
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1448

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1448

Simply clarified Kunpengzi's position in the demon court in the future, and Yu Ziyu also chatted with the golden monkey about some other things.

And these are nothing more than the situation in the starry sky, and the development of the demon court.

"For now, because the master Heavenly Gate is dominant, he is invincible to the world... The ten thousand races are in awe of our demon court. "

"However, the invincibility of the master is not permanent after all, and sooner or later, there will be a latecomer who will step into domination."

"And at that time, even if he is not defeated by the master, he can use the complete imperial soldiers or other heritage, and meet the master hard... One, two, it's good to say, but ten, twenty, even the owner is difficult to deal with..."

"Therefore, my suggestion is that before the races have dominated the sky, it is best for our demon court to vigorously develop and grow..."


One after another, the golden monkey also slowly analyzed.


Nodded, Yu Ziyu also agreed with the golden monkey's statement.

"This is also the reason why I am committed to becoming the alliance of ten thousand races, the alliance master, only by becoming the alliance leader of the alliance of ten thousand races, can I extend my tentacles to all races and even all forces..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu seemed to have thought of something, and also glanced at the golden monkey and said with a smile:

"I heard that another divine ape was born."

"It seems to be."

In response, the golden monkey couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Not long ago, the East Great Star Domain, it seems, had a divine monkey born.

That guy is powerful and palpitating,

It even made a big fuss about the dragon clan.

The record is extremely plagiaristic.

"If the subordinate is not mistaken, it should be the Tongjian Divine Ape among our seven divine apes, which can grasp the sun and the moon in his hands, and can also scale thousands of mountains and rivers, with a great divine power that turns everything upside down in the world..."

Saying this, a hint of jealousy could not help but appear in the depths of the golden monkey's eyes.

Tongjian Divine Ape, among the seven divine apes, is the most combat-friendly one.

And it is worth mentioning here that the seven divine apes refer to the divine apes that have awakened the supreme bloodline among thousands of monkey races.

They are the Lingming Divine Ape, the Tongjian Divine Ape, the Intelligent Divine Ape, the Yin Yang Divine Ape, the Xingshui Divine Ape, the Ventilated Divine Ape, and the Driving Divine Ape...

Each species of ape is unique.

And the reason why this is so is also because every kind of divine ape is equivalent to a kind of inheritance.

Just like the current Tongjian Divine Ape, if this generation of Tongjian Divine Ape does not die, then it is impossible for other Ape clan powerhouses to awaken the bloodline of the 'Tongjian Divine Ape'... It is more likely to awaken its natural powers.

"Well, the Tong-armed Ape...

In the midst of the muttering, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of interest.

Can make the dragon clan helpless, this guy is afraid that it is not to be underestimated

But... Just then it was like thinking: Yu Ziyu's gaze also fell on the golden monkey:

"You Spirit Ape, are you sure to deal with him?"


Between deep groans, the golden monkey said:

"This still needs to be seen one or two before you can judge."

When the words fell, the corners of the golden monkey's mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a smile:

"However, master, compared to me, the Tongjian Divine Ape should be regarded as a junior... I make a move, I am afraid that I will have the suspicion of bullying the small: Therefore, if you want to deal with him, let Doer take action. "


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also remembered this little guy who had awakened the intelligent ape.

Good at listening, able to sense, know before and after, everything is clear.

Although the current Duo Er is very low-key in the Demon Court, his strength is not to be underestimated.

According to the golden monkey, Doer had already set foot on the sixth order many years ago...

And now he also needs to experience.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be dumb, and said with a smile:

"How do you know, I want to deal with that Tongjian Ape.."

"Not long ago, an elder of the Dragon Clan came to say: And according to what he meant, the Tongjian Divine Ape is not terrible, it is the Divine Ape family that is terrible... A fully awakened divine ape bloodline, as long as it does not die, has a great hope of stepping into domination.."

Speaking of this, the golden monkey also paused and added:

"So, they just don't want to offend an existence who is likely to step into domination in the future."


Bowing his head slightly, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Indeed, the Tongjian is not terrible.

No matter how strong he is, he can be stronger than the dream dragon carrying the imperial soldiers, can't he?

It's just that the Dream Dragon is now intoxicated with cultivation... And their dragon clan is also unwilling to provoke the divine ape clan.


Moreover, there is another reason ... That is, that one Tongjian Divine Ape may have something to do with the Demon Court.

After all, now, no one knows that the Demon Court's Emperor Golden Monkey is a famous divine ape-Lingming Divine Ape.

So... The dragon clan is also a golden monkey.

If the Tongjian Divine Ape is really removed, the golden monkey who thinks of the friendship of the same clan is blamed, I am afraid that it will affect the relationship between the demon court and the dragon clan.

In this way, they decided to come and trouble the Demon Emperor...

And its purpose is naturally to ask the golden monkey, the divine ape, to take action and suppress the one-armed divine ape.

Seriously, though.

That Tong-armed divine ape has indeed passed.

I don't know if it's arrogant or too arrogant, it's actually a big trouble in the Dragon Clan's star domain, and it has severely damaged countless Dragon Clan powerhouses.

Even, he called the entire dragon clan.

"As far as the narrative of the dragon clan is concerned, that guy is too lawless and too stubborn, and he should really suppress one or two."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also had a plan in his heart.

Let's fight him for a while or two.

As an intelligent ape, the potential of Doer cannot be underestimated.

However, this little fellow, the pavilion master of the Demon Court Intelligence Pavilion, has always lived in seclusion, but he lacks tempering.

And this time, for him, it was also a good trial.

If you are lucky, you can also let Doer fully awaken the bloodline of the 'intelligent ape', and even the talent is supernatural.

At that time, the Demon Court was also able to produce one more shocking Tianjiao.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his footsteps, with the golden monkey: Walk towards the intelligence pavilion where Doer is.

However, at this time, if you pay attention to the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth, you will definitely be able to find that the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth have set off a subtle arc.

Tongjian Divine Ape, why is it not a shocking arrogant?

If Dorer goes here, he can submit...


Smashed his mouth, Yu Ziyu's face also had a look of expectation.

He would never buy or sell at a loss, and if there was no benefit, he would agree to this request from the dragon clan. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1448

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