
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1421

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1421

As far as the eye can see, one figure after another can't help but crawl.

Demon Emperor, untouchable.

In decades of teaching, even if he saw the figure of the Demon Emperor for the first time, he knew that the Demon Emperor was 'supreme'.


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the two figures standing in the first place not far away.

Nine Tails and Golden Monkeys.

The two pillars of the Demon Court.

It has supported the demon court and now thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"Give me a brief description of the situation of the Demon Court in recent years."

"Yes, Demon Emperor."

A response, but it was the golden monkey who stepped forward and said:

"Today, the Demon Court is the veritable number one force in the Western Star Domain Domain, and all major races and even sects are led by the Demon Court."

"Like the Angels, the Titans... He even gives gifts to the demon court all year round, just like Nagon..."

"Not only that, compared to a few decades ago, the territory of the Demon Court has expanded by more than three times, radiating more than three hundred star domains..."

One after another, the golden monkey, this Demon Court Emperor Master, also briefly outlined the situation of the Demon Court today.

However, it is similar to Yu Ziyu's guess side.

Today's demon court is unstoppable.

It also has the atmosphere of 'Huanghuang Trend'.

Mo said that the entire Western Star Domain, even the other four Great Star Domains, were few forces that could compete with the Demon Court.

Of course, strong is strong.

There are still some 'mice' lurking in dark corners.

Like the elemental family, the remnants of the underworld... Some pop up from time to time.

Although they are not mentioned, they are annoying:

"These remnants..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"If you can, let's kill them all, at least, I don't want the territory of the demon court to see their shadows."

"Yes, Demon Emperor."

In response, a touch of firmness flashed in the depths of the golden monkey's eyes.

It seems that it is time to kill the killer.

Ben also wanted to use them for military training.

But now that the Demon Emperor has ordered, they naturally have lost their value.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, the golden monkey also took the initiative to ask:

"Qiyu Demon Emperor, I don't know the Heavenly Court, how should we deal with it.."

Saying that, the golden monkey also said frankly:

"In recent years, we have discovered several hiding places of the Heavenly Court: If you can..."

His eyes froze, and a terrifying killing intent also made the entire hall cold.

"Heavens... court..."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

It seems that it is time to make a decision with the Heavenly Court.

However, it was not the golden monkey and others, but he personally took action.

After all, the Heavenly Court was different from the remnants of the elemental family, it was a behemoth hidden in the shadows.

Even if there are many snipers in the demon court, it is the root of not really hurting this terrorist force.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu's move is an inevitability.

The corners of his mouth turned up, setting off a cold arc, and Yu Ziyu also sneered:

"Heavenly Court, you don't have to worry about it, I will personally meet them."

Listening quietly, many figures couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Just because these words came out of the Demon Emperor's mouth, they were so shuddering that they were all a little frightened.

"The Demon Emperor personally made a move, and this Heavenly Court is afraid that it will be over."

"Hmph, this Heavenly Court has repeatedly fought against our Demon Court, and now it's time to end..."

With one sneer after another, the entire hall was also a little boiling.

However, for a moment,

With one hand pressing, the sound of the entire hall was suppressed, Yu Ziyu turned his gaze and looked at the Nine Tails again:

"How is it inside our demon court now?"

The golden monkey is main outside, and the nine-tailed main is inside.

Separate and non-interfering with each other.

But it is also an unexpected harmony.

And now, hearing Yu Ziyu's question, this peerless stunner transformed by the Nine Tails also smiled lightly, and said lightly:

"Back to the Demon Emperor, now our Demon Court can be described as a strong person: Immortal Laurel - Yueji has already stepped into the half-step domination... Concubine talent, also do not move forward, step on half a step to dominate..."

"And although Heijin did not step on the half-step dominance, but his combat power was close to the half-step dominant, which was extremely terrifying..."

One after another, the corners of the nine-tailed mouth were also slightly upturned.

The Demon Emperor, in the years of his absence, the Demon Court has not stopped developing.

Now, there are 'four half-step masters' across the sky...

Compared with any other force, it is not inferior.

You know, now a half-step master can become a master of a big force.

Like the Dragon Clan, the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan is only a half-step master.

But now... The Demon Court is a half-step dominant-level combat power, and it has a full four.

She has nine tails, the undead laurel, the existence of black gold that breaks the shackles of human genes, and the big snake hidden in the darkness...

Actually, that's not all.

Like the fifth brother who is now famous in Tongtian Star, the golden ant should also have a half-step dominant-level combat power.

Of course, in the void, the purple sickle, who has been following the master, is estimated to have a half-step dominant-level combat power.

In this way...

Under the master's seat... It is already the 'six half-step dominant-level combat powers'.

And how scary is this?

It can be said that with the strength of the demon court now, I am afraid that it is enough to start a war with the dragon and phoenix clan without falling behind.

Of course, at this time, it is necessary to selectively ignore the imperial soldiers.

Nowadays, the demon court, the most lacking thing is the foundation of the imperial soldiers.

Thinking about this, the Nine Tails couldn't help but sigh again:

"If my demon court has such a background as an imperial soldier... I'm afraid it's enough to stand at the top of the starry sky...."

Listening to the sigh of the Nine Tails, Yu Ziyu smiled and said nothing.

Demon Court, it's not that there are no imperial soldiers.

It's just out of sight.

Like the Holy Sixteen Wings, from the Angelic Family... If you take the initiative to show it, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

However, what if there are no imperial soldiers?

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was arrogant:

"Even if you don't have such a background as imperial soldiers, it doesn't hurt..."

Saying this, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth turned up slightly, and he also affirmed:

"I alone is the greatest heritage... Enough to suppress Wangu..."

As soon as the words fell, they made one figure after another in the hall couldn't help but be shocked.

Then, they all showed excitement.

Indeed, today's demon emperor, the starry sky is strong, enough to withstand the heritage of the major forces.

It can even be said that the Demon Emperor is the most terrifying 'humanoid heritage' of the Demon Court.

If it is revealed, the starry sky will be shaken.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1421

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