
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1458

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1458

"If I can really transform into the legendary Divine Tree of Enlightenment, I am afraid that the entire Demon Court will transform."

A whisper, Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to it.

Just because the power of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment is too terrifying.

To put it bluntly, one enlightenment divine tree is enough to create several, or even dozen, masters.

Talent is not enough, savvy to make up.

That's what I said.

And now, the demon court, Tianjiao is innumerable.

There are ten primordial divine beasts in the sky, and there are supreme powerful generals standing below.

There are also peerless existences such as golden monkeys, big snakes and even kunpengzi.

However... These Tianjiao can really step into the domination in the future, but Yu Ziyu does not know how many people there are.

Maybe just a few.

Maybe neither.

One thing is certain, though... That is, they can't all step into dominance.

Tianjiao, in the end, is divided into three, six, nine and so on.

For example, although the bull demon is diligent, when it comes to talent, or even understanding, it cannot be regarded as the best choice.

In this way, if he wanted to break through the dominance, it was naturally extremely difficult.

At this time, if there was a Divine Tree of Enlightenment, it was different.

Just because the Divine Tree of Enlightenment can greatly enhance the understanding of the bull devil... In Yu Ziyu's words, resources must also be given to you.

Only by stepping into domination can you accompany Yu Ziyu.

Only by stepping into domination will you worry about lifespan in hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

And this is also the reason why Yu Ziyu's eyes are now enthusiastic about the Dao Divine Tree.

Not for himself,

Only for his loyal subordinates...

"How can I not consider you for such loyalty to me?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu immersed his mind in the body.


In an instant, the evolution points were consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Yu Ziyu fell into the realm of Xuan and Xuan's enlightenment.

Now, he wants to push the performance of 'Enlightenment Divine Tree'.

Then, through the essence, he transformed it, just as he turned into a lightning strike divine tree, a divine tree in all directions.

However, I don't know if the Divine Tree of Enlightenment is too terrifying... This time the deduction turned out to be extremely difficult.

Even he felt an inexplicable obscurity.

"Enlightenment, enlightenment... And Xuan..."

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu also continued to deduce.


Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed in this time and space.

And on this very day,


With a sharp shock, Yu Ziyu's body turned out to be.

With the naked eye, Yu Ziyu's canopy is actually blooming with infinite color...

Moreover, the color of each of his giant branches and leaves is changing.

It extends in different directions, breaks...

"Bearing all kinds of Dao fruits, all-encompassing, is for the enlightenment of the Dao Divine Tree.."

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu also had a deeper understanding of the legendary Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Yu Ziyu has now affirmed that the Divine Tree of Enlightenment and the Bodhi Sacred Tree come from the same source.

Even if it is not the same divine tree divided into two, it is closely related.

Only because Yu Ziyu really used the Bodhi Holy Leaf of the Bodhi Holy Tree to deduce the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

Compared to the Bodhi Holy Tree, condense holy leaves.

The Dao Divine Tree condenses the Dao Fruit.

One leaf, one fruit...

If this is said to be unconnected, it is not believed to kill Yu Ziyu.

What's more, both of them were born for enlightenment...

However, just when Yu Ziyu kept changing in the direction of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment... ·


The sudden roar was a violent shock to Yu Ziyu's body.

Followed by


A shocking thunder actually fell from the underworld,


It smashed Yu Ziyu's canopy that exuded infinite divine light.

"This is..."

With a sudden shock, Yu Ziyu's face also changed greatly.

This is... Against the sky.

How can it be?

With his innate talent to deduce the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, how could it be against the sky.

However, in the next moment,


There was another roar, and when I looked up, it was another terrifying, torrent-like thunder that broke through the blockade of time and space, and smashed fiercely on Yu Ziyu's body,


Even Yu Ziyu's body trembled at this moment.

The heavenly power is mighty, and it has the divine power to come to the world.

Yu Ziyu finally triggered the wrath of the sky.

"Nope... Under this starry sky, a Divine Tree of Enlightenment has been born..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu also stopped deducting for the first time.

If it is a starry sky, there is a tree of enlightenment.

Well, now he is indeed going against the sky.

In the same era, there is no room for two enlightened divine trees.

The reason... It is also for the divine tree of heaven and earth, born upholding the origin of heaven and earth.

Every Heaven and Earth Divine Tree has a unique and powerful origin.

And the Divine Tree of Enlightenment carries the word 'Enlightenment'.

If Yu Ziyu forcibly turned into the Enlightenment Divine Tree, it would be equivalent to forcibly seizing the origin of the first Enlightenment Divine Tree...

This move naturally means to suffer the punishment of heaven.

Of course, at this time, there is no need to consider the Bodhi Holy Tree, under the nourishment of the Buddha Gate for thousands of years, even the power is changed, and it has completely turned into a Buddhist holy relic.

Even heaven and earth cannot regard it as a 'Divine Tree of Enlightenment.'

Therefore, the Bodhi Sacred Tree and the Enlightened Divine Tree can exist together in heaven and earth... ·

It's just that... Then... His eyes froze slightly, looking at the sky, the thunder that had gradually dissipated, and Yu Ziyu's gaze couldn't stop flickering.

Fortunately, his strength is too terrifying now.

In other words, the punishment that day was enough to hit him hard.

And Yu Ziyu... Although it is not a serious injury, it is also a serious injury.

With the naked eye, it can be seen that the body he turned into, every divine chain has turned into pitch black, and the remnants of the arc can be faintly seen...

"In addition to the existence of a Divine Tree of Enlightenment in the starry sky, I can't think of the second possibility, there will be a heavenly punishment attack."

In the midst of whispering, Yu Ziyu was also helpless.

This day the punishment struck, he really did not expect it.

Moreover, it still broke through the blockade of time and space...

All that can be said is... He just thought that it was really against the sky, and this was... Caused the heavenly punishment to descend...

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1458

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