
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1432

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1432

And the imprint of such existence...


smashed his mouth, but Yu Ziyu couldn't help but slightly turn the corners of his mouth.

Just because, at the moment when the Heavenly Gate revealed a gap, his spiritual power and even others were climbing at a terrifying speed.

When you open the gate of heaven, you open the shackles of life.

And now, the opening of the door reveals a gap, which also means that the shackles that limit life have a crack.

And in this way, Yu Ziyu's strength is naturally an extremely terrifying speed climb.


A real skyrocket.

The increasingly terrifying aura permeated the starry sky, which actually made the stars tremble.

A wisp of breath, crushing the stars, is by no means talk.

And now, Yu Ziyu is promoting towards this indescribable realm.

And here it is worth mentioning ... The gate of heaven is a yoke,

And the more terrifying the potential, the more terrifying the power obtained by opening the Gate of Heaven will be.

And like Yu Ziyu, this era Tianjiao...

No, it's even the era of Tianjiao beyond ordinary cognition:

Opening the gate of heaven also means that the strength has skyrocketed, far beyond the imagination of others.



With just a few breaths, Yu Ziyu's breath had already climbed to the Dual Heaven Master:

Yes, the Duo Heavenly Lord...

The ordinary lord who breaks through the gate of heaven is just a heavy heavenly lord.

And the lord with amazing talent, broke through the gate of heaven, polished a little, and may step into the double heavenly lord in one step.


Now, Yu Ziyu has not really broken through the Heavenly Gate, and he already has the breath of the double heaven...

What does this mean?

Nobody knows.

However, one thing is worth deserving, and that is that it is terrifying to the extreme...

It is quite possible that it is comparable to those legendary existences:

And at this moment, in the distant starry sky, several figures stood side by side:

"This demon emperor is really unbelievable, not only has he avoided the eternal blow... Moreover, this has just opened the Gate of Heaven, and the aura has already skyrocketed to such an extent..."

"Gee, it's Ji Tianjiao, a terrifying existence with seven turns of the flesh... It's normal to behave like this. "

In response, this elder from the Tianji clan also sighed.

It's just that at this time, what this elder of the Tianji clan doesn't know is that even other Era Tianjiao is not as terrifying as Yu Ziyu.

This was just the beginning, and he had already climbed to the Dual Heavenly Master.

What does this mean?

It means that Yu Ziyu's potential is unprecedented horror.

What was accumulated in the past is finally erupting today.


"Boom, boom, boom...

The breath climbed again and again, and the golden qi shrouded Yu Ziyu, and it was even more starry sky.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu was so divine that people dared not look at it directly.

Not human, not God, not devil...

But it was terrifying to the extreme.

And right at this moment.


Shocking drinking, far away, an earth-shattering axe light, has been split.

The Axe of Nature, the legendary artifact of creation, is comparable to the Chaos Bell.

Now, even if it was just a brand of him, it was unparalleled, and it actually made Yu Ziyu's body feel faint pain.

"What a terrible gas machine..."

He secretly said in his heart, but Yu Ziyu did not retreat.

Just because, at this time, the rising power made him fearless of everything.

Suddenly, some shackles were opened, and more and more terrifying power surged in his body.

And now,

"Willow God Law..."

In the low drink, Yu Ziyu was actually looking for the qi machine in the underworld, and his hands were sealed:

This seal is very complicated, but it is secretly in line with heaven and earth, and even Yu Ziyu is secretly surprised.

However, in the next moment,

"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, it was visible to the naked eye that the starry sky centered on Yu Ziyu was constantly gushing out one divine chain after another.

Yes, God Chain,

One golden divine chain after another, as if through eternity, went straight to the starry sky of the split axe light.


Just listen to a roar, and the stars are all shaking.

However, what was shocking was that the earth-shattering axe light actually cut off the divine chain inch by inch and went straight to Yu Ziyu.

"Can't stop it?"

Suddenly exclaimed, countless strong people were shocked.

Even the demon emperor can't block this axe light, so who else can block the starry sky?

However, in the next moment, Zhongqiang's face froze:

Just because the severed divine chain was actually pulled back violently, constantly condensed, turned into more divine chains, and the starry sky was all weaving.

It wrapped that axe light.

[Liu Shen Method - originally a very ordinary method that Yu Ziyu realized, but now because of Yu Ziyu's deep understanding, it was finally sublimated and turned into an extraordinary magical power... Endless, endless, and able to ingest the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...】


It's scary.

Even Yu Ziyu didn't expect that the Liu Shenfa would have such a transformation...

Today, the golden divine chain is woven in the starry sky, and there are countless of them, but the starry sky is rendered brilliant gold.

From a distance, it looks like a huge golden net covering several asteroid belts...

Yu Ziyu, on the other hand, is in the center of a huge net.

As soon as the mind moves, the God Chain comes.

In a trance, thousands of god chains were turned into an extension of his thoughts:


With a low sigh in his heart, he saw that countless golden divine chains turned into one golden streamer after another, heading straight for the figure transformed by the imprint of the ancestor of the god.

"Boom, boom..."

The chain stretches across the sky, extending infinitely in the starry sky.

"Chop, chop, chop...

One after another, it was the ancestor of God, holding a giant axe, and chopping down one after another.

Every axe light fell, and countless divine chains were broken.

However, for a moment,

Between the surge of spiritual power, the break of the divine chain gushed out more divine chains, heading towards the projection of the imprint of the ancestor of the gods.

And this is the Willow God Law... When it's really endless, endless...

Just, at this very moment,

"One axe in the sky..."

The sudden burst of drinking, but I saw that an axe light that was dozens of times more terrifying than just now suddenly appeared.


With a loud bang, even countless golden divine chains shattered.

Willow God Law, although terrible.

But in the face of the ancestor of the god holding the creation artifact, it was still half a point behind.


The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, but Yu Ziyu set off an imperceptible smile.

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1432

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