
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1422

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1422

A simple understanding, Yu Ziyu's heart is also clear.

As he expected, the Demon Court has developed rapidly in the past few decades.

It's faster than you think.

"That's enough."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also relieved.

If the Demon Court can have such a development, he doesn't need to worry.

Next, simply...

His eyes froze slightly, and Yu Ziyu's gaze also looked at a map of the starry sky that the golden monkey gave him.

This map records several strongholds of the Heavenly Court today.

And one of them is likely to be the headquarters of the Heavenly Court today.


The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also got up.


One step out, like the collapse of the sky, Yu Ziyu's entire figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

And not long after, the Western Star Domain, in a certain barren star domain,

"It's just a covert stronghold... The strongest is only the fifth order. "

In the voice of some regret, Yu Ziyu raised his hand.


Only listening to a roar, a palm that covered the sky was already grabbing towards this secret realm hiding in the mezzanine of space.

And at this time, this one is a very good secret place,

"Boom, boom..."

A sudden vibration resounded in the sky.

In the incredulous gazes of one secret realm creature after another, a palm that covered the sky had already surged from the end of the heavenly machine.

"What is it?"

"Oh my God, what the hell is this?"

"Just kidding. This is also too fake. "


Exclamation after exclamation, countless strong people couldn't help but be shocked, and even their faces changed greatly.

What do they do, though...

The entire small secret realm was already covered by the giant palm that covered the sky, and it was even held between the flip hands.


Even a larger secret realm is no more than the size of a blue star.

In this way...


With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu also threw this secret realm into the Void Small World.

It is a forbidden area where even the gods can banish.

A secret place, the problem of banishment is not big.

But now...

It's the real play.

"Heavens... court..."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu's eyes were cold, but he rushed towards a more distant star field.

That, most likely, is the base camp of the Heavenly Court.

It is also the purpose of Yu Ziyu.

If you can get something, it is naturally the best.

If not, it doesn't hurt, the successive suppression strongholds should also be a heavy blow to the Heavenly Court.


And at this time,

Heaven... A force in the shadows of the starry sky.

Now it's an unexpected crowd.

Although in the starry sky, everyone in the Heavenly Court shouted and beaten.

But in their own world, it is unexpected prosperity.

It is really like a fairyland, with the Sendai Pavilion ethereal among the clouds, and there is a nine-fold palace, lying high above the nine heavens.

And in the depths of that palace, the five emperors each sat on one side and ruled the entire Heavenly Court.

Green Emperor, Red Emperor, White Emperor, Yellow Emperor, Black Emperor...

One is more terrifying than the other,

It is also like the true supreme of today's court.

Just because of these five great emperors, two of them have stepped into the realm of half-step domination.

But now... In the heavy palace, the atmosphere is somewhat unexpectedly solemn.

"The Demon Emperor is back...

Just this sentence overwhelmed the entire hall.

The Demon Emperor...

Universal Supreme,

He is also the lord of the demon court.

And what is the Demon Court?

That was the power to compete with their Heavenly Court for Dao Unification.

But now... The demon court is thriving, but their demon court is hindered everywhere, and it has even been reduced to everyone shouting and beating.

If it weren't for their amazing Heavenly Court... Even...


With a sigh, in the depths of the Nine Heavy Palace, many strong people couldn't help but show helplessness.

Demon Emperor, the commission is too terrible.

Just one person overwhelmed them.

"If the Demon Court finds here... We're afraid..."

The sudden opening of his mouth caused the faces of countless strong people to change again and again.

Someone has even reprimanded:

"Say what? Demon Emperor, how could he find here? "

Words fall,


The sudden roar was a shock to the entire secret realm.

Looking for prestige, the sky suddenly cracked in large areas. It was as if it had shattered.

"What happened?"

"What's going on?"

"This is?"

One after another, the faces of countless strong people changed greatly.

And at the next moment, a wisp of breath rose sharply,


It actually rose up into the sky and swept the heavens and the earth.

It was indescribably terrifying, but it made countless strong people's faces stiff, and their faces were filled with incredible expressions.


It's terrible.

Just a wisp of breath can suddenly crush the heavens and the earth, how is this possible?

How can it be?

As powerful as the Five Directions Emperor, he couldn't sit still at this moment, and got up one after another.

However, at this moment, as if realizing something, the Black Emperor actually spoke solemnly:

"This is... Goblin... Emperor..."

Just four words, but it made the faces of countless strong people truly solidify.

The Demon Emperor...

Like a big mountain, the heavenly court was breathless.

Now, he actually found it.


The sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the hall, and one strong person after another couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

It's just, at this very moment,

"Finally, I found you..."

A loud laugh resounded through the world, rolling sound waves, spreading between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, in the unbelievable gazes of countless people, in the shattered sky... A golden figure had already converged in the golden light of the sky.

No, that's not golden light.

Instead, he stepped on infinite particles of time.

Looking at it from afar, it was like a heavenly element, condensed into a body.

But the truth is hundreds or thousands of times more terrifying than the so-called 'elementalization'.

Just because... Every ray of brilliant particle is actually a god and a god time particle...

"Boom, boom..."

The roar continued to intensify, and the figure that suddenly came out of the end of time became more and more solid.

Even with an earth-shattering coercion, it is constantly rising.

If it crushed the heaven and earth, it actually caused the small world where the Heavenly Court was located, shattered layer by layer.

The mountains trembled, the sky shattered...

Just like the end of the world, it is more terrible than the real end. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1422

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