
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1457

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1457

"I didn't take care of you too much."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's gaze towards Yue Gui was also a little more concerned.

As the Divine Tree of Heaven and Earth, the Bodhi Holy Tree of the Buddha Gate of Laurel, the World Tree of the Divine Race, and the Peach Divine Tree of the Heavenly Court, it is not different.

It should be said that each has its own mystery.

It's just that Yue Gui is better at 'guarding', one person sitting in one place, which is equivalent to dominating the sky.

Moreover, it is also the kind of master who is extremely good at defense.

At the beginning, if the Heavenly Court had laurels sitting down, it would not be so easy for Yu Ziyu to break through.

And now: His eyes froze.

[Race: Immortal Laurel (Heaven and Earth Divine Tree)

Rank: Half-step Domination (Five Turns of the Flesh)

Innate talent: immortal and immortal - the body is indelible, even if it is damaged, it will recover in an instant.

The law of origin - taiyin: born with innate taiyin, it can absorb the power of taiyin to strengthen itself, and it can mobilize the power of taiyin to cultivate divine powers.



Congenital Taiyin Great Array - born to carry the Taiyin Great Array, with their own strength, shrouded a realm, and the formation will not be extinguished. 】

Looking at it quietly, Yu Ziyu also did not hide the appreciation in her eyes.

Not bad

Really nice.

Now not only has he stepped on the half-step domination, but his physical body has turned five times.

This kind of strength, combined with the innate Taiyin Great Array she was born to carry, even if she is a master of the sky, it doesn't hurt.

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand.

"Take it."

As he said this, a jade-like peach and three leaves glowing with holy light were already floating towards the laurel.

"This is?"

In the sudden exclamation, Yue Gui's eyes widened.

Only because, at this time, she actually felt an indescribable mystery that enveloped her.

Along with this, many of the doubts in her mind that she had puzzled in the past were a little transparent.

"The peach fruit of the Peach God Tree, and the Bodhi Leaf of the Bodhi Holy Tree..."

With an explanation, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth were also slightly upturned.

Peach fruit, fortunately, just let the laurel grow a little insightful.

But this Bodhi leaf is different.

This is the leaf of enlightenment.

This alone was enough to make Yue Gui fall into the mysterious and mysterious realization.

This shows the preciousness of this Bodhi leaf.

With these Bodhi leaves, in a short period of time, the cultivation of laurel is afraid to increase a little.

"The host... That's precious. "

To put it bluntly, but Laurel's hand is not slow.

Turning his hand, he had already taken these two supreme treasures into his arms

And the host, there is no need to be polite.

What's more, if she becomes stronger, she will be able to better help her master guard the Heavenly Realm and protect the Demon Court.


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also instructed:

"If you run out, remember to look for me again." I still have a hundred or so Bodhi leaves here. "


With a slight bow, Yue Gui also asked with some surprise

"Master, is this robbing the Bodhi Tree, the supreme treasure of the Buddha Gate?"

"Of course not."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Now that the Buddha Gate is not bad for our demon court, I won't make a move against the Buddha Gate yet, this should be regarded as his filial piety to me..."

It's just that speaking of this, it seems to have thought of something, and the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth also has an inexplicable smile.

However, there is a point about this Buddha gate, I am afraid that I did not think of it.

No.. It should be said that even Ziyu did not expect it.

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also said goodbye to the immortal laurel

I'm going to retreat first, and if you have anything, you can come to me directly."

"Yes, master."

When the words fell, Immortal Laurel saw Yu Ziyu's figure and slowly disappeared between heaven and earth.


And at this time, deep in time and space,

"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu turned into a divine tree that covered the sky and took root in the heavens and the earth.

nebula surrounding,

The branches are like a divine chain, extending to the end of time and space.

And that tree root turned into a real dragon and hissed.

And this is Yu Ziyu's essence.

But now... Zi Yu's gaze was fixed on the Bodhi Holy Leaf floating not far away.

Bodhi holy leaves, the most precious treasure condensed by the Bodhi holy tree.

A blade can help people realize the way.

However, under the starry sky, there is a sacred tree with similar power to the Bodhi Holy Tree.

"The Divine Tree of Enlightenment..."

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu called out the name of this divine tree.

The legendary divine tree has incredible powers.

It is even more mysterious than the Bodhi Sacred Tree.

However, Yu Ziyu had heard that the Bodhi Holy Tree and the Enlightenment Divine Tree were originally one.

However, in the past, the power was divided into two, turning it into the Bodhi Sacred Tree and the Enlightenment God Tree.

Nourished by the power of Buddha for thousands of years, the Bodhi Sacred Tree gradually understood the Buddha teachings, gained Buddha nature, and turned into a sacred relic of the Buddha realm.

The Divine Tree of Enlightenment, on the other hand, disappeared between heaven and earth, and was extremely difficult to find.

It's just that, occasionally, I will hear someone sitting on the Divine Tree of Enlightenment and Feathering Flying Immortals.

And now...

His eyes froze slightly, but Yu Ziyu's gaze towards this Bodhi Holy Leaf couldn't stop flickering.

"If this legend is true... So..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power also continued to surge.

"Boom, boom..."

With a terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu actually evolved absolutely through his innate talent and began to deduce the legendary Bodhi Holy Tree.

Yes, deduce the legendary Bodhi Sacred Tree.

With these Bodhi Holy Leaves, it is enough for Yu Ziyu to deduce the Bodhi Holy Tree.

However, the Heaven and Earth Divine Tree is unique in the world.

One plant does not die,

The second plant is difficult to come out.

Nowadays, the Buddha Gate sits on the Bodhi Holy Tree, and theoretically, Yu Ziyu cannot incarnate the second Bodhi Holy Tree.

Therefore, if the legend of the Bodhi Holy Tree and the Enlightenment Divine Tree is true, then theoretically, Yu Ziyu is likely to incarnate the legendary Enlightenment Divine Tree.

Of course, this presupposes that the Divine Tree of Enlightenment has not yet appeared in heaven and earth.

And it is worth mentioning here that even if the Bodhi Holy Tree and the Enlightenment God Tree are really as rumored, they are one... It has long been passed down from generation to generation, divided into two.

Going back to the root, the two may be the same.

But in fact, they are now two different heaven and earth divine trees.

All stand among the divine trees of heaven and earth. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1457

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