, which was seriously injured far away, knelt down on one knee fiercely, respectfully.

No one will believe it... This is the most terrifying existence in the void.

It is also a true enemy of all races...

"You are the Void Master?"

The sudden inquiry, far away, across countless stars, a figure like a scholar was already smiling.

However, if you look closely, you will definitely be able to find that the depths of his eyes have turned into deep whirlpools.

A deep and oppressive breath made Yu Ziyu's eyes condense slightly.

"The breath of the Supreme Law..."

"This should be the law of reincarnation, according to legend, it is the highest inheritance of the prefecture..."


With a whisper in his heart, Yu Ziyu lifted the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"My name, Lord of the Void, will also be the true ruler of the starry sky..."


Suddenly silent, countless strong people couldn't help but be silent.

The undisguised intention is cold in the heart.

The true ruler of the starry sky...

This guy actually wants to bring the entire starry sky under control?

No wonder he launched invasions again and again, with such intentions.

"Hmph... A single demon will also dominate the starry sky..."

An angry rebuke, out of nowhere.

However, in the next moment,

He glanced coldly at the end of the starry sky.


With a scream, a sixth-order giant actually fell like this.


Swallowing saliva, countless strong people were shocked from the heart.

At a glance,

Just a glance of gaze actually erased a sixth-order giant.

Are you kidding?

This scene, not to mention other people, even if it is unfathomable like the Lord of Reincarnation, is also a shrunken pupil. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1407

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