
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1436

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1436

However, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu still controlled his breath to the Dual Heavenly Master.

The Triple Heavenly Lord is too terrible, or the Triple Heavenly Lord is better.

As for why not control the breath in a heavy heavenly master...


In a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu also thought.

But everyone in the world is a demon court demon emperor with seven turns in the flesh, stepping into the master, only one heavenly lord, isn't there no silver three hundred taels here?

So... It is better to have a double dominance.

Moreover, the double heavenly lord is also terrifying enough.

You know, the Heavenly Gate Lord and the Ordinary Lord are completely two levels of existence.

What's even scarier is... Every gap is like a heavenly graben.

In terms of spiritual power, they are all several times different... Even more than ten times ...

And now, Yu Ziyu, who had precipitated for thousands of years, his spiritual power had skyrocketed at least a hundred times compared to before he broke through the Heavenly Gate.

Hundredfold... No exaggeration.

Theoretically, Yu Ziyu's five-fold heavenly lord, spiritual power is even a thousand times or even ten thousand times before breaking the heavenly gate.

But that's theory after all.

Even if he was in another time and space, using time to accelerate his uninterrupted cultivation, it would be difficult for Yu Ziyu to accumulate that level of spiritual power.

Ordinary masters cultivation, moving for ten thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years.

Yu Ziyu's retreat this time, even if it is accelerated by time, it is only a thousand years.

What is it to accumulate such a level of spiritual power?

Now his body is enough to hold ten thousand times the spiritual power before, but the accumulation is still a lot worse.

It is equivalent to the current body, which has that capacity, but does not fill the 'water'.

Now, though, a little bit.

"That's enough, though."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about these details.

Although the spiritual power is only more than a hundred times... But now he can feel that it is strengthening every moment.

With the naked eye, it can be seen that in the depths of the void behind him, countless golden divine chains are like a spider's web, weaving deeper time and space.

All the time, he was not refining towards Yu Ziyu, but also conveying this vast sea of spiritual power.

And this kind of transportation, if there is no end... Until one day, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power accumulation completely reached the upper limit of the Five Heavenly Masters.

At that time, Yu Ziyu could be regarded as a true five-fold heavenly master.

And this day, it won't take long.

According to Yu Ziyu's calculations, if it is accelerated by time, it will be a matter of a thousand years in the starry sky.

And this, compared to the long cultivation that dominated one after another, was already too terrifying.

Because, this is equivalent to Yu Ziyu only needing a thousand years of starry sky to become a complete five-fold heavenly master.


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also seemed to see the scene of him slap and an asteroid belt smashed.

That.. It's really a horror to say no.

Of course, although he now has the spiritual power of the Dual Heaven Master, his combat power has little impact.

At least it was more than a hundred times stronger than before it broke through the gate of heaven.

If you use the Great God Power again, the combat power will be even more terrifying.

It must not be difficult to suppress ten thousand races with one's own strength...

Therefore, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Yu Ziyu was also proud.

"It's just, it's more than that..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu's gaze was looking at some of his gains in the Heavenly Court.

A complete great divine power, the Five Elements Rotation..., can reverse the five element elements after cultivation, has the supreme power of creation, and can destroy everything.

It is an extremely terrifying attacking power, and it is also the true ultimate of the five elements.

However, it is a pity that the practice of this great spiritual power is too difficult.

Even the five emperors of the Heavenly Court were also clever, and they successfully cultivated it.

"However, the requirements for the threshold of this great god cultivation are indeed high."

Sighing helplessly, Yu Ziyu also knew that it was difficult for him to cultivate this great power.

Just because, the lowest threshold for the cultivation of this great god power is also the need for five major spirit bodies.

Innate water spirit body, innate fire spirit body, innate wood spirit body...

Although these major spirit bodies are one grade worse than Yu Ziyu's condensed supreme Dao body, they are victorious in the innate'...

It is a spirit body that is difficult to find, unless it has a shocking means, and it will return to innate the day after tomorrow.

Otherwise, it's a matter of luck...

And luck said, Xuan and Xuan...

Not to mention the five ways to gather...

And the Five Emperors of the Heavenly Court... Then the masterpiece of the Heavenly Court barely met the conditions for the rotation cultivation of the five elements of the Great God's power.

It's just that they are not innate spirit bodies, but the so-called 'acquired'.

And this was the core reason why it was difficult for them to cultivate the Five Elements Rotation of Great God Power to Dacheng.

Congenital, acquired, the difference between one word, but it is a world of difference.

However, I have to say that the power of the five elements of the Great God Power is indeed terrifying, and it is worthy of the ultimate of the five elements.

If it weren't for Yu Ziyu's already stepped into domination, his strength was much more terrifying than theirs, and he was afraid that he would also be injured.

Of course, it was just a few injuries.

As for wanting to kill Yu Ziyu... Sorry, they can't do it.

If the five emperors of them all stepped into the mastery, they would break through the gate of heaven and become the lord of the gate of heaven... There is a little bit of hope.

And that, it is still the case that Yu Ziyu will not use the great power to resist.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also left behind the unique magical power that he plundered from the Five Emperors...

Just because he didn't plan to practice this great magical ability didn't mean that his subordinates couldn't practice it.

The Heavenly Court has five emperors, can't they have five demon emperors in the demon court?

"Qinggang, Bingjiao, Laurel..."

In the midst of whispering, Yu Ziyu also had a plan in his heart.

This can be used as the amazing heritage of the demon court, generation after generation.

One day, they can also emulate the five emperors of the Heavenly Court, each of them slender a magical power, and then merge into one, turn into a millstone of extinction, and wear out everything...

Of course, Yu Ziyu is even more looking forward to the demon court being able to come out of a shocking demon and cultivate this great god power alone.

The threshold for the rotation of the five elements of the Great God is high.

But there are only requirements for the divine body.

Perhaps, the demon court has a 'shocking divine body' bred?

The 'innate five element body' is no less than Yu Ziyu's divine body with no upper Dao body...

It's precious.

If he had such a divine body coming out, it would be an excellent candidate for cultivating the Great God Power to transform three Qi into three Qing.

Simply put, the Great God Power Five Elements Rotation is a great God power tailored for the 'innate five elements'.

Just, alas,

It is easy to get after tomorrow, and it is difficult to find it congenitally.

Many people have cultivated the five elements of the day after tomorrow, and then forcibly cultivated the five elements of the Great God Power rotation, so that like the Five Emperors of the Heavenly Court, it is difficult for them to cultivate this great God Power to the great completion.

No, it is difficult to cultivate to Xiaocheng.

The real Great God Power Five Elements Rotation was much more terrifying than the last time Yu Ziyu saw it. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1436

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