
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1438

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1438

"Meet the Demon Emperor..."

"Meet the Demon Emperor..."


The call in unison resounded in the starry sky and shook the stars.

"The host... You are finally here. "

Gritting his teeth tightly, the Nine Tails looked at this moon-like figure not far away, and his beautiful eyes couldn't stop flickering.

Faintly, there was a flash of crystal.

It has been ten years since that day.

For ten years, the owner has not been heard.

"It's okay, I'm back."

The hand that stretched out at an unknown time flicked away the crystal at the corner of the nine-tailed eye, and Yu Ziyu raised his eyes, looked at everyone, and said softly:

"I'm back."

Gently speaking, it was like an exclamation, but it shocked countless strong people.

"The host..."

"Greetings to the master."

"Master, I almost thought..."

The sudden uproar sounded in the starry sky, but it made Yu Ziyu a little touched.

These little guys are really worried about him.

Especially the golden ant guy also rushed back at some point.

Although he did not speak, he just stood quietly on the side, but the trembling body said something.

"I'm worried about you."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also raised his footsteps and walked towards the Demon Palace of the Celestial Realm.


Step out, time and space are reversed, but Yu Ziyu took the Nine Tails and the others and came to the demon palace of the Heavenly Court in one step.

The ends of the earth, within easy reach.

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also noticed the Nine Tails, the Bull Demon, and even the Golden Monkey, one after another.

Silent, unnoticed.

In an instant, they brought more than a dozen of their sixth-order giants, and even half-step masters, here.

What kind of means is this?

In a stunned, even the golden monkey's pupils shrank to the tip of the needle.

"Master, is it already the Lord of the Heavenly Gate?"

Taking a step forward, the golden monkey also asked.


Bowing his head slightly, Yu Ziyu also exuded the aura of the double heavenly master,


Just listening to a loud noise, it was like a storm coming, and the entire hall sank.

Looking up, the Nine Tails, the Bull Demon, and one strong man after another were oozing cold sweat from their foreheads, and even their postures were constantly bent.

"Click, click...

As if I couldn't bear it, even the bones made a brittle sound.

However, the most terrifying thing is the demon court demon palace, and in an instant, the cracks are full...

The demon palace is only a sixth-order spirit weapon after all.

If you want to withstand Yu Ziyu's coercion now, it is still one worse


After swallowing his saliva, the golden monkey's face also changed again and again:

"One heaven, no, two heavens..."

In the exclamation, the golden monkey was also a little incredulous.

The master, actually broke through the gate of heaven and stepped into the double heavenly lord in one step?

And this is only what he sees.

With his knowledge of the owner... If he didn't hide a few hands, it would definitely not be his master.

That is: The master is at least the Triple Heavenly Lord, or even the Fourth Heavenly Lord..."

The heart repeatedly roared, and the golden monkey was also stunned.

What is the concept of breaking through the gate of heaven in one step and reaching the three or four masters.

Just thinking about it, the golden monkey felt palpitations.

With the current strength of the master, I am afraid that it is enough to suppress ten thousand races.


Suppressing the horror in his heart, the golden monkey was also excited:

"Master, eternal hope, eternal hope..."

The continuous exclamation made the Nine Tails and the others shocked.

"Eternity is possible...

In the midst of the muttering, the Nine Tails and the others also widened their eyes and looked at their master in disbelief.

At this time, they were aware of...

The corner of the figure sitting high on the throne raised slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

It seems to be proud, and it seems to sigh.


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's gaze was already drawn to the old nine-iron eating beast not far away:

"Old Nine, the sixth-order spirit weapon of the demon palace is not enough, even my breath can't withstand it.."

"Master, I see."

In response, the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu's face also flashed with determination.

Have to

It is also necessary to refine the demon palace into a seventh-order artifact.

Otherwise, even the breath of the owner now can't withstand it, like what words.


With a slight bow, Yu Ziyu's gaze also turned and looked at the others.

Qinggang, Ice Jiao, Aisia, the daughter of flames...

One after another, but the real genus of the five elements.


With a smile, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand,


With a roar, five rays of light had already flown out of Yu Ziyu's palm and shot towards the five people of Qinggang and Ice Jiao.

"Boom, boom, boom...

The figure shook one after another, and the faces of Qinggang, Bingjiao and others also changed one after another.

"Master, this is?"

In the midst of the exclamation, Qingdi was a little incredulous.

"This is my legacy to you: It can be passed on to future generations. "

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"If you succeed in cultivation, it is naturally the best..."

"This is a combination of magical powers, if you can cultivate, the five of you can melt it into a great magical power and five elements of rotation, when the time comes, heaven and earth will be worn out, and everything will be under the wheel..."


Listening quietly, Qinggang, Bingjiao and the other five people also showed excitement on their faces, and then bowed in unison:

"Thank you host..."


Nodded, Yu Ziyu's gaze looked at the Nine Tails, Thunder Dragon and the others again:

"You guys wait... I will definitely find you a magical power that can be passed on to future generations. "

As soon as he spoke, Yu Ziyu's face also showed a look of determination.

You can't go over one over the other.

Qinggang and others have it, and Nine Tails and others naturally have to have it too.

But well... It depends on chance.

Can't force it.

Even if it is as powerful as Yu Ziyu now, it depends on the word fate:

However, at this moment, as if he had thought of something, Yu Ziyu's right hand actually shot a chaos.

This was a fragment of the Heavenly Court Secret Realm, which was caught by Yu Ziyu casually and sealed another piece of time and space.

And now,

"Nine Tails, take it and count one or two, see if there is a suitable loot..."

"Yes, master..."

In response, the Nine Tails also took over this hazy chaos. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1438

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