
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1453

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1453

And just when Duo'er, a wolf was not far away, and rushed to the dragon clan to suppress the Tongjian Divine Ape, Yu Ziyu also dealt with Lan as the fifth blazing angel wing.

"I may need a retreat recently..."

"Got it, Tsubasa-sama."

In response, this one closed the six wings behind him, all of them seemed to have a shy figure, and also chose to say goodbye.

However, her return was not the Divine Dragon Hall where the demon court was located.

It is the deepest part of the small world of light.

There, there is the purest 'law of light'.

For a blazing angel like her, it is the best place to return.

Of course, this matter, she is also ready to apply to the Demon Emperor.

However, without waiting for her to tell the Demon Emperor, Lord Tsubasa had already waved and said with a smile:

"This thing, you don't need to say it, go by yourself, the Demon Emperor guy will agree."


His face froze slightly, but Blazing Angel Lan also chose to believe.

Only because, she found that Lord Tsubasa seemed to have a very high status here.

Even, equal to the demon emperor.

"Could it be said that Lord Tsubasa's personal relationship with the Demon Emperor is already so good?"

Guessing in his heart, Arashi also spread his wings, turned into a ray of light, and went straight to the small world of light.


And not long after Lan went to the bright small world, Yu Ziyu's body was also violently shocked.

Only because, at this time, he actually felt that the small world of light was getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's true."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu became more and more clear.

Nine large and small worlds, upholding the nine origins.

And the more powerful these nine origins are, the more powerful the nine worlds are.

And now, Blazing Angel Lan, who majored in 'light' and 'speed', cultivated in the small world of light, although she consumed a lot of light attribute spiritual power, but invisibly, her perception of the law of light was also inscribed in the small world.

One take and one supplement, but it interprets the relationship between living beings and the small world to the extreme.

Living beings seize the creation of heaven and earth, but they are making up for heaven and earth.

However, what is countered is not spiritual power, but the perception of the law and the Tao, thus constantly enhancing the heaven and earth itself.

In this way, the more powerful the being, the greater the help to the growth of heaven and earth.

Of course, there is a premise here, that is, this powerful creature will not break the heaven and earth, and if it breaks this piece of heaven and earth, it chooses to leave.

Then this piece of heaven and earth, isn't it missing countless spiritual power and even a tool person who helps it become stronger'.

Moreover, it is also worth mentioning that if a living creature dies in this piece of heaven and earth, her spiritual power and even her body will dissipate between heaven and earth, and at that time, her cultivation will also return to heaven and earth.

So... The strength of living beings will not cause heaven and earth to lose anything.

"So is the starry sky like this?"

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu was also out of thought.

This is true of the Nine Realms, and the starry sky may also be the same.

For the starry sky, domination is eternal, and the perception and understanding of the law is the nourishment for its growth.

So, it allows living beings to evolve.

But evolution to a certain extent, it will suppress again.

Because, it does not allow living beings to be detached.

Detachment is a damage to him.

Not to mention the others, if a life form like Yu Ziyu steps into eternity, the power contained in its body is endless.

And where does this piece of power come from?

Nature is the starry sky.

And if Yu Ziyu left the starry sky... Doesn't that mean:

Moreover, deep association can also be guessed about the calamity of the era, the so-called calamity of the era is likely to be a kind of purge of heaven and earth itself.

Erase the strong of the older generation.

Just because their laws, and even others, are also inscribed in the heavens and the earth, they have lost their value to the heavens and the earth.

And heaven and earth, fresh blood is needed... Even if they are also masters who major in the law of light, the master's understanding and perception of light in this era is different from that of the previous era's masters who majored in light:

And this is new blood...

Of course, this is just Yu Ziyu's guess.

"The relationship between the starry sky and living beings should not be so simple .."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu took another deep look at Blazing Angel Lan, who was cultivating in the depths of the small world of light.

"However, the relationship between the small world (small world) and the living beings is simple."

"Arashi absorbs the power of the Light Small World to strengthen her body, and the Light Small World continues to grow with her perception and understanding of the Law of Light...


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also felt that it was necessary to pull a few more powerful lifeforms like Lan to come to the Nine Realms.

Only in this way can the Nine Realms grow faster.

You know, the Nine Realms of Heaven, as a great god, the potential has not really been developed.

To put it simply, Yu Ziyu's great god reaches the Nine Realms of the Heavens, and even Xiao Cheng is not enough to describe it.

"Only the other eight small worlds carry 'complete laws' like the Thunder Small World, and the Nine Realms of Heaven can be considered small."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

If the nine small worlds all carry the 'complete law', then surrounded by stars, Yu Ziyu is equivalent to having nine masters who are good at defense.

Defense alone is unparalleled.

And this, not to mention, the Nine Realms are also good for smashing people.

A complete small world smashed down, the taste is afraid that it is not ordinary comfort...

Of course, Yu Ziyu is most looking forward to the day when the Nine Realms of Heaven are completed, when the time comes, all nine small worlds will be promoted to the Great World...

It is equivalent to Yu Ziyu having nine great worlds and blessing himself.

The power is afraid to chase half a step eternal,

Even more terrifying.

And that is the true ultimate divine power of the Great God.

The nine realms are across the sky, and the heavens tremble... All races are bowed.


"Every great power, cultivated to the extreme, is not ordinary terrible."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also thought of his other great power-one qi and three clearing.

Cultivating to the fullest, seizing cause and effect, and stealing and creating are all of great help to him to set foot in eternity.

And this is also the meaning of the existence of the Great God Power.

Either the power can be shocking and unpredictable, or it will seize cause and effect, steal and create, and achieve one's own body.

Either way, no other magical power can compare.

It is the perfect way in the true sense.

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also had the intention to look for Kunpengzi.

He cultivated the Great God Tong Kunpeng Method, and Yu Ziyu also intended to expose the Great God Tong Heaven Nine Realms, so as to sit and discuss with Kunpengzi.

One law, one hundred laws.

Confirming each other's great powers is also of great help to themselves. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1453

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