
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1460

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1460

"What happened?"

"What happened to Lord Shenshu?"

"Quick, quick..."

One after another, he exclaimed, but he saw that under this giant tree, there were dozens of spirit beasts lying down.

Among them, there are actually one or two humanoid beings.

The Divine Tree of Enlightenment, the greatest treasure of this planet.

Although, it is only the fifth order now.

But Kamui is already emerging.

The creatures that can make a hundred miles around fall into a state of enlightenment.

The closer you get to it, the deeper the state of enlightenment.

In this way, with this giant tree with infinite luster as the center, he built a pyramid that belongs to him.

Dozens of spirit beasts wrapped him up.

Each, entrenched on one side.

It seems to be guarding, and it seems to be waiting.

And this is the guardian of the divine tree.

Not every divine tree is as powerful as Yu Ziyu.

Not every divine tree is as good at fighting as Yu Ziyu.

So, Guardian, it is a must.

Like the world tree, it is a creature of the first realm, supporting itself.

And like the tree of life of the elven race, it is also supported by the elven race...

Everything, the divine tree, more or less has a so-called guardian.

However, it is worth mentioning that the spirit beasts that guard the Divine Tree of Enlightenment are not too strong.

I don't know if it's this planet, it's too remote, or something else.

The strongest person today is only the early stage of the extraordinary sixth order.


"Divine Tree, what happened?"

With an inquiry, a spirit beast with all four limbs and fiery red all over his body slowly got up.

However, what made people feel a little concerned was that the head of this spirit beast was like a dragon's head.

Looking carefully, this spirit beast is a collection of dragon head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, and ox tail;

Qilin, the legendary beast.

Everywhere it passes, the sky is full of auspiciousness.

It is a symbol of luck.

Of course, this is just legend.

The real Qilin family is not inferior to the dragon family and the Feng clan.

Not only are they infinitely powerful, comparable to the Titans,

Its body is also unmatched in defense, which is enough to resist the dragon.

If it weren't for this race, there would be too few people.

I'm afraid it's another starry sky clan.

And now...

This one, waiting next to the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, was the Fire Qilin.

The whole body was full of gilded flames, and deep in his eyes, there was a roaring flame.

However, it is unbelievable that the surrounding trees are not lit when bathed in the divine fire.

In a trance, it was he who absorbed all the heat around him.

Not only that, there is no high temperature, but there is also an indescribable one.

"Power is coming...

A sudden trill, echoing in the air.

But it was the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, which took the initiative to respond to the Qilin.

All the spirit beasts are headed by the fire unicorn.

Only he could hear the voice of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.


His face changed suddenly, and the fire qilin was also a little confused.

How can it be?

How can there be great power?

This.. If the God of Enlightenment is discovered, wouldn't it...

Worried, the fire unicorn also reminded for the first time:

"Please also ask the Divine Tree to converge its breath... Otherwise, attract real power, with my strength, I am afraid that I will not be able to protect you. "

"Nope... That big one came to find me, and now, he's crossing the starry sky..."

With a response, the body of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment trembled more and more.

The unimaginable fear wrapped her up.

That's the real big horror.

Yes, the real big terror.

Just feeling the breath is terrifying.


Listening quietly, and then seeing the trembling appearance of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, the fire qilin also knew that there was a big trouble.

Being able to be enlightened by the Divine Tree is called 'power', and it is even more across the starry sky.

Such a strong person is afraid that he cannot resist.


A touch of firmness flashed in the depths of his eyes, and the fire qilin also shouted:

"Please also rest assured... I'll swear to protect you to the death."

When the words fell, a roaring flame ignited in the body.


As if roaring from ancient times, the momentum of this calf-sized fire unicorn also skyrocketed.

Definitely to the Guardian Tree.


However, at the moment when the momentum of the fire unicorn skyrocketed, in the starry sky not far from here, a figure suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"This breath... It seems to have a bit of the taste of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.."

In the midst of chuckling, Yu Ziyu also took a step.


In an instant, the layers of space continued to fold under Yu Ziyu's feet.

And at the next moment, Yu Ziyu's figure had already appeared in the sky above a strange planet.

Looking up, this planet is full of life and greenery.

Apparently, a planet that gives birth to life.

However, what Ling Yu Ziyu cared about most was that it was still the center of this planet.

His eyes condensed slightly, and Yu Ziyu had already seen a giant tree that was thousands of feet tall, standing in a place surrounded by mountains:

And what is a little stunned is that... This tree has infinite color, each huge branch and leaf has a different color, and it extends to different places, which is beautiful.

Enlightenment God Tree,

The legendary sacred tree.

Although it is only a fifth-order now, it is indeed a Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

"It's a... Difficult, I didn't find out the first time. "

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu had noticed a large array around this divine tree.

This should be the shelter from heaven and earth.

It is a congenital array.

Isolated from all breath, even Shen Yun, this firmly guards the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

However, unfortunately, at a moment just now, a sudden surge of breath made Yu Ziyu aware of it.

That is not the breath of the enlightened divine tree,

But it has a bit of the taste of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

Presumably it is a spirit beast not far away from the Enlightenment Divine Tree...

So... Yu Ziyu found it accurately.

And now...


With a long laugh, Yu Ziyu also took a step.


Suddenly, the stars trembled.

Along with this, the whole planet is inspired to be dark until the sky is dark.

Looking up, there was a boundless foot that fell.

Cover the sky, and suddenly trample the entire planet.

"What is it?"

"Oh my God..."


One exclamation after another, countless creatures did not even have the courage to resist, and fell to the ground in an instant. _

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Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1460

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