
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1412

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1412

"Boom, boom, boom...

The unimaginable roar continued to sound in the starry sky.

Looking for prestige, the countless golden willows of the demon emperor, like one strong man after another, killed towards the six-winged purple dragon at the end of the starry sky.

Willow God Law,

The law created by the demon emperor is immortal and the divine chain is endless.

Thousands of branches, or points, or inserts, or pumps...

One offensive after another, drowning the enemy.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the six-winged purple dragon that is as strong as the one that covers the sky and spans several asteroid belts is losing step by step.

"Lord Demon Emperor..."

"The Demon Emperor is mighty..."

"I'll wait to meet the Demon Emperor..."

Exclamation after exclamation, countless strong people couldn't help but cry with joy.

In the past, they didn't recognize the Demon Emperor very much...

But now, looking at the figure who sacrificed his life and forgot death, and suppressed the Void Master, they realized that the Demon Emperor had begun to protect the starry sky without knowing when.

With great strength comes great responsibility.

And the Demon Emperor, as the first person in the starry sky, is now well deserved.

"Is the Demon Emperor so powerful? As strong as the Void Master, is it difficult to deal with? "

"It's terrifying."

One after another, it was the dream dragon that had just woken up, and the eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation and the others widened several times.

Demon emperor, they admit strong.

But I never thought that I would think that it would be so strong.


At this time, as if sensing something, a cold voice suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

"The Demon Emperor is a character whose flesh has reached the extreme... Although this Void Lord is strong, he really thinks that he can go head-to-head with the Demon Emperor's flesh? "

Ni Xiang, who said this, was the lord of the Feng clan.

However, at this time, she was dressed in a colorful robe, standing in the starry sky, and her gaze looking at the battlefield was difficult to maintain calm.

A pair of beautiful eyes, full of excitement and joy.

At this time, if you pay attention to her eyes, you will definitely be able to find that her beautiful eyes are only that gorgeous golden figure.

The more powerful, the more proud the girl, seeing the demon emperor so magnificent, looking at all things, proud of the heavens and the earth... I can't help but twinkle my beautiful eyes.


And at this moment, it seems to reflect what Ni Cang said.


A loud drink, like thunder, thousands of chains, actually suddenly sprayed, brought out a golden torrent, and drowned the starry sky.


With a loud noise, powerful as the six-winged purple dragon of the sun, it all stumbled, and its figure kept flying upside down.

"Boom, boom, boom...

One sound after another, but when this six-winged purple dragon flew upside down, it shattered one planet after another...

"Demon... Emperor..."

With a furious hiss, the six-winged purple dragon's eyebrows actually shot out a purple light.

Looking closely, it was actually a slender figure carrying six wings just like before.

Just presenting unreal...

And this is the true spirit of the Void Master...

Now, this Void Lord is not satisfied with the extreme killing of the body, but also wants the true spirit to fight.

You know, true spirits fight, but no other.

That's more dangerous than the flesh.

Now, however...


After laughing, the demon emperor did not refuse.


Only listening to a terrifying roar, a slender figure actually stepped out from the starry sky giant tree that covered the sky,

This figure is peerless, looking at all things, and proudly looking at the sky and the earth.

But in an instant, the eyes of the starry sky were all attracted.

This is the Demon Emperor Faxiang...

But now the law is shocking, but the independence of one person is extremely brilliant, like a red sun, a wisp of white mist is pervasive, and the vast picture scroll is also unfolding behind him.

It was the Barbaric Tenth Realm, which gave birth to an ancient and powerful civilization.

Looking closely, this world contains many ancient countries, where countless gods and demons are worshiping it, and the sound of chanting is heard.

In a trance, endless gods and demons prayed in worship. Crystal and hazy, making this figure the only one in heaven and earth, eternal and immortal.

And this is the demon emperor.

Heaven and earth, the first person in the starry sky.


A sudden roar sounded at the end of the starry sky.

Not limited to the collision of flesh, that true spirit, a shocking law phase also began an extreme confrontation.

With the naked eye, their speed has exceeded comprehension.

"Ugh, ugh..."

One after another, the sky was broken, and up and down the starry sky, there were scenes of their true spirits and laws fighting each other one after another.

At this moment, it is still on a barren planet, fists and feet are slammed together.

At the same time, they were in the starry sky, extremely entangled.

And when he turned his gaze, he found that they were at the far end, and they were actually facing the wave, and burst out a brilliant energy offensive.

It can be said that all corners of the starry sky are their fighting figures.

Looking at it stunnedly, countless strong people couldn't help but be silent.


It's horrible.

This is beyond their comprehension and imagination.

"Speed transcends time, so like this, everywhere they fight."

"It's not so much that speed surpasses time, but that they, now divided into tens of millions, all fighting..."

One after another, countless people gasped and were shocked.

On the other side, the Lord of Reincarnation, this ravaged existence, couldn't help but dig a crack in the ground and get into it.

No contrast, no harm.

He, in front of the Void Master, was like a plaything.

And now, the demon emperor is...

"Master... Please let me wonder, is your inheritance fake? "

The heart complained, and the lord of reincarnation was also full of sorrow and indignation.

Ben wants to swallow mountains and rivers.

But now... The faces of their ground were all lost by him.

Now, as if he saw him, he was nailed to the pillar of shame for posterity.

"If this catastrophe recedes, I will surely die... If you don't step into the seventh-order domination, you will never step out. "

The heart secretly promised that the Lord of Reincarnation, this originally unrestrained scholar, was unexpectedly serious. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1412

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