
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1454

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1454

Of course, this one is not in a hurry.

After all, the current Kunpengzi is not yet trustworthy.

After waiting for a period of time, it is not too late to expose a great power.

And now...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also sank into his mind and chose to cultivate.

It's just that it's not ontological cultivation.

Instead, he cultivated in his other three bodies.


In the midst of the earth-shattering dragon groan, the boundless dragon entrenched in the depths of the void, the Purple Dragon of the Heavens, also coiled its lengthy body in a roar.

Looking closely, the depths of the void in the distance are like a purple nebula, circling.

Terrifying, yet vast.

But the Void Dragon stretched its waist like a human being, constantly extending its body...


On the other side, the dragon of the Heavenly Dao, the green dragon, also vibrated the chain, a mysterious dimension, neighing up to the sky.


In the dragon's groan, the more and more vast humane power was constantly intertwined in his body, but it made him stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dragon of the Heavenly Dao, the green dragon, Yu Ziyu's three major bodies, the most mysterious body.

If not, with the checks and balances of the Heavenly Dao, he is really omnipotent at this moment.

And finally... Naturally...


One step out, but a silver-haired body walked out from Yu Ziyu's body.

This is Yu Ziyu's third body, the Supreme Dao Body.

Compared to the first two bodies, he is only half-step dominant now.

However, presumably, he, the breakthrough, is also fast.

Now look up,

It can already be seen that the ripples, centered on him, continue to spread, and there is an indescribable mysterious rise.

"This gasification is really useful."

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be proud.

Since he had cultivated the Great God Power and Qi, his cultivation speed, which was almost stranded, had improved by leaps and bounds.

Today, one day of cultivation is equivalent to several days of cultivation in the past.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that even if the body does not cultivate, it still has the other three major body cultivation.

It is equivalent to opening three accelerators for the ontology...

This cultivation speed, there is absolutely nothing to say.

And this is the horror of the great god to turn into three cleansing in one breath.

It's just that this is still in terms of cultivation, and in other aspects, the Great God Power is even more strange and unpredictable.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, setting off a subtle arc, but Yu Ziyu also raised his steps and walked towards the outside of the Nine Realms.

Now, with three major bodies, auxiliary refining.

Then, his body can also rest for a while or two.

And this rest... Since he intervened in Wan's affairs.

Nowadays, the dragon race, the phoenix race, the god race, the Buddha gate... All forces have supported him as the 'head of the alliance'.

And he, not long ago, also sent the golden monkey to deal with related matters, and now he doesn't know how.

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also stepped forward.


One step fell, time and space were reversed, but Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared in the Nine Realms in the blink of an eye.

When I look back again...

Deep in the Demon Court, a palace...

"Meet the master..."

"Meet the Demon Emperor..."


In the midst of the call in unison, Yu Ziyu had already seen the golden monkey, the lord of the Phoenix Clan, Ni Xiang, the Nine Ghost Dragon Snake, the dragon arhat of the Buddha Gate, and a god of the God Race... Wait for the strong to gather here.


With a slight bow, Yu Ziyu also nodded and said with a smile:

"How's the discussion going?"


With a slight dissatisfaction, Ni Xiang, the lord of the Feng clan, was the first to speak out:

"You did a good job with your handshake... Let the concubine be here to help you form an alliance? "

Coquettish but not charming, fairy but not feminine, Ni Xiang is also secretly angry.

This guy...

"I see you're idle, you're idle..."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

He and Ni Cang are old friends and know each other.

And at this time, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also raised his right hand.


With a roar, a peach with a big palm, but crystal like jade, actually appeared in Yu Ziyu's hand.

"This is?"

Suddenly exclaimed, far away, the dragon Luo Han, as if he recognized something, his face changed slightly.


In response, Yu Ziyu also introduced to many figures:

"This is the Heavenly Court Peach, and I, the last time I attacked the Heavenly Court, I gained a lot, but I actually won the foundation of the Heavenly Court, the Peach Divine Tree..."

When the words fell, Yu Ziyu did not care about the shock that flashed on everyone's faces, and continued:

"And as the future lord of the alliance... I feel that I also have to give back to the members of the alliance... Therefore, I plan to hold a peach event in the next 3,000 years and invite the members of the alliance: It's like everyone here has one place each, and the forces behind you have five places..."

The simple words made the faces of one figure after another change again and again.

Even Ni Xiang's beautiful eyes were wide.

"Peach Gala?"

In the murmur, as if realizing something, Ni Xiang's gaze towards Yu Ziyu was also more incredible.

This guy actually wanted to reproduce the power of the Heavenly Court ruling the universe in the previous era.

At the beginning, the reason why the Heavenly Court ruled the universe had two fundamentals, one was to seal the God List and rule the strong of ten thousand races.

And the second is the Peach Festival, which invites the Heavenly God Buddha and establishes him as the overlord of the Heavenly Court.

And now, the Demon Emperor is actually following suit...

Still, thought about it.

It seems that it is really possible.

After all, the current Demon Court is not much worse than the original Heavenly Court.

Even, the speed of the rise is much faster.

In other words, the Demon Court is likely to become the next 'Heavenly Court.'

It's just that at this time, what these strong people don't know is that Yu Ziyu is not interested in becoming the next Heavenly Court.

The demon court is just him, in the power of Ming.

Even if he rules Huanyu, it is like that for Yu Ziyu.

Even, it takes pains to maintain the balance of heaven and earth.

The gains outweigh the losses, that's what it said.

And Yu Ziyu's real purpose... It's harvesting, plundering ... and even reincarnation.

The demon court is in the light, and the void is in the dark.

Light and dark intertwined, but it is to breed ten thousand ethnic groups, round after round of harvesting.

And this is Yu Ziyu's growing ambition without losing understanding. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1454

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