
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1459

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1459

"I don't want to go against the sky and get your attention..."

In the midst of the chuckling, Yu Ziyu's gaze also seemed to cross time and space, and saw an indifferent, but extremely vast eye.

That is, the Eye of Heaven.

The most ruthless.

It's also the most terrifying.

Of course, this is also the last thing Yu Ziyu wants to see.

Everyone in the world wants to 'go against the sky', let alone 'practice is against the sky'.

But... You know, it is the will of God that does not allow it, who can cultivate.

One Apocalyptic Era is enough to knock thousands of cultivators back to their original form.

It is also in vain to let you be in love.

So... Don't always talk about anything against the sky... On this day, it is not yet the so-called 'ants' that can be reversed.

Everything about you is with the acquiescence of Providence.

And those who are really qualified to talk about 'against the sky' are those who transcend the world's cognition, eternal and indelible, or more terrifying existences.

"Only ants do not know the so-called, vainly trying to go against the sky..."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this sudden arrival of the heavenly punishment.

This is just a warning.

Warn him not to do anything against the sky.

So... Yu Ziyu can also do it.


There is no need, for the sake of a 'Divine Tree of Enlightenment', to attract the attention of the Heavenly Dao.

This is not in line with Yu Ziyu's nature.

Indecent development is king, and stubbornness is everything.

He has been stubbornly for so long, how could he be at such a critical time... Against the sky.

Compared with the ten thousand races and even others, Yu Ziyu is most afraid of this Heavenly Dao.

After all, his current body is the Dragon of Heaven's Dao.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu deeply understood how terrifying the Heavenly Dao was.

It is a terrifying existence beyond eternity.

But... Suddenly, his mouth turned up, and Yu Ziyu's face also showed a touch of pride.

Although, at the critical moment of turning into the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, it was interrupted.

But he is not without gains.

Like now...

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Yu Ziyu actually felt that there was a touch of underworld connection, and it flashed away at the end of the starry sky.

Fear, fear,

There is also an indescribable awe.

It is like a newborn child, encountering danger, there is an instinctive trepidation and unease.

"And then, it should be the Divine Tree of Enlightenment."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was already guessing.

There cannot be two identical heaven and earth divine trees in the starry sky.

If this heavenly punishment did not interrupt Yu Ziyu's deduction, Yu Ziyu would have successfully transformed into the Heaven and Earth Divine Tree-the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

Then, in the starry sky, this may be the newly born enlightenment divine tree, naturally it can only be destroyed by heaven and earth.

If you can't destroy the big boss Yu Ziyu, then destroy the true lord of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

In this way, under the starry sky, there is still only one heaven and earth divine tree.

It's simple.

But for this newly born enlightenment divine tree in the starry sky, it is a little cruel.

But well... Survival of the fittest.

Who called Yu Ziyu too powerful and too terrifying now?

Of course, it was also Yu Ziyu who was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to erase the starry sky, a divine tree that had just been born, otherwise Yu Ziyu would continue to deduce against the heavenly punishment...

And at this time, Yu Ziyu will never admit it... He didn't want to attract the attention of Heavenly Dao...

"That is, my last mercy saved him."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu felt that this newly born enlightenment divine tree in the starry sky should be grateful to him.

Be grateful for His kindness and keep him alive.

Be grateful to him for stopping and keeping him alive...

So... The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, setting off a touch of playfulness, and Yu Ziyu couldn't help but look forward to it:

"In this way, you should not be too much in return for being rooted in the demon court."

Suddenly, the voice resounded through time and space, but Yu Ziyu suddenly turned into a figure wearing a golden emperor robe, laughing loudly.

Then, without waiting for ordinary people's reaction, Yu Ziyu had already stepped out in one step, looking for the direction of the underworld, and rushed to it.

Now, there's a sneaky connection...

And with this kind of underworld connection, Yu Ziyu was sure to find this heaven and earth divine tree.


"What is ownerless, he who has a fortune obtains it."

In the midst of chuckling, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be happy.

This is really losing sesame seeds and picking up watermelons.

Compared to turning into the Enlightenment Divine Tree himself, it was naturally the best to find this true Enlightenment Divine Tree.

Counterfeit is always a fake, let's not talk about this for the time being.

Alone, on the other hand, it is a little bad for Yu Ziyu.

After all, the Dao fruit condensed by the Dao Divine Tree of Enlightenment consumed itself.

If he really incarnated as the Dao Divine Tree, Yu Ziyu might consume his own cultivation and condense the Dao Fruit.

And this is what Yu Ziyu does not want.

Now, though...

The true lord of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment suddenly appeared.

How could this not make Yu Ziyu excited...


And at this time, under the starry sky, a very remote star field:

There is a sacred tree that covers the sky, quietly rooted here: This tree has infinite color, each huge branch and leaf has a different color, extending to different places, beautiful.

And, even more shocking... On the gorgeous branches and leaves of this divine tree, there are different Dao fruits...

The Dao fruit is brilliant, but it is illusory.

Apparently not solidified yet ...

And this is the Divine Tree of Heaven and Earth-the Divine Tree of Enlightenment...

However, at this time, as if he sensed something, his countless branches and leaves were constantly trembling, as if he was afraid of something?

"Coming, he's coming..."

The heart was shocked, and a hazy consciousness was also screaming.

What exactly is that?

It was actually outside the Infinite Star Domain, forcibly robbing his power.

If it weren't for the Heavenly Dao... He's going to succeed.

Completely irresistible,

Even the courage to resist is not there.

Majesty, vastness... It was a hundred, even a thousand times more terrifying than any living form he had ever seen.

"That... Be... God..."

More and more shocked, this hazy consciousness also asserted.

Now, however, the most terrifying thing is... He actually felt that one life form, as if it was coming in his direction.

The branches trembled, the tree trembled.

An emotion called 'despair' actually wrapped him up. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1459

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