
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1411

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1411

"What kind of light is this?"

Looking at it in shock, this purple light that erased everything, the Lord of the Buddha Gate couldn't help but lose his voice in shock.

How can it be?

How can there be such a terrifying light, the Buddha light that is as strong as the Buddha gate is a dissolving face, as if decomposing.

And this, not to mention that planet after planet.

Even between the whiskers, they did not hold on, and they had disappeared into the starry sky.

Yes, disappear.

Even traces are gone without leaving a trace.

Destroying the divine light, destroying everything, is not a joke.

And its strength also depends on Yu Ziyu's own cognition.

It's just a pity that Yu Ziyu's cognition now is a little terrifying.

Insight into all things in the heavens is even more able to see through most of the power at a glance.


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu controlled the Shattering Divine Light, turned into eight sharp swords, and shot towards the powerhouses in eight different directions.

"Boom, boom, boom...

The purple light that ran through the starry sky instantly fell on the body of the Dream Dragon and the others.

This was accompanied by one scream after another.

If it weren't for the imperial soldiers, or the Great God Protector...

In just a moment, their existence will be erased...


In the midst of the miserable scream, the entire body of the Dream Dragon flew out upside down,


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the Lord of the Buddha Gate was actually under one blow, almost did not slow down, and even the breath was greatly weakened...

One hit,

Just this one blow... The whole starry sky will be shocked.

Everything is at this moment, dead silence.

Yes, dead still.

The gazes of countless strong people were dull, stupidly looking at the slender figure standing at the end of the starry sky.

Obviously as always, carrying six wings,

But this figure felt dozens of times more terrifying, or even hundreds of times.

An extremely powerful oppression made them all stop breathing.

"Is it all over?"

"Is this really the calamity of ten thousand races?"

"Why, why?"

Noises, curses, and roars resounded in all corners of the starry sky.

Countless strong people are desperate for it.

Even the lords of the major forces, even the peerless Tianjiao of the Kunpeng clan, joined forces, they were invincible.

Then Starry Sky, who else can resist this one from the deepest part of the void.

Anxiety, despair, filled the hearts of countless strong people, making them all cast an indescribable shadow.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

"We still have hope, Demon Emperor... The demon returns. "

"If the Demon Emperor returns, he will definitely be able to stop this evil demon...

A sudden call, resounding in the starry sky... But it shocked several people physically and mentally.

Faintly, a wisp of something called 'hope' is emerging.

Just, right at this moment.


In the sneer, the slender figure who stared at the starry sky hummed:

"What about your so-called demon emperor here? When I am afraid, I can't do it? "

Saying that, this slender figure actually turned his words and said coldly:

"However, before that, you should return to the starry sky."

As soon as the words fell, this slender figure had already raised his hand, turned into a purple dragon claw that covered the sky, and grabbed towards the severely injured red dragon in the starry sky.

"It's all over..."

With a sad heart, the Dream Dragon also watched this purple dragon claw attack.

Now she is seriously injured and her origin is greatly damaged.

In the face of the Void Master's move, all she could do was watch:

However, at this moment, I don't know if it was a trance before she died, she actually saw a figure wearing a golden emperor robe appear in front of her...

"Demon... Emperor..."

In the midst of whispering, the Dream Dragon couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"How is it possible, how could the Demon Emperor arrive now?"

Saying this, the dream dragon could no longer bear it, passed out, and even fell into a deep sleep with consciousness.

It's just that she didn't know it was, at the moment she passed out...

An earth-shattering, shocking battle that shook the entire starry sky also kicked off:

It was the ultimate battle between the two emperors.

It is also a decisive death match in the realm of domination.


With just one loud bang, several asteroid belts were cracking.

Golden light and purple light filled the starry sky.

"Demon Emperor..."

A loud cry was like thunder, but it was the slender figure from the depths of the void who roared up to the sky.

On the other side, the demon emperor who came out of nowhere, also raised his footsteps and fought with this figure.

This is the Demon Emperor.

The first man under the stars.

However, now, when all the races were defeated, this demon emperor actually walked out alone.

According to the army of billions of voids, beyond the stars.

It is even more with the power of one person to block the Void Master...


One strong man after another, they were all stunned to look at the golden figure with a peerless style.

The Demon Emperor...

This is the Demon Emperor.

He actually blocked the 'invincible' Void Master.

But this, how is it possible?

You know, even the lords of the major forces are invincible terrorist existences.

Now, however, ...


"War !!!"

A loud drink, like thunder.

A golden figure suddenly shot out, killing towards the slender figure in the distance.

"Boom, boom..."

One loud sound after another, the lord of reincarnation was the stunned lord, and the battle that was tens of times more terrifying than just now, or even hundreds of times, actually started again.

And, even more terrifying...


In the midst of the neighing of the sky, a purple dragon carrying six wings that covered the sky and the sun had emerged.

That is the true body of the Lord of the Void.

The strong people of ten thousand races fought for a long time, but they did not force out.

But now, with just a few collisions, the Void Lord actually revealed such a true body, opening the 'Infinite Dragon God's posture'.

And the other side.


With a sigh, a giant tree rising from the ground also stood in the starry sky.

The branches are like a chain of gods, rolled upside down in the starry sky.

In the midst of the nebula, one after another, the nine large and small worlds that were not inferior to the stars were actually smashing towards the purple dragon.

And under the tree,

"Groan, groan..."

It seems that there is a real dragon neighing, and thousands of tree roots are like real dragons roaring up to the sky...

And this is the true body of the demon emperor. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1411

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