
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1423

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1423

"Demon... Emperor..."

Among the shocked voices, a Heavenly Court powerhouse also widened his eyes, full of horror.


With a sneer, Yu Ziyu calmly looked down at this secret realm.

Nice, very nice.

There is a tendency to become a 'small world'.


It should be said that it is only one step away from the small world.

It is a very precious resource.

Now, though, that doesn't matter.

What matters is that there are thousands of creatures in that heavenly court.

"It's really the Demon Emperor..."

With a breath of cool air, thousands of eyes were already focused on the golden figure that was constantly condensing in the sky.


It's terrible.

Just being there is suffocating.

Just, right at this moment.

"Demon... Emperor, I fought with ..."

In the midst of the roar, it was actually a very ordinary sixth-order giant, rising into the sky and shooting towards Yu Ziyu.

Judging by the situation, it should be taken by the mind, so that now it is a little crazy.

You actually want to fight with Yu Ziyu?


In the midst of the extreme roar, the aura of this figure continued to skyrocket, and at the same time, he seemed to have given birth to three heads and six arms, and a figure like a demon god appeared behind him.

Of course, this is not a real sight.

Rather, it is the result of visions, and even the extra head and arms are nothing more than shadows.

It seems that the little god has three heads and six arms, and has not yet started.

No wonder it seems so ordinary to Yu Ziyu.


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's eyes froze.

I saw that time and space, two kinds of Xuan and Xuan power continued to converge, and two immortal swords were intertwined in the depths of his eyes.


There was a sudden crisp sound, and there was no reaction to it, and this figure with a powerful aura solidified in mid-air.

Then, in the incredulous gaze of one strong man after another, this figure turned into several segments in an instant...

The gaze is the sword, slaying the giants.

And this is Yu Ziyu's terrifying now...


"This guy..."

In the increasingly solemn voice, above the Nine Heavy Palace, the Five Directions Emperor who stood quietly also turned pale.

This kind of strength is really amazing.

However, they have no choice.

Just because this is the base camp of the Heavenly Court, and he fled.

Moreover, more importantly, they have a barrier with the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor will never let them go.

I think that at the beginning, the demon emperor crossed the calamity, and they had the emperor soldier - the King Kong circle.

Nearly removed the Demon Emperor...

If it weren't for the Innate Emperor Soldiers' timely attack...

In this way, it is also possible to imagine what kind of grudge their Heavenly Court and the Demon Emperor have.

The stakes of blocking the way are too big and can not be easily resolved.

Of course, at this time, the strong people of the Heavenly Court did not know that Yu Ziyu and the Heavenly Court not only had grudges such as the feud that blocked the way, but also the dispute between the Dao system.

The bigger grudge is still Yu Ziyu's weak child, up to the heavenly hearing, the biggest foundation of the Heavenly Court, the first immortal pit of the human race, and even more forced the Heavenly Court Godless Soldier to shatter itself, hit an eternal blow, and shook the Tianwei.

This is the real big grudge.

And this point, if the Heavenly Court knows this, I am afraid that it will be angry to the peak, and hatred will gush.

After all, the Heavenly Court has fallen to this day, and the most important thing is that the First Immortal of the Terran Race suddenly disappeared with a blow to the Godless Soldier Taijitu.

Otherwise, with the foundation of the Heavenly Court itself, supplemented by these amazing heritage, I am afraid that it would have already stood at the top of ten thousand races.

How could it be that it was reduced to such a miserable end as it is now.

"Let's shoot..."

As soon as he spoke, the Black Emperor was already condensed.

"Got it..."

In response, one emperor after another was solemn.

It's time to use the foundation.

And it is a real heritage that can resist this worldly demon emperor.


The sudden dragon chant, but it was the extreme sublimation of the Red Emperor, and it actually set off the greatest foundation of their vein.

The Red Emperor is the Yellow Dragon.

And the biggest heritage of their vein is the blood of the yellow dragon.

According to rumors, it is the essence blood left by the original Yellow Dragon.

And now, burning the blood of the yellow dragon, the breath of the Red Emperor climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person turned into a yellow dragon that was ten thousand feet long, roaring in the clouds.

On the other side, the Black Emperor, this figure shrouded in black fog, also stared at the eyes,


Just listening to a loud drink, behind the Black Emperor was a fierce demon god.

Eight arms and eight heads,

Like a demon, it is the true foundation of the Black Emperor's vein-the true god of the main killing.


One after another, without hesitation, and even more dare not hesitate, but all of them are fully understood.

However, the most terrifying thing should be the silver circle filled with endless brilliance that slowly emerged behind the nine-fold palace.

King Kong Circle, Heavenly Court Imperial Soldier.

And now, on its own initiative, it has revived ...

However, at this moment, a vicissitudes of voice suddenly echoed in the sky:

"Why do you have his breath on you?"

The sudden inquiry resounded in the sky, but it was the center of the King Kong circle, and the illusory figure that appeared spoke.

"His breath?"

Slightly startled, Yu Ziyu also reacted.

It should be the breath of 'the first immortal of the Terran race'.

I think that one gave him a ray of Origin of Creation.

It is also this ray of origin that has achieved the Nine Realms of Heaven, making it possible to 'promote to the Great World'.


There was no response, some just became more and more indifferent.

Leng Yan, looking at the recovery of one after another, Yu Ziyu did not dare to be surprised.

Just because, this is the Heavenly Court, the power that suppressed the eternal world in the last era.

Even the Protoss has a Genesis Star Map: World Tree...

The Heavenly Court has some powerful heritage, what is so strange.

However, after all, the background is only the foundation.

Useful for the strong.

But for his kind of existence that is beyond understanding, it is difficult to say.



The sudden shot, but it was Yu Ziyu who pointed out, until the red dragon's eyebrows.


With a sudden dragon groan, the Red Emperor's face had changed greatly.

Just because, this is obviously a finger, but in his opinion, it is actually a pillar of Optimus, not only can not be avoided, but also retreated.


With a loud noise, the yellow dragon that the Red Emperor turned into exploded into a blood mist in the sky, and there was an indescribable terrifying.

Even if the foundation is exhausted, and the combat power is close to the dominance, what can be done?

The current Yu Ziyu is not an ordinary master who can be compared.

And this is also Yu Ziyu's real strength to come here.

Mo said that a yellow dragon, even if the imperial soldier King Kong circle is broken and strikes an eternal blow, Yu Ziyu dares to take one or two hard. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1423

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