
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1463

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1463

Moreover, there are still two major heaven and earth divine trees.

The most famous sacred tree in the starry sky...

However, at this moment, it seemed to have sensed the shock of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, and a figure from a distance was already laughing:

"Lord Goku Divine Tree, don't be shocked... What you see now is just a tip. "

Saying that, a figure not far away was already approaching.

A long turquoise hair, pouring down,

A pair of pointy ears, standing tall.

Noble, yet extraordinary.

It has an indescribable temperament.

Fered Trika, who has the blood of the Elf Queen, Yu Ziyu's maid, is now in the late sixth order...

And now, stepping on the lotus step, Frederica also walked towards the Enlightenment God Tree, and then waved his right hand,


Just listening to a roar, a hundred-meter-high whirlpool of mist was slowly opening.

"Boom, boom..."

The whirlpool rotates, and the vast power is also constantly surging.

And at the next moment, the sound of the vastness like the waves of the sea also gushed out from the depths of this whirlpool.

"Meet Lord Gokudo."

"Meet Lord Goku Shenshu..."


In the chorus of calling, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment had already seen that behind that one whirlpool of mist, there were countless spirit trees, which were rooted here like an army.

And in front of those countless spirit trees, there were several figures, shocking the earth.

One presents black and white colors, the breath is devilish, like a god like a demon... But it is a famous tree of good and evil in the angelic family.

Good and evil are all in one thought, but it is a tree that confuses the mind.

A hazy gray, but also with the air flow of life and death, standing quietly, like a reincarnation...

The underworld, the tree of life and death rooted in the depths of the underworld...

It can carry the life and death of others, and can also reincarnate others... Extremely weird and even terrifying.


And among them, there is also a bloody dress, extremely enchanting, which makes people can't help but feel a sense of amazement.

This is the daughter of Thorns, the lord of the tree realm.

And next to her, there is a sixth-order spirit tree that she personally cultivated, the Dragon Blood Demon Tree...

Like a blood dragon rolling up, in the hideousness, there is a touch of defiance rising.


One tree, another sacred tree, took root here.

And this, not to mention, those nine plants, the sky on the head, the feet on the ground: . The Amazing Tree - the Second Generation Tsutenkamu...

"What exactly is this?"

In the disbelieving voice, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment was stunned.

Where did she go?

Why are there so many divine trees, converging.

Moreover, I don't know if it's an illusion... I can feel that there is a divine tree in this piece of heaven and earth...

It was more terrifying than any divine tree she knew.

As if beyond everything, as if everything...

And that, impressively...


Just listening to an earth-shattering roar, heaven and earth shook.

Looking for prestige, a divine tree actually rose from the ground.

His branches were like divine chains, and they actually poured into the space.

His roots, like real dragons, roared up to the sky and shook the heavens and the earth.

And he, all around, is entrenched in a nebula...


With a sudden roar, the body of the tree was slowly opened.

And that, it was the blood-colored sky eye.

"This is?"

With wide eyes, the face of the Dao Divine Tree also changed greatly.

"Introduce again... I am the Demon Court Demon Emperor, and I am also the Divine Tree Dao..."

In the midst of the chuckling, a humanoid phantom also walked out from Yu Ziyu's body.

But it is Yu Ziyu's divine thoughts gathered in the Dharma phase.

And now...

Staring quietly, with an incredible look on his face, Yu Ziyu also continued to add:

"I said, I won't hurt you... Because we are all divine trees, how can we hurt each other? "

Listening quietly, the face of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment also changed again and again.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, like a child, the enlightened divine tree also gambled on the air:

"But before... Actually..."

Saying that, a voice with extreme grievances also echoed in the heavens and the earth.


Dumbly, Yu Ziyu did not expect that the Divine Tree of Enlightenment would cry like a child.

Forget it, though.

The current Enlightenment Divine Tree is originally a child, and moreover, it seems to be a little girl.

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"It's my fault, I don't know, under the stars, there is your birth."

Saying that, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"I originally wanted to trace the roots back to the source with great magical powers and reproduce the Divine Tree of Enlightenment... However, after noticing your existence, I also stopped as soon as possible... Compared to recreating the Enlightened Divine Tree, your existence... It's even more important to us..."


Slightly stunned, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment was also a little stunned.

"Yes, we...

The big hand slowly opened, but he saw countless treasures rising up behind Yu Ziyu.

That is, thousands of sacred trees... In kowtowing.

It is countless spirit trees, creeping...

And he, Yu Ziyu, in addition to being the Lord of the Demon Court, the King of the Void... There is also a strange identity - the ancestor of the tree.

The ancestor of ten thousand trees, carrying the spirit of ten thousand trees, honoring the divine wood...

Even if it is a divine tree of good and evil, a tree of life and death... It was at this moment, bowing and saying:

"I'm waiting to meet Shuzu..."

"I'm waiting to meet Shuzu..."

The call in unison shook the heavens and the earth, but it was also a real shock to the enlightenment divine tree.

Just because, at this moment, the same heaven and earth divine tree and the peach divine tree all rose up wisps of immortal qi, intertwining a hazy, and bowed in Changtian.

It seems to be worshiping, and it seems to be greeting...

Ichiki approves, no.

Shiki admits that it is also not okay...

But when thousands of spirit trees are recognized, there are countless divine trees, and even heaven and earth divine trees recognize... Then Yu Ziyu is the true ancestor of ten thousand trees.

Born in heaven and earth, carrying the will of a family.

Like the God of the Angelic Race.

And like the creation god king of the god race...

It is not the creation of an entire race, but it is the hope of one race. It was the beginning of the ultimate glory.

And now... Countless gods are waiting, waiting, the rise of the ancestors, bringing their spirit tree, which is the divine tree, to the very top... _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1463

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