
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1461

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1461

And for this, the deepest feeling is the enlightenment divine tree, and the fire unicorn.

Only because this foot actually shattered the heavens and the earth and fell in their direction.


In an instant, the sky shook.

As if it could not withstand this kick.

Large expanses of the sky are constantly shattering.

Along with this, the innate array that guarded the Divine Tree of Enlightenment was all shattered.

And at the moment when the great array shattered.


There was another roar, but a pillar of light exuding infinite divine light rose up into the sky.

And that, it was the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, and the moment of spiritual charm in these decades bloomed.

The treasure light is sky-shattering, earth-shattering.

Even far away, the powerhouses of one planet after another are aware of it.

"This is?"

Suddenly exclaimed, far away, the sixth-order giant of a small clan immediately opened his eyes and looked at a corner of the starry sky.

"This breath... Isn't there a shocking treasure born. "

A murmur, an old man couldn't help but be shocked.


However, compared to these strong people who were late to discover, Yu Ziyu's figure also came to this thousand-zhang-tall giant tree.

Eyes level, treasure light soars into the sky.

Infinite color, mottled on the body, but also has countless rhymes.

And not far from this divine tree, there were one spirit beast after another, like a great enemy, staring at Yu Ziyu deadly.

Just, alas... This spirit beast could not even withstand the coercion of Yu Ziyu's partial leakage, and all of them were crawling on the ground.

Only the eyes that were wide and mixed with horror seemed to be saying something?

Of course, having a spirit beast is different.

Forced to endure the trembling of his body, this spirit beast bathed in gilded flames also slowly supported his body.

It's just that I don't know if the coercion he endured is too terrifying, and his body actually emits an overwhelmed 'click' sound.

What was even more shocking was that wisps of blood actually overflowed from the surface of her body.

Then it turned into an even more terrifying flame that enveloped her.


Extremely roaring, full of unwillingness, this fire unicorn also stared at this sudden figure with wide eyes.

What exactly is this?

The majesty alone is so terrifying.

It's horrifying.

He is a sixth-order giant, and his body can't even move.

You know, he is a Qilin clan, a famous strong clan.

The body is powerful, comparable to that of a dragon.

And he himself is no less than the upper dragon family among the dragon clan.

And in this way, he actually tried his best to resist coercion.

How can it be?

In this starry sky, how could such a strong person emerge?

Unbelievable, the fire qilin raised his head just to really see this figure.

And the reason for this...

It is also because, until now, he has not seen this figure clearly.

Only feel the endless light, devouring itself.

And in the depths of that light, only a humanoid silhouette loomed.

"The Divine Tree of Enlightenment... First meeting. "

The sudden chuckle echoed in the sky, but it was a violent shock to the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

"It's you, it's really you..."

Full of horror, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment had already recognized Yu Ziyu's voice.

Obviously, the psychological shadow left by Yu Ziyu on her is too big.

However, too.

Separated by infinite distance, it was able to forcibly seize her origin.

And now, it's across the starry sky... Isn't she a fish to be slaughtered?

Change to other strong people, forget it.

After all, a precious Divine Tree of Enlightenment like her was too late for other powerhouses to take care of.

But this one, different.

This is a terrifying existence capable of seizing her origin.

A real nightmare.


For the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, Yu Ziyu is a great demon king-like existence.


"It seems that you are very afraid of me..."

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, setting off a touch of playfulness, Yu Ziyu also knew that before, she left some bad memories.

Forget it, though.

Time erases all memories and even scars.

Wait until she arrives at the demon court, and then slowly explain it to her.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said:

"Let's go, I'll invite you to a place."

Saying that, Yu Ziyu had already raised one hand and grabbed towards the Enlightenment Divine Tree.

District, the fifth order, is naturally difficult to resist Yu Ziyu.

However, the next moment, what surprised Yu Ziyu a little was that the figure that looked like a unicorn was actually a roar again.


In the roar, the body seemed to ignite, with a brilliant bloom.

"You stop me...

Almost fiercely roaring, this figure like a unicorn had stopped in front of Yu Ziyu.

"It seems that it is really a unicorn, and it is also a royal family among the unicorn clan, the fire unicorn."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu glanced at the fire qilin.

Not bad.

At the beginning of the sixth order, he was actually able to resist his coercion.

This willpower is commendable.

However, alas.

Only in the early stage of the sixth order, he was too weak, weak...


With a gentle blow, his entire figure flew out upside down.

And this is really blowing?

Looking at the storm that swept everything and swept away the earth and even the mountains, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment was stunned.

Accompanied by an indescribable coldness, it enveloped her.

What exactly is this?

The brain was blank, and the Divine Tree of Enlightenment was truly desperate.

With just one breath, he swept away the sixth-order fire unicorn and even a piece of heaven and earth.




And at this time, without caring about the change in the expression of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, Yu Ziyu also said softly:

"Okay, let's go."

Saying that, Yu Ziyu also comforted:

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you... I'm just asking you to protect one party's luck. "

When the words fell, Yu Ziyu did not wait for the Dao Divine Tree to respond, and when he raised his palm, he burst out with infinite suction.

The entire Divine Tree of Enlightenment was ingested into the small world of life.

The small world of life, the vitality is the most rich,

It is enough to contain the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

And Yu Ziyu also intends to let the Divine Tree of Enlightenment take root in the small world of life.

Just because... Rooted in the small world of life, Yu Ziyu is the most relieved. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1461

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