
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1420

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1420


With a terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu had already taken several asteroid belts in one step, rushing towards the galactic star domain where the demon court was located.

However, I have to say that the starry sky is too vast.

Even if he was as powerful as he did not use the portal, it would take a year or two, or even longer.

So with the help of the Star Portal is a must.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also stepped into a giant door that suddenly held up the star dome.

Just, right at this moment.


A sudden crisp sound resounded in the starry sky.

Looking for prestige, it was this giant door that held up the star dome, and it was slowly shattered as if it couldn't bear it.

Yes, broken.

And this is the terrifying embodiment of Yu Ziyu.

Its terrifying and even powerful body is already insufficient for the starry sky giant gate to accommodate...

Of course, this does not affect.

Who let Yu Ziyu bear the law of 'Supreme Time and Space'.

All he needed was the coordinates of the location of the starry sky giant gate.

And now...

"The coordinates are set."

With a whisper, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth turned up slightly.

And at this time, if you look closely, you will definitely be able to find that Yu Ziyu's figure actually overflows wisps of silver-gray spiritual power from time to time...

The spiritual power of time and space supports the entire space until the end of the extended space.


Just listening to a roar, Yu Ziyu's figure also completely disappeared into the depths of the starry sky giant gate.

It seems that Yu Ziyu has crossed the 'Starry Sky Giant Gate'.

But in fact, Yu Ziyu used his own laws of time and space to step into the endless space...

And this, can only be Yu Ziyu can do...

If you change to someone else, you really can't do it.

After all, the true body of dominance is difficult to pass through the starry sky giant gate.



The starry sky dominates, very imaginable.

Its body is by no means something that ordinary spatial passages can withstand.


And just a little later... Somewhere in the starry sky.


Time and space are reversed, and a figure slowly emerges.

Dressed in a golden imperial robe, his face is blurred,

The body is slender, but it has an aura that does not belong to the world:

And this, with the coordinates of the starry sky giant gate, Yu Ziyu across the starry sky.

"Demon Court, I'm back.."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also took a step and walked straight towards the galactic star field where the demon court was located.

Milky Way Star Domain, located in the middle of nowhere.

However, it is already the entire Western Star...

And now...

If you look at it, the red light and spark actually ignite the river star field.

One after another from the starry sky battleship... Cruise throughout the Western Star Domain:

It was the Star Fleet of the Demon Court.

Today, it is recognized that the strongest fleet in the Western Star Domain... Even in the entire starry sky, it is enough to be called the strongest'!!

And this is the foundation of the demon court today.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

This is the demon court he created, and it's really good...


Of course, this is not the time to care about these.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also walked towards the most brilliant star in the galaxy star domain.

The celestial realm, the center of the solar system, is brilliant to the extreme.

Ben is just an ordinary satellite... Today, it is: It is the center of the demon court.

Not only are the strong like clouds, but there are also ten divine beasts in the sky.

Although these ten divine beasts rarely appeared.

But every legend is sung in the demon court.

The head of the divine beast, the nine-tailed heavenly fox, unpredictable, sealed the heavens and the earth..

The old two bull demon, the head of the human ox, like a demon, one person stands, like a black hole..

Old three poor qi, the lord of the storm, the body of the white tiger, the lord killing, the chaotic world...


One legend after another, the name moves the entire starry sky.

Of course, this is the original divine beast.

After the first generation of divine beasts, there are also today's second-generation divine beasts.

And now, it is the world of the second generation of divine beasts,

To the White Fox Bai Linger... Stepping on the sky green cow...


One after another, but in the demon court, left a heavy mark.

Although they are not as good as the original divine beasts now, they also have the three-point prestige of the first generation.

And now...

"I'll wait to meet the Demon Emperor..."

"I'll wait to meet the Demon Emperor..."

"I'll wait to meet the Demon Emperor..."

In the chorus of calling, in the deepest part of the demon palace, hundreds of figures were crawling on the ground, greeting the king who had returned from the starry sky.

Dressed in a golden imperial robe.

Although I can't see the face.

But that magnificence has already been revealed.


As soon as the robe was displayed, it was like mountains and rivers shaking, and this figure also slowly fell on the throne.


Just listening to a loud noise, the entire Celestial Realm was sank.

The inexplicable pressure suffocated countless strong people.

And at this moment, if they closed their minds, they would definitely be able to find a divine tree that covered the sky and rose up in their hearts.

And that is the essence of Yu Ziyu's momentum now.

Although, now, he has not yet reached the realm of 'ineffable' - all the true name of the ode can be detected, and even erased from tens of thousands of miles...

But Shenwei also has a few points.

It is not difficult to coerce the heavenly realm.


It's not just the celestial realm.

If he showed his momentum, even the entire galactic star domain would sense it.

That god and demon, but it is dozens of times more terrifying than the god and demon, hundreds of times the breath, enough to make another strong person tremble...


"Wait for the flat..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the civil and military officials of this demon court.

Compared with decades ago, today's laws and regulations of the demon court are more sound.

Even the unfamiliar faces are a lot more.

However, the one who can participate in the worship now is not the heavy minister of the demon court.

Either a prince of the party, or an extraordinary sixth-order immortal giant...

All can be called 'noble status', 'strength is terrifying.'

It's just now...

One after another, but all of them looked respectful, staring at the figure sitting high on the throne.

The first person in the starry sky,

Contemporary Demon Emperor.

He is also the lord of the demon court today.

It is the true Optimus Pillar of their demon court.

ps: ------------ ask for custom ---------------

New January, New Beginnings..._

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1420

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