
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1426

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1426

The killing intent in his heart was decided, and even Yu Ziyu's gaze towards the entire crowd was more cold.

That's the look in the eyes of the dead.

It's very cold.

Icy cold and terrible.

It made everyone strong and couldn't help but tremble.

"We have no way back..."

Looking at each other, the White Emperor, the Green Emperor, the Red Emperor, and the most mysterious Yellow Emperor all had solemn faces.

And at the same time,


In the midst of the sudden roar, a white aperture that looked like a glimpse of the sun also rose behind them.

The imperial soldier King Kong circle finally chose a complete recovery...


"Qingdi Muhuanggong...

He muttered, but he saw the figure of the cyan emperor robe, and a huge tree rose up behind him.

It was a sacred tree, not known, but lush and full of life.

Just because, at the moment when this divine tree appeared, the rich vitality was already filling the heavens and the earth, causing all things to revive.

And at this very moment,

"White Emperor Rui Golden Tips...

When the words fell, an extreme sharpness rose between heaven and earth.

It's like cutting the sky, and it's like tearing the ground.

It was like a divine sword soaring straight into the sky, shattering the clouds of heaven and earth.

"The Yellow Emperor Houtu said...

During the drinking, the heavens and the earth seem to be heavy, and everything that can be seen with the naked eye is turned into the most fundamental post-earth vitality, rising in the sky...

And this... It is a famous great god in the sky - the Five Elements Rotation Technique, also known as - the Five Emperor Determination, the ultimate of the five elements, with the vitality of wood, the sharpness of gold...

In the rotation of the five elements, heaven and earth are worn out.

It is the destruction of the world in the true sense of the word.

Of course... The refining of great gods is not simple.

Even if the talent of the five emperors of the Heavenly Court was amazing, it was not enough to truly cultivate this great power.

Therefore, in order to inherit the continuous extinction, and for the sake of the Great God Ability Five Elements Rotation Technique, he can still show his divine power... The five emperors have always practiced separately.

And this is also the origin of the five emperors...


"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, heaven and earth were already filled with four-colored light, the sharpness of gold, the greenness of wood, the red fire, the thickness of earth...

From a distance, the four-color wheel is like a wheel that destroys heaven and earth.

As for why it is four colors, it is naturally because the Black Emperor has been slapped to death by Yu Ziyu, and even the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist is too late to show.

"Black Emperor..."

Suddenly, the faces of the other four emperors changed again and again.

Without the Black Emperor, their Great God Ability Five Elements Rotation Technique would not be complete.

And at that time, the strength was only ten, how to resist this Demon Emperor?

"Damn it."

In the midst of the roar, Emperor Bai's face was also unwilling.

Black Emperor, go too early,

Also going too fast,

So much so that they didn't even have time to use it as a last resort.

Just, at this very moment,

"And I..."

In the sudden call, I saw that under the distant heavenly court, there was a stream of light shooting.

And that, it turned out to be an ape.

Yes, ape.

Sam Water Ape, one of the twenty-eight stars...

And now, he was covered with black water, and he roared, and he was actually going towards the wheel that destroyed the heaven and earth...

"Black Emperor, this guy...

With a surprise, the White Emperor also saw something...

If the guess side is correct, it should be when the Black Emperor died, and the inheritance of the 'Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist' was transferred into the body of the water ape.

This made him briefly lengthen the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist...

And that's enough.

"The five elements rotate, grinding out the heavens and the earth..."

With the earth-shattering drinking, a distant roulette has emerged.

Between the five-color wheels, the brilliance shines,

Let the heavens and the earth be discolored.

What's even more terrifying is that that one roulette wheel really wiped out heaven and earth.

With the naked eye, the sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers have all disappeared, turning into one torrent after another, constantly rushing towards the wheel.

Along with this, the power of this wheel becomes more and more terrifying.

It was so terrifying that Yu Ziyu's eyes froze slightly.

"Great God Power Five Elements Rotation..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu looked at this shocking millstone, also looking forward to it.

[Great God Power Five Elements Rotation - the ultimate of the five elements, after cultivation, it can reverse the five element elements, has the supreme power of creation, and then can be turned into a five-element wheel, wear out everything, the more worn out, the more terrifying its power is... Until it is immeasurable, because while it is worn out, it will turn all the power and matter into the five elements and strengthen itself. 】

It's a world of wonder.

It is also truly worthy of the name of the great power.

And now, look up,

You can already see... The roulette wheel that covered the sky slowly surged towards Yu Ziyu.

"Boom, boom..."

Even the space is worn out...


And horrifying,

Along with this, this wheel is getting more and more terrifying... It's also getting bigger:


However, at this very moment...

Slowly raise your right hand,


Just listening to a loud noise, a nebula also rose in the wind, turning into a vast starry sky in a blink of an eye, hovering above Yu Ziyu's head.

"Great God Power - Nine Realms of Heaven..."

With a loud drink, one world after another emerged in the starry sky.

A small world of life,

There is a small world of flames...

One small world after another, but all of them are prosperous.

And now...

"Boom, boom..."

In the midst of the nine realms, it also turned into a starry sky and slammed into that world-destroying millstone.


Just listen to an earth-shattering roar... The whole secret realm was shocked.

At this moment, heaven and earth were quiet.

Everything is solidified.

Only above the sky, the starry sky and the millstone faintly confronted.

"Sting, prick, prick..."

Amazing electric light, intertwined between the two,

The terrifying qi wave even swept through everything, shaking the entire Heavenly Court Secret Realm.

But that's just the beginning...

Just because... Above the sky... That vast starry sky and that world-destroying millstone have not really ushered in a collision...

Before, it was just the aftermath.

And now... If the two are not close, the momentum is becoming more and more terrifying... It's like dying. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1426

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