
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1465

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1465

"What's wrong?"

A little stunned, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"Didn't I just become the second king of the Shuren clan, and I also inherited luck... Therefore, I used the Origin to condense a Dao Fruit for each of the strong people of the Tree Race, in return..."

Speaking of this, Wudao Shenmu was also aggrieved:

"But when it helped you condense, something went wrong... Your most fundamental law I can't peek into, and then, feel it... You are the way of thunder and the way of flame, and the way of extreme ice, the way of life... There is everything..."

Listening quietly, the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth couldn't help but twitch fiercely.

This is really embarrassing for this guy.


He deals with a lot of laws.

Needless to say, the time and space of the Supreme Law are too deep and too mysterious, making it difficult for the Divine Wood of Enlightenment to analyze.

Yu Ziyu alone involves so many laws, which are far beyond the imagination of others.

This is not to say that Yu Ziyu has so much kung fu cultivation.

It was because he could steal other people's cultivation perceptions.

Anyone who eats the fruit of the elements he concluded, he can steal.

Moreover, he himself has many innate talents...

In this coming and going, he naturally involved a lot of laws.

And here, he has not yet considered the fundamental power of ten thousand races that he used the miracle tree to conclude the fruit of ten thousand races, thereby stealing it.

Like the tree man family, there is an existence that eats the blood demon fruit and becomes the blood demon tree man, which occasionally makes Yu Ziyu understand the power of the blood demon clan....

And the crystal family...


And this is also another fundamental method of Yu Ziyu's cultivation - Dao Heart Seed Demon.

This heart seed demon is Yu Ziyu quoting scriptures and giving himself another fundamental way to obtain a name... It is different from the Taoist Dao Heart Seed Demon.

The Taoist Dao Heart Seed Demon is from the Dao into the devil, and the Dao Heart Seed is planted in the Dao Heart, which is extremely strange.

And Yu Ziyu's is... Constantly condense the fruits of the elements, the fruits of ten thousand races, and then give these fruits to the talented Tianjiao.

With their power, cultivate various laws.

Then steal these Tianjiao's law perceptions to achieve themselves.

Now, the Little Ten Thunder Dragon's Way of Thunder has been completed, which has achieved Yu Ziyu's Way of Thunder, and has pushed the laws of his Thunder Small World to perfection.

In this way, Yu Ziyu has also been keen on this kind of cultivation method recently, and has deliberately cultivated several times.

Although his strength did not increase, it made Yu Ziyu dabble in more laws.

It was like the fundamental power of the Blood Demon Clan.

It's like a flame, a polar ice... Yu Ziyu is all involved.



In the sudden dry cough, Yu Ziyu also looked at the chaotic-like shadow condensed under the canopy of the Dao God Tree, and said bluntly:

"Don't condense the Dao fruit for me... My cultivation is too complicated, if you forcibly condense, I am afraid that it will cost you most of the way. "

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu paused, and added:

"Moreover, there are several possibilities, cohesion failure..."


After a period of silence, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment also asked the doubts in his heart again:

"How many laws have you cultivated?"

"The law..."

In the ghostly response, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand, pulling out a piece of time and space, allowing him to be alone with the Enlightenment Divine Tree.

Then... Only then did he respond with recognition:

"My fundamental law, the law of time and space, is the supreme law..."

"And I also cultivated the Law of Thunder, the Law of Life, the Law of Extreme Ice, and the Law of Void..."

"By the way, the blood sea law of the blood demon clan, the holy law of the angel clan, I am also trying..."


Speaking one after another, Yu Ziyu did not notice the changing face of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

In a trance, he saw some incredible monster, and the Dao Divine Tree looked at Yu Ziyu's gaze, all of them were more indescribably shocked...

"You... True... Target... Be... Tree.... Huh? "

In a word, the Divine Tree of Enlightenment doubted her tree life.

"And... Space-time law... That is also able to cultivate successfully? That's not the legendary law, can anyone really cultivate successfully? "


Without responding, Yu Ziyu felt the need to leave some time for Wudao Shenmu to digest.

As for why he told Wudao Shenmu that he had cultivated the laws of time and space.

Naturally, he saw that the enlightened Dao Divine Wood took the initiative to condense the Dao Fruit for him.

Although this condensation Dao fruit is the innate ability of the Dao Divine Tree, it is not an ordinary consumption for her.

Therefore, it is better to tell the truth, lest she waste the origin in vain.

Because, theoretically, the Dao Divine Tree of Enlightenment has exhausted all its origins, and it is difficult to condense the Dao fruit that carries 'time and space' that he needs...

"Here you are, digest it well."

Dropping such a sentence, Yu Ziyu also raised his footsteps and walked out of this piece of time and space.

Then, what appeared in Yu Ziyu's eyes was countless spirit trees, which were divine trees: Waiting for him quietly.

Thereinto... And also...

Her eyes condensed slightly, and Yu Ziyu's gaze also fell on the peach orchard that was like a fairyland in the small world of life.

"Peach Shenmu, you are willing to become the third king of the Tree People clan."

"Concubine, if you are willing..."

In response, a graceful figure was woven in the haze above the peach orchard... Bend slowly.

The Peach Divine Wood has been under the control of the Queen Mother of the West of the Heavenly Court for generations.

The Dharma that she practiced is also a woman.

And if Yu Ziyu had seen the former mighty Queen Mother of the West, he would have been surprised to find that this extremely graceful phantom was actually four or five points similar to the original Queen Mother of the West.

It doesn't matter, though...

The important thing is that today's tree people have ushered in the third king:

And next...

The corners of his mouth turned up, and Yu Ziyu also called to the sky:



In response, the bright moon hung high in the nine days.

Vaguely, there was a silhouette, flying from above the bright moon of the nine days.

Laurel doppelgänger ... In nine, honored as the moon god'.

It is the immortal laurel, in order to complete the Nine Realms Heavenly Dao, consume most of its own strength, and turn into a moon god in the Nine Realms... A god-like existence, mastering the moon is cloudy and round, and the sun and moon rotate.

And she is also connected with the laurel divine tree that is in the heavenly realm and integrated with the celestial realm.

Simply put, the two are one.

Just one Lord Nine Realms, one Lord Heavenly Realm.

And now...

"From today onwards, you are a Tree Race, the Fourth King..."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1465

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