
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1468

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1468

The relationship between the spirit tree and the guardian spirit beast, the relationship does not seem to be as simple as it seems.

To some extent, the spirit tree and the guardian spirit beast are even connected by luck.

Yes, luck is connected.

Xuan and Xuan, but it is a real existence.

Just like some spirit beasts, they need to use spirit trees to transform and advance.

And some spirit trees need to be guarded by spirit beasts in order to blossom and bear fruit.

The relationship between the two is extremely close.

For this relationship, Yu Ziyu is now deliberately strengthening.

Only, it's different.

In the past, the relationship between spirit trees and spirit beasts was dominated by spirit beasts.

When necessary, the spirit beast can even abandon the spirit tree and save itself.

However, now, Yu Ziyu wants to reconcile the relationship between the two.

Mainly spirit trees, supplemented by spirit beasts.

When necessary, even if the spirit beast spares its life, it must save the spirit tree.

And this is the first very good rule for the tree people.

Just like today's Fire Qilin, in order to protect the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, he doesn't even care about his own life.

Of course, this is also because the Divine Tree of Enlightenment is too noble, and moreover, it is also kind to the Fire Qilin.

This is the interdependence of life and death.

But what about the rest?

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu opened his mouth to the Immortal Laurel and the Peach Divine Tree:

"As the king of the Tree Clan, you should have guardian spirit beasts... If so, find one each? "


Suddenly puzzled, Immortal Laurel was also a little stunned.

"Er and other bodies, as a tree, are ultimately a little inconvenient, if Er and others are rooted in heaven and earth like me, without the support of spiritual soil, rooted in heaven and earth, void and even time and space, it's okay."

"However, now, except for me, Er and others need the support of the spirit soil, at this time, if they are accompanied by spirit beasts, they can not only relieve the suffering of loneliness such as Er, but also deal with some things for Er and others."


Listening quietly, Immortal Laurel was also slightly startled.

As if it really is.

Among them, she is especially the most.

After all, now she is rooted in the Celestial Realm and is integrated with the Taiyin Land.

One wins, one loses.

The body can be described as immobile.

In this way, it would be nice to have a spirit beast that guarded her.

No, not for guardianship.

Just to accompany her one or two.

And... More importantly, the true guardian spirit beast is not only to accompany or even protect.

You can even practice together.

Just like Yu Ziyu... His guardian should be the existence that has eaten the fruit of his elements and even the fruit of ten thousand races.

These exist because of His fruits.

But while they become stronger, they will also make up for Yu Ziyu.

And this is the real symbiosis pass.

Grow together and be interdependent.

As for the Nine Tails, Golden Monkey and others, they are more like followers.



Exhaling deeply, Immortal Laurel also understood.

"It seems that I need to find a spirit beast that cultivates the power of Taiyin."

In the chuckling, the immortal laurel is a little clear.

She is an immortal laurel, and she has a name 'Tree of Innate Taiyin', and the fundamental way is Taiyin.

Therefore, finding a spirit beast that cultivates the power of Taiyin is an excellent choice.

She can not only assist this spirit beast in cultivation, but also use this spirit beast to observe the way of taiyin, learn from each other's strengths, and make up for her own shortcomings.

"The host..."

In the sudden call, Immortal Laurel pulled her gaze to Yu Ziyu.

"What's wrong?"

Asking, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious.

"That's right, you also know that I am rooted in the Celestial Realm, which is inconvenient... So, can I ask you to find a guardian spirit beast for me?" "

Saying this, Immortal Laurel also showed a weird smile on her face, and added:

"I'm not very demanding... I just hope that this spirit beast is cute and good-looking..."

"Then, it is the power of Taiyin that is cultivated."

"It's better to be more talented... At least it can't be worse than the Fire Qilin of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment..."


One after another, it made Yu Ziyu's eyelids twitch unstoppably.

Are you sure you're not asking for that much?

It's also a great talent, and it's also a great seller.

You also have to cultivate the power of Taiyin...


The rare scalp is numb, and Yu Ziyu also has some headaches.

This makes him look for where to look.

However, seeing the expectation on Immortal Laurel's face, Yu Ziyu had no way to refuse.

Change to someone else, forget it.

But this is the immortal laurel.

During his absence, guard the entire demon court for him.

He gave up his freedom and merged with the heavenly realm.

You know, with the root of the immortal laurel, the selectivity is very large.

You can choose a more good place of taiyin and practice.

However, for the sake of the demon court, she chose to merge with the very ordinary place of Taiyin, the heavenly realm.

If this is careless, it is equivalent to cutting off one's own practice.

It can be seen from this that her dedication to the demon court.

"Okay... I'll find you. "

In response, Yu Ziyu also smiled at the corner of his mouth.


Suddenly exclaimed, Immortal Laurel was also a little surprised.

Then, as if thinking of something, Immortal Laurel also hurriedly said:

"Master, don't force it, if I can't find it, I can also retreat..."

"Peace of mind."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu showed a very confident smile on his face.

"In today's starry sky, there is nothing I can't do."

When the words fell, there was a loud bang, and an earth-shattering aura also rolled up.

That's Yu Ziyu's eyes,

It's his self-confidence.

There is nothing he can't do.

If even he can't do it,

Then under the starry sky, no one can do it.

And this is his self-confidence:

And now, Immortal Laurel rarely asked for her, and Yu Ziyu naturally responded.

And... Yu Ziyu also had a good idea.

Thoughts and this... Yu Zi also glanced at the Immortal Laurel and said:

"Your Luna doppelganger stays here to take good care of the Enlightenment God Tree and the Peach God Tree.. I'll go out. "

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also raised his footsteps and walked towards the outside of the Nine Realms.


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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1468

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