
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1435

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1435

It doesn't matter though.

The important thing is that Yu Ziyu needs to precipitate very much.

The power was surging, making his entire body faintly swell.

And this, all need to run in.


Exhaling deeply, he closed his eyes in the depths of time and space, and Yu Ziyu's heart also sank into his body.

And shortly after that,

"Boom, boom..."

It can be seen with the naked eye that this piece of time and space is trembling, and an indescribable power is surging at this time.

In a trance, it was a desolate beast, swallowing something:


Time passed slowly, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

And this is just a decade in the starry sky.

But in another time and space, Yu Ziyu has spent thousands of years,

"Finally stable."

A murmur, far away, a giant tree rooted on the bank of time and space, also the branches trembled.

It's just that

At this time, looking at it, this giant tree turned into silver and gray,

Same color as space-time.

At the end of the river of time, standing quietly, between the swaying branches, the long river of time that coiled him set off ripples.

The long river is time, and the ripples are space.

Time and space are also in a single thought.


Suddenly, when he opened his eyes, the entire time and space were shocked.

Visible to the naked eye, a gaze that runs through all eyes suddenly emerges.

It was like two fairy swords, which actually pierced the entire time and space.


With a loud noise, this piece of time and space was like reopening the heaven and earth, expanding at this time.

The current time and space are too small.

It is already difficult to tolerate Yu Ziyu's body.

So, expansion is a must...

Of course, these are not important.

What matters is the change of Yu Ziyu,


With one step out, there was an extremely slender figure that walked out from the divine tree that covered the sky.

He, peerless in style, looks at all things, is independent of one person, and coerces time and space.

And now: He stood quietly alone, his flawless snow clothes made him as bright as a bright moon, wisps of white mist pervaded, and there was a nebula around him.

And in the depths of the nebula, there are nine stars, which is one small world after another...

It's not terrible, though.

What is really terrifying is that in the picture scroll that unfolds behind him, there are actually many ancient countries, where countless gods and demons are worshiping it, and the sound of chanting is heard.

Nebula, picture scroll... The crystal dots, the glow is hazy, but it makes this figure the only one in heaven and earth, eternal and immortal.


Clenched his fists, suddenly burst a world, time and space are all resonant.

Slowly raised his eyes, his eyes were immeasurable, but he was looking through everything, even the starry sky, it was clear.

"A thousand years in time and space, the starry sky has been ten years..."

The faint voice, like the whisper of a god in his ears, made people's hearts tremble.

Yu Ziyu, but at this time, stood up.

Now, there is no hurry to get out.

Compared to this, he cares more about today's properties panel.

Her eyes condensed slightly, and Yu Ziyu was already looking at...

[Race: Space-Time Divine Tree (Immortal Tree that lives in another space-time.] )

Rank: Five Heavenly Masters (Heavenly Gate Masters), seven turns of the flesh.

Innate Talent - Tenth Realm: The major talents have become one, intertwining a complete big world - the Tenth Realm, with four divine trees standing between heaven and earth, and the power of each divine tree can be extracted at will... Lightning strikes the divine wood, ten thousand thunder plus body, all the vientiane divine tree, there are thousands of changes...

The law of origin - the supreme law of time and space: space is king, time is respected, the two are one, it is for time and space', can easily distort time, fold space, and can create something out of nothing, creating a time and space that does not belong to the starry sky...

Native weapon - Brilliant Galaxy: The supreme flying knife that holds eight powers, each throwing knife is brilliant and frightening...


The fog beast, the twin kings of light and darkness, are waiting to be summoned in the vast sea of mist.

Blood-colored heavenly eyes - divine eyes born in the underworld can penetrate the void.

Eyes of Time——....

Empty Eyes——...



Willow God Law - the branches are like a divine chain, attacking and killing all directions, and between the surging thoughts and strangling the eight star fields...

The size is as big as a star and as small as dust...

Shadow of Time and Space ——...

Space-time fracture——...

Great Senses:

One gas and three clear: with one to three, evolution is extremely powerful... Stealing cause and effect, seizing creation...

Nine Realms of Heaven: Carry nine small worlds, stay in nine small worlds, and promote to the big world... Carrying the nine worlds, the world's mighty power is gathered together.


With a deep gaze, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but marvel.

This is his properties panel today.

Really, it's scary.

There are countless magical methods, and there are two great powers accompanying them.

Let me ask, under the starry sky, who can be rivaled?

You know, the peerless Tianjiao of the Kunpeng family is dominating the starry sky because he has cultivated a great god Kunpeng method.

But now, he actually cultivated two paths.


Grinning, Yu Ziyu was also a little proud.

Of course, more importantly, his current strength... Heavenly Gate Five Heavenly Masters: With such a shocking strength, I am afraid that Yu Ziyu alone can suppress ten thousand races.

Just now, though.

The pendulum will swing.

If you use your strength to suppress ten thousand races, sooner or later, a new strong person will rise.

What's more, there is no less than Yu Ziyu's Tianjiao...

At that time, although Yu Ziyu was strong, his two fists were still difficult to defeat with four hands:

Well, Yu Ziyu must admit that he doesn't like to make things in the open.

Being able to hide yourself is the best.

Low-key is king, and holding on is everything.

He has been able to get to this day, it is a word'.

Although he is not meticulous now, he will never be arrogant.

"Just reveal the breath of the two and three heavenly lords..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also converged part of his breath.

Suddenly, the entire time and space, a terrifying oppression, also disappeared for the most part. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1435

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