
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1451

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1451

It's just that at this time, this figure that stared at the world, what he didn't notice was that in the distance, the two figures already didn't know when they would come.

A folding fan.

Dressed in a green shirt, he looks like a scholar.

Next to him, there was a figure wearing black armor.

However, what is stunning is that these two figures are all wearing a mysterious mask.

From a distance, there is an indescribable weirdness.

"This is the Tongjian Ape..."

In the midst of the muttering, this blue-shirted figure also laughed.


In response, the distant sea actually had a blue true dragon gushing out of the sea.

At this time, the Dragon King of the Sea Rain Star, a sixth-order giant.

Shi Yun spreads rain, soars through the clouds.

Although it is only a mid-position dragon, its strength cannot be underestimated.

It's just that now, this dragon king, looking at the figure in the distance, is full of jealousy.

The Tongjian Divine Ape, on this planet, suddenly rose as a powerful existence.

I don't know when I stepped on the extraordinary sixth order.

One body of strength, earth-shattering.

Even he is invincible.

Moreover, what made this dragon king even more angry was that this divine ape actually made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace and robbed the Dragon Palace of an unknown number of heavy treasures.

Other than that, the long stick in the hand of the Tongjian Divine Ape now is the seventh-order artifact of the Dragon Palace Dinghai-Dinghai Needle.

And the chain mail he wears, and the golden crown, etc... All of them are a set of sixth-order spirit armor collected by the Dragon Palace.

Therefore, this dragon king was angry and hated this all-armed divine ape.

However, several major wars were invincible,

Also let the clansmen, lost a lot ...

In this way, this dragon king could only ask for help from the Ancestral Dragon Court.

It's just that this Dragon King didn't expect that the Ancestral Dragon Court would invite the powerhouse of the Demon Court...

"Demon... court..."

With a whisper in his heart, the true dragon that poked its head out of the sea also raised his eyes to look at the two figures standing quietly in the sky.

They are all humanoid, and they can't see the body.

However, that deep temperament is heart-palpitating.

In particular, the figure wearing black armor and looking fierce made this dragon king's pupils shrink.

An illusion of seeing the 'Superior Dragon Clan' emerged in his mind.

"This guy shouldn't be comparable to the Superior Dragon Clan."

Exclaiming in his heart, this Dragon King was also unbelievable.

The upper dragon clan, the peak of the dragon clan's bloodline.

Each superior dragon race is equivalent to the upper divine body of the human race, the holy body.

Like the Nine Ghost Dragon Snake, Purgatory Thunder Dragon, Three Six-Winged Light Dragons... These are all superior dragon races.

are enough to fight one against ten in the same order.

Therefore, the dragon family is honored by the 'superior dragon'.

And now, this one who can't see the body may be an upper dragon comparable to the dragon clan?


Suppressing the horror in his heart, this dragon king also has a little more understanding of the power of the demon court.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, this dragon king also spoke:

"Two, do you need me to send an army to press the border... This one demon monkey has become a climate, and there are many demon kings under him... The two of you are weak... I'm afraid..."

However, before this dragon king's words fell, the blue-shirted figure holding a folding fan was already waving his hand:

"No need."

Saying that, the blue-shirted figure smiled and added:

"I'll wait, there's an army."

When the words fell, in the somewhat stunned gaze of this dragon king, this blue-shirted figure actually kicked into the air.


Just listening to a roar, a circle of darkness has bloomed in the air like ripples.

And then, ripples,

Countless darkness gushes out,

"Boom, boom, boom...

In the midst of one roar after another, in the stunned eyes of countless dragon races... Heaven and earth, the sea surface, are engulfed in darkness,

Everything turned into pitch black.

And in this darkness, a magnificent silhouette has emerged.

It was like a city in the deepest part of darkness...

And in that city, the figure longed... But there are countless of them.

"Meet my lord..."

"Meet my lord..."

The greeting in unison, but there were millions of figures, already standing silently behind the figure of the blue shirt.

Shadow Clan Seventh Legion - Shadow Dancers...


The face was stiff and stiff, and countless dragons were dumbfounded.

What the hell is this?


It should be said that this is the demon court?

Sending a person at random is so unfathomable that it makes people palpitate.

However, at this time, there was no need for these dragons to be more shocked.



With a roar, it was actually that divine ape who didn't know when he raised a stick in the sky and smashed towards this place.

"Give me death."

In the midst of the heavy drinking, a stick is shocking, but it spans hundreds of thousands of miles: Like a giant mountain, it fell.


With a sneer, the figure in black armor had already stepped out.


In the low roar, I saw that this figure tilted his head slightly, and his mouth was open, and he actually spit out a red and blue intertwined beam.

thick beam,

Even the clouds that carried the sky shattered, and they also slammed into the long stick that fell down.


With a terrible roar, heaven and earth were quiet.

Only the shock wave that swept the whole world kept spreading.

"Who are you? Can you pick me up? "

A loud laugh, far away, a stream of light also shot out.

"Under the demon throne, the three-headed dog of hell, yes."

In response, the wolf also stepped out.


"Roar, roar, roar..."

Only listening to a few earth-shattering roars, an earth-shattering monster also appeared between heaven and earth.

Up to hundreds of thousands of zhang... With three hideous dog heads, covered with black dragon scales like dragon scales.

From a distance, it looks murderous to the extreme.

However, what is even more frightening is that... A rising breath.

It's like coming out of hell.

Cold, eerie, ferocious, and violent...

Hell three-headed dog... In the 'mysterious and terrifying hell', it is also known as a 'divine beast', and its horror is definitely not weaker than the dragon of the dragon race. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1451

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