
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1418

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1418

Every shadow stands quietly in the void behind him.

But it is the medium of Yu Ziyu's connection with his three bodies:

If Yu Ziyu needed it, he could even use these three phantoms to extract the power of the other three bodies... So as to continue to strengthen yourself, in order to try to reach new realms...

At that time, Yu Ziyu also reached the second realm of the Great God Channel, one qi and three Qing, the Sanhe Realm.

Triad... As the name suggests, the return of great power to one body is not an ordinary blessing, but a true sense of the cultivation of the three bodies to oneself.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, if he really cultivated to the Triad Realm, even the three bodies he had now would push his ontology cultivation to an extremely terrifying point.

And then...


Smashed his mouth, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but look forward to it.

As for him, what about him now... Having just cultivated the Great God Channel, he has stepped into the first realm, the three-point realm.

tripartite realm,


And the divine realm of the three gods...

If he really cultivated to the legendary Three Gods Realm, this great god power can also be regarded as a great achievement, and at that time, Yu Ziyu can also steal cause and effect, seize creation, and truly achieve what ordinary people cannot.

Now, though... Three Realms... It's not simple.

Not only did he use one to three, each as one side, but it also made his cultivation speed reach an extremely terrifying point.

Just like nowadays:


Exhaling deeply, the terrifying power of time and space rolled violently.

The time and space storm, which was several times more exaggerated than before, or even dozens of times, actually shrouded Yu Ziyu's figure.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu also felt the spiritual power of his body, climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This kind of cultivation speed is amazingly powerful."

With a deep sigh, Yu Ziyu also realized the terrifying power of this great power.

Almost, dozens of times to increase his cultivation speed.

What does this mean?

It was originally thousands of years of cultivation, and it only took decades.

And this kind of cultivation speed is even more exaggerated when placed in the Domination Realm.

Just because ordinary masters need thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years of cultivation, but Yu Ziyu only needs hundreds of years is enough.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that Yu Ziyutian's capital is amazing:

Perhaps, without the Great God Channel, he would only need thousands of years...

And this also means...

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes burst with divine light.

"At the cultivation level alone, it's already terrifying... And this is not to mention the blessing of combat power .."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also turned around and looked at the shadow behind him.

At this time, it seemed to have sensed Yu Ziyu's gaze.

"Groan... groan..."

The dragon groan gradually rose, and the purple figure, as well as the cyan figure, actually rushed towards Yu Ziyu's arm for a dragon-shaped phantom half a meter long.

Like a totem, it is deeply imprinted in the depths of Yu Ziyu's body.

On the other side, the humanoid phantom with long silver-white hair turned into a diamond-shaped crystal, and then turned into a silver streamer, shooting towards Yu Ziyu's eyebrows...

The 'Three-Body Mark' is inscribed on the body.

Whether it is to bless the body or to use it for cultivation, it is good.

Of course, this is only what Yu Ziyu is aware of now.

The Great God is too mysterious.

Even Yu Ziyu couldn't see all the mysteries at a glance.

Now, it is good to be aware of these two points.

However, this is enough for Yu Ziyu.

And now...

His eyes lifted slightly, and Yu Ziyu also realized that he was about to break the gate of heaven.

"It's about to break the gate of heaven at last..."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu suppressed the thought of a breakthrough.

In order to cultivate the Great God Channel, he had been in retreat for a long time.

If you don't go out again, I'm afraid it will make people worry unnecessarily.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also raised his feet and walked towards the outside of time and space.


With one step, time and space were reversed, and Yu Ziyu's figure also appeared in the palace of Tongtianxing.

"The host... You come back. "

"The host..."


One exclamation after another, but it was Ling'er, who first noticed Yu Ziyu's return, and the golden ant opened his mouth excitedly.

"What's wrong? So exciting..."

"Master, you said that retreat is retreat, and once it is retreat for decades, can we not be excited?"

In response, the corners of Ling'er's mouth couldn't help but skim.


After a period of silence, Yu Ziyu was also a little confused.

Retreat for decades?

Are you kidding?

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also pinched his fingers...

At this time, he couldn't help but realize that he had been in retreat for twenty-four years.

Of course, this is still time in the starry sky.

Put it deep into space-time... But for hundreds of years...

After all, although his time speed is not high, it is also a dozen, twenty to one.

"I ended up in the turbulence of time and confused time..."

With a light sigh, Yu Ziyu was also helpless.

This is the cultivation time, the biggest trouble.

If you often use 'accelerated time' retreats, or something else, it is easy to fall into time turbulence.

And the turbulence of time, not terrible, is indeed not terrible.

It's scary... It's also terrifying.

Just because, perhaps, for Yu Ziyu's trance, the starry sky has been a thousand years.

And in this case, the devil knows how many Tianjiao and even strong people will emerge from the starry sky.

And that's not the most important thing.

Most importantly, this will affect Yu Ziyu's control of the starry sky.

Now, the starry sky has just had a tendency to fall into his palm.

But when he is in a trance, the starry sky is secluded for a thousand years or ten thousand years, then Yu Ziyu is still playing with hair?

Not to mention the conspiracy of ten thousand races, it is estimated that one master after another awaits him:

So... Time is chaotic, and it is still very dangerous for Yu Ziyu.

"You can't often use time to cultivate, it's too dangerous."

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Ziyu also began to inquire about the recent situation from Ling'er.

And Ling'er is also witty.

It seems that he had been prepared for a long time, and actually took out one roll after another - scrolls.

"The host... In these twenty rooms, I have recorded all the big and small things in the starry sky..."

Speaking of this, as if thinking of something, Ling'er also added:

"By the way, master, in the past twenty years, ten thousand races have been waiting for your exit..."

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1418

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