
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1414

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1414

No hesitation.

And there is no need to hesitate for too long...

When Yu Ziyu's eyes froze slightly, everything was already conclusive.

"It's time to go back."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu lifted his footsteps, tore through the void, and walked towards the starry sky.

And just a short time later.


A sudden roar sounded in the sky above the Tongtian Star.

Looking for prestige, what imprinted into the eyes of countless people was a terrible crack that tore through the starry sky.

Cracks, lengthy.

It's even more terrifying.

It's like a scar in the starry sky.

And it's in the midst of such a terrible crack.


With a terrifying roar, immediately after, in the excited eyes of countless strong people, a figure wearing gold actually walked out.

"Demon Emperor..."

"It's the Demon Emperor."

"It's really the Demon Emperor...

One exclamation after another, countless people couldn't help but lose their voices.

What's more, they all cried out with excitement...

And right at this moment.

"Boom, boom, boom...

One streamer after another, shooting out the stars and emerging in the starry sky.

And this is actually the lord of the major forces,

Lord of the Dragon Clan: Dream Dragon.

Ni Xiang, the lord of the Feng clan.

The Lord of the Earth Reincarnation...


One after another strong people walked out, and then looked at each other, these strong people actually all leaned over and greeted:

"Greetings to the Demon Emperor..."

The call in unison resounded in the starry sky, but it shocked countless strong people.

Just because this is an attitude, but also a recognition.

It represents the recognition of the Demon Emperor by the major forces.

But think about it too.

The Demon Emperor fights to the death with the Void Lord for the sake of the starry sky...

Such boldness is enough to shock everyone.


With a slight bow, Yu Ziyu also glanced at the strong people who gave a big gift one after another.

Just, in the next moment,


With a sudden cough, a wisp of golden blood flowed out of the corner of Ziyu's mouth.

"Demon Emperor..."

"Lord Demon Emperor... You're there. "


With one exclamation after another, the pupils of countless strong people shrank.

What's more, it turned into a stream of light.

It's just that compared to them, Di Ji Ling'er is faster.

"The host..."

Full of worried calls, Ling'er had already stepped forward to help Yu Ziyu.

"It's okay..."

He waved his hand gently, and Yu Ziyu's gaze was also raised.

Then, looking at the worried crowd, he explained:

"Void Master, it is indeed strong, even if I make a move, I can't suppress it .."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu's words turned sharp, but he said coldly:

"However, although I was injured, he was also uncomfortable. Now I have been forced to retreat into the depths of the void..."

"Demon Emperor, Shenwei."

A call, but it was some shocking powerhouse, and it was rare to shoot the horse's.

However, at this time, if you look carefully at the strong people of ten thousand races, you will definitely be able to find that you are either worried, or regretful, or frightened...

Everything, everything.

Worry, naturally, is worried about the Void Master, returning again, as strong as the Demon Emperor has not taken, the Void Lord has returned again, it is already a certainty.

And the fear, naturally powerful as the demon emperor is injured, so you can imagine how terrifying this void lord is.

And at this time, if the demon emperor makes any mistakes, I am afraid that the starry sky is in danger.


With a sigh, countless strong people couldn't help but worry...

But at this time, Yu Ziyu did not have time to chat with these guys.

With a simple greeting, Yu Ziyu had already followed Di Ji Ling'er back to the palace where he was located.


And at the moment when he returned to the palace, Di Ji Linger's tense mood for a long time finally broke.

"The host..."

Full of worried calls, Di Ji Ling'er was teary-eyed.

Obviously, his injury was not a small stimulus for Ling'er.

"What is there to worry about."

Sitting high on the throne, Yu Ziyu was unimpressed.

"But, you..."

Pursing her lips, the worry on Di Ji Linger's face became more and more intense.

"Hmph, you stupid girl, I'm afraid you forgot my Shenmu preaching..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu exhaled gently.

Then, in Di Ji Linger's gaze that was a little stunned, he was originally a little sluggish, but he was climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What was even more shocking was that his pale face had a touch of blush.


Suddenly, her eyes widened, and Ling'er was also stunned.

"It's just fooling all races."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also picked up the spirit fruit not far away at random and ate it.

Then, in an extremely comfortable position, he lay on the throne and said:

"Now, there should be many people from the ten thousand races who want to come to see me."


Nodded, Ling'er also said truthfully:

"Not only did he come to see the master, but he also brought countless healing holy relics, like the Buddha Gate prepared a bodhi seed for the master: The dragon clan prepared dragon crystal jade paste for the master... As for the Feng Clan, there is also the blood of Nirvana personally sent by Ni Xiang, the lord of the Feng Clan..."

"Master, this Nirvana blood, but a solid seventh-order treasure, just a drop, is enough to make people Nirvana reborn, even for the strong."

"And now, this Lord of the Phoenix Clan..."

Speaking one after another, Di Ji Linger's voice was also a little more playful.

Apparently, she was also aware of something.


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also understood.

However, it is still necessary to explain it.

"Not long ago, Ni Xiang and I got together, but we had a friendship... I just didn't expect this guy to give such a heavy treasure..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a smile:

"Now, I am the only hope for the starry sky... As long as the Void Lord does not get rid of it for a day, then my position will become more and more secure..."

"I believe that soon, the position of the alliance of ten thousand races, the alliance master, will also fall on my head..."

The more playful voice, Yu Ziyu has an indescribable affirmation.

Because, everything, is in his calculations. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1414

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